From one of PF's younger members

  • Thread starter z-component
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In summary, Warren was accepted to Penn State while orthorgonal component was accepted to The Pennsylvania State University - Main Campus for Aeronautical Engineering.
  • #1
I'm 17, time to start my higher-level education and I'd like to share my great news to the rest of the community. I was accepted to The Pennsylvania State University - Main Campus for Aeronautical Engineering! :-p

That is my #1 choice and I'm so ecstatic!
Physics news on
  • #2
Congratulations, orthorgonal component of x and y! I always knew you'd get into Penn. St.

Too bad you're not doing physics. :(

  • #3
Congrats! Enjoy your time there! Get those study habits under control ASAP so you can enjoy more beer with your friends!

- Warren
  • #4
  • #5
Thank you very much everyone! Zz: You have no clue how close I've come to declaring Physics. I just don't think the research/teaching path is right for me since I'm more into applied physics. Don't hate me! Warren: Who knows, I don't drink at all now but PSU could always change that. :)
  • #6
Congrats! I never knew you wanted to go to Penn State.:wink:
  • #7
  • #8
Way to go,



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  • #9
Great job, kid! It's a fine institution. Have fun.
  • #10
As a member of the state whose tax dollars help support the school, I hope you enjoy it there lol! BTW Its a great school good luck there.
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  • #11
yep, I am happy for you :approve:
  • #12

  • #13
Congrats! College should be the best 4 years of your life. Make sure you savor it!
  • #14
z-component said:
I'm 17, time to start my higher-level education and I'd like to share my great news to the rest of the community. I was accepted to The Pennsylvania State University - Main Campus for Aeronautical Engineering! :-p
That is my #1 choice and I'm so ecstatic!

Congrats! That's the same major I'm going into next year! (I'm 17 as well, difference is I'm applying mostly to Can. Universities).

Good luck!
  • #15

It is usual for offers of admission to arrive during this time of the year in the US? I'm awaiting offers as well, and in Canada, they usually don't arrive until March or April (there are exceptions with smaller universities, but all the ones that I've applied to don't send them out until April). In addition to being accepted, I congratulate you for being spared the torturous wait I'm going through right now. It's hell.
  • #16
Does Penn State have rolling admissions?

Congrats by the way, I'll be going through this next year :)
  • #17
Great news. Congrats! :smile:
  • #18
Congrats dude! :smile:
  • #19
Congrats [tex]\hat{z}[/tex] !

And look out for Spacetiger and LeBrad !
  • #20

Good luck!
  • #21
Congrats indeed, i hardly know anyone here, but still!

am 17 too, but I will have to wait till 2007/2008 for advanced.
  • #22
Sisyphus said:

It is usual for offers of admission to arrive during this time of the year in the US? I'm awaiting offers as well, and in Canada, they usually don't arrive until March or April (there are exceptions with smaller universities, but all the ones that I've applied to don't send them out until April). In addition to being accepted, I congratulate you for being spared the torturous wait I'm going through right now. It's hell.
Yes, admissions decisions start coming in this time of year in the US, at least for the top students who got their applications in early. They'll trickle in over the next few months. Penn probably has rolling admissions, which means they start evaluating the applications and admit their top picks, and start making decisions on the rest on a first-come-first-serve basis...if you get your applications in late, you risk missing out on a slot at those schools. They'll always hold a few open until the end for the outstanding late applicant, but most of those students are already well-advised to get their applications in as early as possible.

I actually learned that the long winter break at most universities isn't to just give the students a nice vacation, but to give the administrative offices time to focus on reviewing admissions applications without having to deal with the constant stream of students with problems coming to the offices too.

Oh, yeah, oops...almost forgot :redface: Congrats z-component! Penn State is a great choice!
  • #23
i don't know what this is all about but, it looks like you've got what you wanted, so congratulations!11111111:approve:
  • #24
Thank you so much everyone! Yes, PSU has rolling admission. Since I sent in my app before their recommended date, Nov. 31, I am guaranteed to find out by the end of January. The college admission process is exciting, and yes, the wait sometimes kills, but in the end I'm just happy it's over with! Good luck to those who are awaiting decisions or are soon applying to universities!
  • #25
However, you do know of course that since U. of Wisconsin is my alma mater, and you're going to Penn St., and we are both in the Big Ten conference, that you are now my "enemy"!

Go Badgers!


  • #26
this gets you a giant 'ATTA BOY !
  • #27
Zz, in response... go Nittany Lions! :D
  • #28
You're lucky, you'll almost certainly get a very good football team in the next 3 years.
And as defending conference champion, it's your responsibility to talk trash to anyone you meet from Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin,.. pretty much anywhere in the midwest actually. But especially Michigan.
  • #29
Congratulations Z-comp. PSU is a great engineering school.

I ocassionally get over there to visit the Department Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, so I'll let you know next time.

I would recommend some physics courses if you have room for electives. As an engineer, it also helps to diversify, so if you want to do structures, also look at some materials courses. If you want to do power and/or propulsion, look at courses in EE and ME (turbomachinery, if not covered in Aersp). It looks like fluid dynamics is well-covered in Aersp.

And by all means, become a student member of AIAA and start building a network!
  • #30
Yeah I would like to take courses from other engineering disciplines but I'll also have my minor in mathematics and some French courses... We'll see I suppose! I'd gladly join the AIAA, since I'm going to also join the AOPA when I get the chance. I wonder if PSU has a flying club, or something similar.
  • #31
well done.

take as many classes as you can! first year is the most exciting and fun, the new people and all the experiences. it's easy to get involved. I'm sort of regretting not picking up extra classes in year one cause I'm having to work extra hard now on my maths, but next semester I'm picking up an extra two modules. sorted.

also, I know quite a few people doing aero engineering and although it's supremely difficult it's, some of it anyway, great fun. sure you're not tempted to change to cosmology? :biggrin:
  • #32
There is a soaring club, which might be worthwhile -

You might check the Aerospace department or the local airport.

Actually, I am assuming you are attending PSU in State College (University Park).
  • #33
That's correct Astronuc. I know there's the University Park airport near campus and also a flight school there, but I didn't know about the soaring club. Thanks! :)
  • #34
Congrats. You might want to consider getting involved in the SPIRIT project:"

I had some friends go through the Aerospace program at PSU and it helped them quite a bit, both as an educational tool and in applying for jobs. The sooner you start getting real world experience, the better.
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FAQ: From one of PF's younger members

1. What inspired you to become a member of PF at a young age?

I have always been interested in science and have a natural curiosity about the world around me. When I discovered the PF community, I was drawn to the wealth of knowledge and discussions about various scientific topics. It was the perfect platform for me to learn and share my own thoughts and ideas.

2. How has being a member of PF impacted your academic or career goals?

Becoming a member of PF has greatly enhanced my academic and career goals. The discussions and debates on various scientific topics have broadened my understanding and critical thinking skills. It has also allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals and potential mentors who have provided valuable insights and guidance.

3. What is your favorite topic to discuss on PF?

My favorite topic to discuss on PF is astronomy. I am fascinated by the vastness of the universe and the mysteries that it holds. It is always exciting to engage in discussions about the latest discoveries and theories in astronomy with other members.

4. How do you balance being a member of PF with your other responsibilities?

As a young member of PF, balancing my time between school, extracurricular activities, and being active on the forum can be challenging. However, I prioritize my responsibilities and make sure to set aside dedicated time for participating in discussions and learning from others on PF.

5. What advice do you have for other young individuals interested in science and joining PF?

My advice would be to never stop learning and to always ask questions. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts and ideas on PF, as it is a welcoming and supportive community. Also, take advantage of the resources and opportunities available on the forum, such as mentorship programs and study groups, to further your knowledge and passion for science.
