Capacitors charge and voltage relationship

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between voltage, charge, and capacitance in a capacitor. It is stated that when the voltage across the plates of a capacitor is increased, the charge does not change but the capacitance decreases. The equation CV=Q is mentioned, and it is noted that capacitance is determined by the area of the plates, their separation, and the material between the plates. It is also mentioned that capacitance can change with changes in distance and area, but usually these factors are assumed to remain constant. There are more complicated capacitors with voltage-dependent or frequency-dependent capacitance, but it is generally assumed that the capacitance does not change when these factors change.
  • #1

Homework Statement

When the voltage across the two plates of a capacitor is increased then:

*a. the charge will increase

b. the charge will decrease

c. the capacitance will increase

d. the capacitance will decrease

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I answered that the capacitance will decrease instead of the charge increasing because if the voltage is not constant ie not connected to a voltage source, the charge doesn't change but the capacitance does.
Physics news on
  • #2
what other rules do you know about capacitance? For example, do you know the equation for the capacitance between two parallel plates?
  • #3
The capacitance is determined by the area of the plates, their separation and the material between the plates.
The capacitance is not determined by the voltage or the chatge.
So what 2 quantities do depend on each other ?
  • #4
but can't the capacitance change with changes in charge and voltage? because I was told that when the voltage is constant charge and capacitance change and otherwise the voltage and capacitance change
  • #5
or is it like if capacitance changes then the other one changes, but they can both change without capacitance having to change
  • #6
As technician said, the capacitance of the capacitor is purely geometric, i.e. how it was made. So if you used a different capacitor, then the capacitance would change.
  • #7
ok, so changes in like distance of plates area etc. will change capacitance and X other characteristic but never the other way around
  • #8
What do you mean by 'X other characteristics'? But I think the answer is yes. We usually assume that the distance of plates and area etc of the capacitor are not changed.
  • #9
X as in charge or voltage
  • #10
Yes, that's right.
  • #11
If you look on wikipedia, there are more complicated capacitors whose capacitance is voltage-dependent or frequency-dependent. But I think it is usually assumed that the capacitance doesn't change when these things change.

FAQ: Capacitors charge and voltage relationship

1. What is the relationship between capacitance and charge in a capacitor?

The relationship between capacitance and charge in a capacitor is linear. This means that as the capacitance increases, the amount of charge that can be stored in the capacitor also increases. Similarly, as the capacitance decreases, the amount of charge that can be stored decreases.

2. How is voltage related to the charge on a capacitor?

Voltage is directly proportional to the charge on a capacitor. This means that as the charge on the capacitor increases, the voltage across the capacitor also increases. Conversely, as the charge decreases, the voltage across the capacitor also decreases.

3. What is the equation for calculating the voltage on a capacitor?

The equation for calculating the voltage on a capacitor is V = Q/C, where V is the voltage, Q is the charge, and C is the capacitance. This equation shows that voltage is directly proportional to charge and inversely proportional to capacitance.

4. How does the size of a capacitor affect the voltage?

The size of a capacitor affects the voltage by influencing the capacitance. A larger capacitor will have a higher capacitance, which means it can store more charge. This results in a higher voltage across the capacitor. Similarly, a smaller capacitor will have a lower capacitance and therefore a lower voltage.

5. What happens to the voltage on a capacitor when it is connected to a power source?

When a capacitor is connected to a power source, its voltage initially increases as it charges up. Once the capacitor is fully charged, the voltage across it will be equal to the voltage of the power source. If the power source is then disconnected, the capacitor will discharge and its voltage will decrease over time.
