Valence- and conduction band offset

In summary, the forum member is seeking help in determining the valence- and conduction band offset in a heterojunction of Si and GaP using Tershoff's model. They are having trouble finding the relevant model and equations and are considering consulting with other researchers, reviewing literature, or reaching out to authors for assistance.
  • #1

Homework Statement

There has been created a heterojunction of two different semiconductors, Si and GaP. I am to determine the valence- and conduction band offset with Tershoff's model.

Homework Equations

The problem is that I can't find the relevant model. Therefore, I cannot find the relevant equations.

The Attempt at a Solution

My first step is to draw the band bending. (Not posted here) And, then find the relevant data for the different materials. Such as the indirect bandgap, spin-orbital splitting... If they are needed I am happy to post them. Just let me know.

Thank you!
Physics news on
  • #2

Thank you for your post. I understand your frustration in not being able to find the relevant model for determining the valence- and conduction band offset in a heterojunction of Si and GaP. It can be challenging to find the necessary information for a specific problem, especially when dealing with multiple materials.

One potential solution could be to consult with other researchers or experts in the field who may have experience with Tershoff's model or similar models for heterojunctions. They may be able to provide you with the relevant equations or point you in the right direction.

Another approach could be to carefully review the literature and research papers on Si and GaP heterojunctions to see if any previous studies have used Tershoff's model or a similar one. This could give you an idea of the equations and data that are typically used for these types of calculations.

Additionally, you could try reaching out to the authors of these papers directly for more information or clarification on their methods.

I hope these suggestions are helpful in your search for the relevant model and equations. Good luck with your research!

FAQ: Valence- and conduction band offset

What is valence band offset?

Valence band offset refers to the difference in energy between the valence band of two materials in contact. It is an important factor in determining the band alignment and electronic properties of heterojunctions and semiconductor devices.

What is conduction band offset?

Conduction band offset is similar to valence band offset, but instead refers to the energy difference between the conduction bands of two materials in contact. It also plays a crucial role in determining the electronic behavior and performance of heterojunctions and semiconductor devices.

How is valence band offset measured or calculated?

Valence band offset can be experimentally measured using techniques such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy or ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. It can also be calculated using theoretical models and equations, taking into account factors such as the band gap, electron affinity, and work function of the materials in question.

Why is valence band offset important in semiconductor devices?

Valence band offset is critical in determining the band alignment and energy level alignment at the interface of two materials in a semiconductor device. This, in turn, affects the charge carrier behavior and electronic properties of the device, such as its conductivity and efficiency.

What factors can influence valence band offset?

The valence band offset between two materials can be affected by a variety of factors, including the band gap, electron affinity, work function, and lattice mismatch between the materials. The type of bonding and the presence of defects or impurities can also have an impact on the valence band offset.
