Any good programming challenge using the c language.

In summary: Java.In summary, he is looking for challenges in learning the c language and finds some resources on the internet. He also suggests studying problem solving techniques and looking into systems programming languages.
  • #1
I am currently in my second quarter learning the c language. The class is not hard at all, but i want some challenge problems. Are there any goods links?
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  • #2
How about writing some extended (or infinite) precision numerical routines so you can calculate things like 10,000! etc.?
  • #3
Tide said:
How about writing some extended (or infinite) precision numerical routines so you can calculate things like 10,000! etc.?

What do you mean by "precision numerical routines"? You have to be more specific.
  • #4
He means represent your number as a string of characters and then write some routines to compute with the numbers. C's built in numerical types have a limited range, but if you write your own "big number" routines, the range is potentially infinite (given enough memory, of course).
  • #5
There are loads of problems you can find here:
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  • #6
How about figuring out how to write an algorithm for an NP problem that completes in O(log n)


just kidding.
  • #7
Searching a sorted list is an NP problem that has a solution that runs in O(log n) time. (Assuming a random access lookup counts as one unit of work)

(Yes, I know you meant NP-complete. :-p)
  • #8
dduardo said:
There are loads of problems you can find here:

Very nice link. thanks.
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  • #9
Hurkyl said:
Searching a sorted list is an NP problem that has a solution that runs in O(log n) time. (Assuming a random access lookup counts as one unit of work)
(Yes, I know you meant NP-complete. :-p)

Yes :-) I thought about it after but was to lazy to change it.
  • #10
Solving puzzles where you have to arrange things is a good one. Normally recursion (where a function calls itself) is a good way to tackle these.

A pentomino solver is interesting. You'll find lots of these on the web, but to make it interesting, just read up on the problem and then write your own code.
  • #11
build a 3D engine.
  • #12
Some of my favorites:

1. A neural network which displays a small window allowing you to use the mouse to "draw" a number and then have the network interpret it.

2. A multi-tasking operating system scheduler (just a simulator). The quintessential reference: "A Scheduling Philosophy for Multi-processing Systems", ACM Journal, 60's or so.

3. A Drag-and-drop application which displays a drawing of a dorm, and allows you to drag-and-drop students into the rooms (all database operations updated concurrently).

4. A general-purpose plotting library: Supply a function and it plots a nice report on the screen. Try doing this in 3-D as well. Add features such as point-and-click operations on the graph (enlarging, reducing, etc.).
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  • #13
Get into systems side with C, C++

FAQ: Any good programming challenge using the c language.

1. What is the C language and why is it important in programming challenges?

The C language is a high-level, general-purpose programming language that was developed in the early 1970s. It is widely used in programming challenges because it is fast, efficient, and has a relatively simple syntax. C is also the foundation for many other programming languages, making it a valuable skill for programmers to have.

2. How can I improve my skills in the C language for programming challenges?

One of the best ways to improve your skills in the C language is to practice regularly and work on challenging programming problems. There are also many online resources, tutorials, and courses available that can help you learn and master the language.

3. Are there any specific tips or tricks for solving programming challenges using the C language?

Some tips for solving programming challenges in C include understanding the fundamentals of the language, using efficient algorithms and data structures, and debugging your code thoroughly. It is also helpful to break down the problem into smaller, manageable parts and to continuously test and optimize your code.

4. Can I use libraries or frameworks in my C language programming challenges?

Yes, you can use libraries or frameworks in your C language programming challenges. However, it is important to make sure that the challenge allows for the use of external libraries and that you have a good understanding of how the library works.

5. How do I know if I am ready to tackle a programming challenge using the C language?

If you have a solid understanding of the C language and have completed several practice problems, you are likely ready to tackle a programming challenge using C. It is also helpful to start with simpler challenges and gradually work your way up to more complex ones.
