Are Lorentz transformations consistent with different reference frames?

In summary, the Lorentz transformation equations, t^prime = y(V) (t-(v/c^2)x) and x^prime = y(V) (x-Vt), can be written as ct^prime = 5/3ct - 4/3x and x^prime = 5/3x - 4/3ct, when V = 4/5c and y(V) = 5/3. The second term on the RHS in both equations is derived by multiplying the Lorentz factor, y(V), with v.
  • #1
Show that, with V = 4/5c, the Lorentz transformation of the equations, t^prime = y(V) (t-(v/c^2)x) and x^prime = y(V) (x-Vt). (where y(V) = the Lorentz factor).

can be written as

ct^prime = 5/3ct - 4/3x


x^prime = 5/3x - 4/3ct
Relevant equations
y(V) = 1/(sqrt1-(V/c)^2)
The attempt at a solution
I have calculated y(V) = 5/3 (if V = 4/5c)
and i can see how the left hand term in each equation becomes 5/3ct and 5/3x respectivley. But i can't figure where the 4/3 term comes from?? or how to derive it?
Physics news on
  • #2
The second term on the RHS in both equations contain a 'v', right?
  • #3
[tex] \left( \frac{5}{3} \right) \left( \frac{4}{5} \right) = \frac{4}{3}.[/tex]
  • #4
Ahh... the penny drops. thank you
  • #5
A further Lorentz transformation problem.

The question i have is.

Use these Lorentz transformations ct'=5/3ct-4/3x and x'=5/3x-4/3ct. to determine the (ct', x') coordinates, in meters, that observer O' assigns to events e1 and e2.

Relevent equations and information.

from a previous question i have determined the coordinates of the events in the rest frame of observer O to be e1 = (0, 240)m, e2 = (60, 240)m.

My attempt at answer

Using the given Lorentz transformations i have found for event e1 as observed by O' is.

e1 = (ct', x') = (5/3ct-4/3x, 5/3x-4/3ct) = (-180, 144)m
e2 = (ct', x') = (5/3ct-4/3x, 5/3x-4/3ct) = (-144, 99) m

However i feel uncomfortable with these answers, but cannot put my finger on why? Please can some one check my results?

thank you
  • #6
Further to my last post, the reason i feel uncomfortable is that surely the x component of the coordinates should be the same for both events? I can check this via the Lorentz length contraction formula, which gives l = lo/y(V) =144?
  • #7
It seems to be errors in arithmetic to me.

toph said:
Further to my last post, the reason i feel uncomfortable is that surely the x component of the coordinates should be the same for both events? I can check this via the Lorentz length contraction formula, which gives l = lo/y(V) =144?

Surely, then, both observers must be referring to the same reference frame.
  • #8
neutrino said:
It seems to be errors in arithmetic to me.
Surely, then, both observers must be referring to the same reference frame.

yep your right i have just spotted my error. i think i have also calculated the transformed event coordinations incorrectly as well?
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  • #9
neutrino said:
Surely, then, both observers must be referring to the same reference frame.
Sorry about my previous post. I misread your statement, and gave a stupid reply (eyes can play tricks on you late at night!). I really cannot say whether the x coordinates of the two events in the O frame are the same or not, unless I have more information. But if you have managed to find you errors in spite of my comment, then well and good.

FAQ: Are Lorentz transformations consistent with different reference frames?

What are Lorentz transformations?

Lorentz transformations are a set of equations that describe how time and space coordinates change between two reference frames that are moving relative to each other at a constant velocity. They were developed by Hendrik Lorentz and Albert Einstein as part of the theory of special relativity.

Why are Lorentz transformations important?

Lorentz transformations are important because they help us understand how physical quantities, such as time and distance, are perceived differently by observers in different reference frames. They also play a crucial role in the theory of special relativity, which has been confirmed by numerous experiments and has revolutionized our understanding of space and time.

How do Lorentz transformations work?

Lorentz transformations involve four equations that relate the coordinates of an event (such as the time and position of an object) in one reference frame to the coordinates of the same event in another reference frame. These equations take into account the relative velocity between the two frames and the speed of light, which is constant in all inertial reference frames.

What is the difference between Lorentz transformations and Galilean transformations?

Lorentz transformations and Galilean transformations are two different sets of equations that describe how space and time coordinates change between reference frames. The main difference is that Galilean transformations only apply to reference frames that are moving at constant velocities relative to each other, while Lorentz transformations also account for the effects of relativity, such as time dilation and length contraction.

Can Lorentz transformations be applied to objects moving at any speed?

Yes, Lorentz transformations can be applied to objects moving at any speed, as long as they are moving at a constant velocity. However, they become more accurate and necessary for objects moving at speeds close to the speed of light. At lower speeds, the differences between Lorentz transformations and Galilean transformations are negligible.

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