NASA develops 'mind-reading' [nerve signal reading] system

In summary, NASA has developed a technology that can read silently spoken words by analysing nerve signals in our mouths and throats. Preliminary results show that using button-sized sensors, which attach under the chin and on the side of the Adam's apple, it is possible to pick up and recognise nerve signals and patterns from the tongue and vocal cords that correspond to specific words. Just the slightest movements in the voice box and tongue is all it needs to work, he says.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
A computer program which can read silently spoken words by analysing nerve signals in our mouths and throats, has been developed by NASA.

Preliminary results show that using button-sized sensors, which attach under the chin and on the side of the Adam's apple, it is possible to pick up and recognise nerve signals and patterns from the tongue and vocal cords that correspond to specific words.

"Biological signals arise when reading or speaking to oneself with or without actual lip or facial movement," says Chuck Jorgensen, a neuroengineer at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, in charge of the research. Just the slightest movements in the voice box and tongue is all it needs to work, he says. [continued]
Computer science news on
  • #2
i had what felt like a mind control experience the other day, it really was quite strange.

What happened was i woke up with a completele dead arm ( i probalbly slept on it), but i couldn't feel it atall, i felt like my arm was in another place completele! physically i couldn't move my fingers normally, like i am doing pressing this keyboard (they go on there own, seemingly), but when i thought "move finger", my finger moved :) It was great :)

I saw something on this the other day, its really quite remarkable how people can control computers with their minds. Now all we need is smaller more portable sensors, and we could be controlling everything with our minds :) and maybe (with this is audio-vibatry physio molecular (:P) sound system which vibrate your head) maybe telepathy in some form or another could become possible :)
  • #3
Thats some pretty neat stuff. Unfortunately this also might have some drawbacks. Imagine your boss walks into your cubicle while your writing a report in MS Word or OOo. You start having a conversation with him, but in your mind your calling him an idiot. Then the computer goes off and starts typing what your thinking. You could soon be out of a job if there isn't an off switch. :eek:
  • #4
You know, I guess I had better plan to be self employed for good. :redface:
  • #6
Applications for Subvocal Speech
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California edward_ray_lee

Chuck Jorgensen edward_ray_lee

Ames Research Center ( NASA ) edward_ray_lee

NASA - Subvocal Speech Demo edward_ray_lee

NASA Develops System To Computerize Silent, "Subvocal Speech" edward_ray_lee

NASA researchers can hear what you're saying, even when you don't make a sound. edward_ray_lee

NASA speech research could help the disabled - The Boston Globe edward_ray_lee

Speaking Without Saying a Word - TFOT edward_ray_lee

SubVocal Speach Video edward_ray_lee

Subvocal Speech
Making Sense of the Research etc edward_ray_lee

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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  • #7
Is there some reason you keep typing your name after each link? You aren't mentioned in anything.
  • #8
I'm wondering what NASAs motivation behind developing this technology is. It doesn't seem to be something that would be a huge benefit to any of their current or near future projects... it doesn't sound at all like something NASA would be directly involved with.
  • #9
To answer your question Evo
The links are from a group folder that was copyed unto my post.

And to answer your question B. Elliott

By Bob Hirshon
Listening to the sound of silence.
I'm Bob Hirshon and this is Science Update.

You've heard of reading lips. Now, NASA scientists are reading throats. Or more precisely, the nerve signals that tell your throat and tongue to form words.

Chuck Jorgensen is Chief of Neuroengineering at the NASA-Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California. By placing sensors on the chin and Adam's apple, his team can identify several simple words when a speaker only mouths them—or less.

Some folks will choose to have their mouth completely closed, and the only thing that's going on is tiny movements of the tongue or tension that they have in their vocal cords.

He says the technology could help astronauts understand each other on space flights, where differences in the atmosphere and gravity make it hard to speak and hear clearly. It could also be useful in emergencies.

So if someone's muscles, for example, have deteriorated because of microgravity, or if they're physically injured so they can't speak, there is the possibility of directly tapping the nervous system and still controlling the emergency devices that they might need.

Here on earth, the system could help pilots and air traffic controllers communicate over loud noise. And someday, it might serve as a translator for patients with vocal cord damage. I'm Bob Hirshon for AAAS, the Science Society.
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  • #11
Bunting said:
i had what felt like a mind control experience the other day, it really was quite strange.

What happened was i woke up with a completele dead arm ( i probalbly slept on it), but i couldn't feel it atall, i felt like my arm was in another place completele! physically i couldn't move my fingers normally, like i am doing pressing this keyboard (they go on there own, seemingly), but when i thought "move finger", my finger moved :) It was great :)

I saw something on this the other day, its really quite remarkable how people can control computers with their minds. Now all we need is smaller more portable sensors, and we could be controlling everything with our minds :) and maybe (with this is audio-vibatry physio molecular (:P) sound system which vibrate your head) maybe telepathy in some form or another could become possible :)

Dude, did you ever watch "Ghost in the Shell" or read the manga of the same name? That's pretty much the premise of the movie/TV-series/comics/etc. where almost all humans are physically at one with their machinery. So, if you watch the movie or TV-series, you'd see that they could communicate "telepathically" using their cybernetic implants.
  • #12
B. Elliott said:
I'm wondering what NASAs motivation behind developing this technology is. It doesn't seem to be something that would be a huge benefit to any of their current or near future projects... it doesn't sound at all like something NASA would be directly involved with.
It's useful to replace throat mikes where either the background noise is high (aircraft cockpits) or you don't want to make any noise (infantry radios).

It doesn't really read minds you have to think about vocalising the words, it reads the nerve impusles to your mouth/throat/vocal chords etc.

ps. Nasa doesn't just do space - the majority of Nasa is research in aviation.
  • #13
dduardo said:
Thats some pretty neat stuff. Unfortunately this also might have some drawbacks. Imagine your boss walks into your cubicle while your writing a report in MS Word or OOo. You start having a conversation with him, but in your mind your calling him an idiot. Then the computer goes off and starts typing what your thinking. You could soon be out of a job if there isn't an off switch. :eek:

They only way that'd happen is if you were going to call him one anyways, because all it does is read the nerve signals sent from the brain to your mouth and throat.

FAQ: NASA develops 'mind-reading' [nerve signal reading] system

1. How does NASA's 'mind-reading' system work?

NASA's 'mind-reading' system works by using electrodes placed on the scalp to detect and interpret nerve signals from the brain. These signals are then translated into specific commands or actions, allowing a person to control a device or computer using their thoughts.

2. What is the purpose of NASA's 'mind-reading' system?

The purpose of NASA's 'mind-reading' system is to provide a more efficient and intuitive way for astronauts to interact with technology and equipment while in space. This technology could also have potential applications for people with disabilities, allowing them to control devices using their thoughts.

3. Is NASA's 'mind-reading' system safe?

Yes, NASA's 'mind-reading' system is completely safe. The electrodes used to detect nerve signals are non-invasive and do not cause any harm to the user. However, the system is still in the early stages of development and more research and testing will need to be done before it can be used in space or for medical purposes.

4. How accurate is NASA's 'mind-reading' system?

The accuracy of NASA's 'mind-reading' system depends on the individual's ability to control their thoughts and the technology's ability to accurately interpret nerve signals. Currently, the system has shown promising results in laboratory settings, but more development and testing is needed to improve its accuracy.

5. When will NASA's 'mind-reading' system be available for public use?

It is currently unclear when NASA's 'mind-reading' system will be available for public use. The technology is still in the early stages of development and will require more research and testing before it can be used in practical applications. However, NASA is continuously working towards improving and advancing this technology for potential future use.
