PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rubber Eraser (4/14-4/20)

In summary, the Rubber Eraser Day is on April 15th in the US. Members are allowed to submit one picture of a rubber eraser. The photo must be submitted by the member and cannot be changed after it is submitted.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Rubber Eraser

This is silly enough, and trivial enough, that I just HAD to include it in our contest. April 15 is, get this," here in the US! Honest! You can't make these things up!

So, to mark this joyous occasion (and yes, I'm trying to type that without giggling), our theme this week is on the often-overlooked rubber eraser! Your picture must have, as its main subject, one or more rubber erasers.Contest Rules:

1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be accepted within the contest period. In case there's a gray area, or you're not sure if the picture is suitable, check with me first.

2. Please resize your digital photo to no more than 650 x 490 or 490 x 650 pixels. You may also crop your picture if you wish. But other than that, any form of picture editing or modification is not allowed. This is a photo contest, not a picture editing/special effect contest. You may add a watermark or your name/nickname to the photo for identification purposes.

3. Upload your photos to any of the photo servers such as imageshack. Then post it the relevant contest thread and link your picture using the img command. PM me if you do not know how.

4. Only ONE picture per member per contest. Once a picture is posted, it cannot be changed other than a total withdrawl by that member from that week's photo contest. Exceptions will be made for modification to comply with the rules, such as resizing.

5. At the end of the contest period, I will open a poll and every PF member can vote for the picture they like best.

6. Note that in case we have a large number of entries, I will do the polling in more than one thread. If that's the case, you can vote in each of the polling threads. The photos will be assigned in the polling threads in the order they were submitted.

7. These pictures must be something that you took, not something taken off someone else's photo albums or taken by someone else. I have no way of checking if you did this, so we'll go by the honor system.

8. You can use a picture only once. Once it is used in a contest, it cannot be reused in another contest.

9. Please post only pictures meant for submission in this thread.

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  • #2
Dang! I knew I should have bought that crab-shaped eraser when I went to Baltimore with Zenmaster! Well, I KNOW I don't have any photos lying around for this contest, so I guess this one will really inspire people to be creative and take some new ones. I'm just dying to see what people come up with for this one.

:smile: Rubber eraser day?! :smile: It's official, there really IS a day for everything! :smile:
  • #3
On my calendar, it says that April 25th is "Administrative Professionals Day". Are administrative professionals losing their one day of glory to a lowly office-supply commodity? Oh, the humanity!:smile: :devil:
  • #4
turbo-1 said:
On my calendar, it says that April 25th is "Administrative Professionals Day". Are administrative professionals losing their one day of glory to a lowly office-supply commodity? Oh, the humanity!:smile: :devil:

Er.. I did a typo. It really is on April 15, not 25 (I've corrected it in the OP). So the Administrative Prof. Day is has not be supplanted by an office supply.


  • #5
ZapperZ said:
Er.. I did a typo. It really is on April 15, not 25 (I've corrected it in the OP). So the Administrative Prof. Day is has not be supplanted by an office supply.



Aw, would have been funnier if it was. That would learn them to get all uppity and give fancy titles to secretaries (since it used to be secretary's day until the "administrative assistants" got all upset when people gave them flowers for "secretary's day" and complained they weren't secretaries. :rolleyes:).
  • #6
Wow! Going into the 3rd day of this contest, and not a single photo of rubber eraser!

This could be interesting...

  • #7
I can't get the lighting right...
  • #8
cheater! oh wait, that's an actualy eraser :smile:
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  • #9
was bored doing my calc homework. so i thought i'd take a picture of it instead :-p
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  • #10
Chi Meson said:
I'm first!

I win!


I have changed my photo.

You may want to double check which of the links you were using. If it isn't displayed here, I may not be able to use it in the poll.

Also, take note of our rule:

Photo Contest Rules said:
4. Only ONE picture per member per contest. Once a picture is posted, it cannot be changed other than a total withdrawl by that member from that week's photo contest. Exceptions will be made for modification to comply with the rules, such as resizing.

We'll let it go this time, but this is last time.

  • #11
ZapperZ said:
You may want to double check which of the links you were using. If it isn't displayed here, I may not be able to use it in the poll.

Also, take note of our rule:

We'll let it go this time, but this is last time.


Sorry about that. But the second was such a better picture. I took the first one becuase I was feeling sorry for the contest:frown: It will be posted in the "disqualified" thread, so you can see for yourself.

By the way, my picture only shows as a link on my screen, but Scorpa's copy of my post shows the picture. What the heck?
  • #12
Chi Meson said:
By the way, my picture only shows as a link on my screen, but Scorpa's copy of my post shows the picture. What the heck?

I've edited your post and re-entered the img tags. It seems to work for me.

  • #13

Well, I got a new digital camera! I'm just getting used to it, and hence the dark picture.
  • #14
Just a reminder that you have LESS than 2 days left to enter a photo for this contest. Don't erase it out of your memory. I'm sure you can come up with some creative ways to take a picture of the often-neglected rubber eraser!


  • #15
As Moonbear mentioned, you can resize and crop your image, but nothing else.

roger that. so, I'm deleting the post - I did not save the original file, and unfortunately it is not possible to change the matrix in my camera in the nearest future in order to overcome those noises... :) forget it!
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  • #16
Alrighty, I'll toss my eraser in the ring.

(Aereal, you can crop or resize the image in photoshop, but you can't use noise reduction.)
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  • #17
aereal said:
spoiler: i used noise reduction and image size in photoshop. Please let me know if it is ok.


As Moonbear mentioned, you can resize and crop your image, but nothing else.

  • #19
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  • #20

My camera was running low on batteries, sorry for the not so sharp detail- Got Eraser?
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  • #21
Here's a quick entry, in before the deadline.
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FAQ: PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rubber Eraser (4/14-4/20)

1. What is the deadline for submitting entries to the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rubber Eraser?

The deadline for submitting entries to the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rubber Eraser is April 20th at 11:59 PM EST.

2. How many entries can I submit to the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rubber Eraser?

You can submit up to three entries per person for the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rubber Eraser.

3. Are there any specific guidelines for the photos submitted to the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rubber Eraser?

Yes, all photos must feature a rubber eraser as the main subject and should be in high resolution with a minimum of 300 dpi.

4. Who can participate in the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rubber Eraser?

The PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rubber Eraser is open to all individuals, regardless of age, gender, or nationality.

5. How will the winner of the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rubber Eraser be chosen?

The winner of the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rubber Eraser will be chosen by a panel of judges based on creativity, technical proficiency, and adherence to the contest guidelines.

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