What are the components needed for a DIY Capacitive Sensing Surface?

  • Thread starter matty0187
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In summary, the user is looking for help creating a capacitive touchscreen panel and is unsure of how difficult the task will be. They have some questions about the technology and are looking for advice from the community.
  • #1
Hello Physics Forums users,

I have a really good idea and I was curious on the level of difficulty creating the circuitry for a Capacitive sensing surface would be. I'm a computer programmer and i have the resources to creating the drivers and touch software. I've been asking my college buddies if they know any EE, but I don't know any and school is out for summer. I've seen plenty of DIY, yet, I don't understand the EE blueprints. Anyone help me on this.

I'm trying to create a surface that could go into a computer USB and control the mouse with Capacitive Sensing(simlar to a trackpad or Touch Screen smartphone.)
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  • #3
Yes i plan to use the win7 and apple drivers to control mulitouch.
  • #4
Like a Wacom touch pad / tablet?

I used to see stand-alone track pads, and had thought they'd gone the way of the dodo, but it looks like you can still find them:

You can get an overview of various touch technologies here (if you didn't already know):

Unfortunately, most will probably require some degree of custom engineering (i.e. no plug and play solutions, aside from the finished products mentioned above). And probably a little more than just simple black box assembly (I don't mean that pejoratively: a little bit of knowledge, and the right black boxes--ICs--and you can go a long ways!)
  • #5
Thanks you all so much for the quick responses,

MATLABdude said:
Like a Wacom touch pad / tablet?

Unfortunately, most will probably require some degree of custom engineering (i.e. no plug and play solutions, aside from the finished products mentioned above). And probably a little more than just simple black box assembly (I don't mean that pejoratively: a little bit of knowledge, and the right black boxes--ICs--and you can go a long ways!)

No not like a wacom tablet, but this technology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacitive_sensing" .

My idea is actually in the manufacturing of this technology. I know it will require some custom engineering. And I'll hire someone for it. I just have a few questions, so i can go in with confidence (or not go in at all).

A capacitive touchscreen panel is one which consists of an insulator such as glass, coated with a transparent conductor such as indium tin oxide (ITO)

Do you know of any Insulators that are flexible & transparent?


I guess these are very inexpensive and very reliable; however, i don't know if this is what i need.

In my head i see: insulator, conductor, sensor, USB to computer... I know I'm missing something, any ideas?

Lastly, Thank you guys so much for helping a nerb (nerd & noob) like me. Any support on this topic is greatly appreciated.
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FAQ: What are the components needed for a DIY Capacitive Sensing Surface?

1. What is capacitive sensing surface?

Capacitive sensing surface is a type of technology that uses sensors to measure changes in capacitance, or the ability to hold an electric charge, to detect the presence or movement of objects. This technology is commonly used in touchscreens, touchpads, and other interactive devices.

2. How does capacitive sensing surface work?

Capacitive sensing surface works by creating an electric field between the sensor and the object being sensed. When an object, such as a finger, comes into contact with the surface, it changes the capacitance in the electric field, which is then detected by the sensor. This change is then processed and translated into a command or action.

3. What are the advantages of using capacitive sensing surface?

One of the main advantages of capacitive sensing surface is its high sensitivity and accuracy. It can detect even the slightest touch or movement, making it ideal for use in devices such as smartphones and tablets. It is also durable and resistant to wear and tear, and can be used with a variety of materials, including glass, plastic, and even gloves.

4. Are there any limitations to using capacitive sensing surface?

One limitation of capacitive sensing surface is its inability to detect non-conductive objects, such as a stylus with a plastic tip. It also requires a power source to function, which can be a disadvantage in some applications. Additionally, the surface may not be able to accurately detect multiple touches or gestures at the same time.

5. What are some common applications of capacitive sensing surface?

Capacitive sensing surface is commonly used in touch screens, touchpads, and trackpads in devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. It is also used in other interactive devices like ATMs, self-checkout machines, and gaming consoles. Additionally, it has applications in industrial settings for proximity and position sensing, as well as in automotive technology for touch controls in vehicles.

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