Neutrino collision with a proton,neutron or an electron?

In summary, an electron and neutrino can combine to form a W- boson. The W- will decay into an electron and neutrino, while electrons and neutrinos can also interact.
  • #1
what happens if a neutrino hits head on with a proton,neutron or an electron?
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  • #2

A neutrino is highly non interacting. But there are possibilities for interaction so long as no conservation law is broken.
  • #3

From what I remember, a neutrino does interact with the weak force. So if it hits a proton or neutron head on, then it will be affected. An electron is a point particle, so you can't get another point particle, such as a neutrino, to hit "head on" with it in some sense. The electron doesn't interact with the weak force anyway, from what I know, so there would be no effect, except perhaps gravitational forces.
  • #4

Several possibilities. Among them:

νe + p → n + e+

νe + e → μ + νμ
  • #5

so if u calculate number of protons in Earth and still considering that all solar neutrinos pass through it is not justifiable is it?
  • #6

jayaramas said:
so if u calculate number of protons in Earth and still considering that all solar neutrinos pass through it is not justifiable is it?

I assume you mean it is unlikely, yes? Unlikely is not the same as impossible. It is a valid question.
  • #7

what is the reverse process? any way neutrino came from a nuclear reaction, so a fast moving neutrino can hit and attains its position back. why is it not likely?
  • #8

jayaramas said:
what is the reverse process? any way neutrino came from a nuclear reaction, so a fast moving neutrino can hit and attains its position back. why is it not likely?

[tex] n → p + e^{-} + \bar{\nu}_{e}[/tex]
The chances of the products all colliding back together at the same time are negligibly tiny.

but ok fine you could have a slightly different process:
[tex] p + \bar{\nu}_{e} → n + e^{+}[/tex]
In this case I think the problem is that neutrinos interact very weakly and the scattering has to exceed a minimum threshold energy to happen (since this reaction requires energy input), and this has a very low chance of occurring. i.e. you would need very fast neutrinos indeed to start with, and even then they will hardly interact anyway.
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  • #9

Basically, these inverse decay processes are how neutrinos are detected in neutrino detectors.
  • #10

jetwaterluffy said:
The electron doesn't interact with the weak force anyway, from what I know, so there would be no effect, except perhaps gravitational forces.

Not true. Actually, beta decay is the paradigmatic weak force interaction.
  • #11

bbbeard said:
Not true. Actually, beta decay is the paradigmatic weak force interaction.

Yeah, I worked that out after I had already posted. However, I still can't see how they can "collide".
  • #12

jetwaterluffy said:
Yeah, I worked that out after I had already posted. However, I still can't see how they can "collide".

Think of it as an interaction, rather than a collision.

A particular particle interaction has a measure of reactivity which is termed a cross-section. As the name suggests, this quantity is actually in units of area - it could be expressed in square metres, though the more commonly used unit is the" . But you can loosely think of this as the "target area" that the other particle has to "hit" for an interaction to occur.

An electron and an (anti-)neutrino can combine to form a W- boson. In any practical scenario, this W- will be virtual as its mass is far larger than those of the incoming particles, so it will almost immediately decay again, and can usually only decay back into another e and neutrino because any other decay route would produce particles of higher energy. So the end result in this case is simply an elastic collision.

But electrons and (non-anti-)neutrinos can also interact. In this case, the electron could give off a W- and thereby transform itself into a neutrino, while the W- is absorbed by the original neutrino and is thus transformed into an electron. Swap ya! :smile: (Alternatively, the neutrono could emit a W+ which the electron then absorbs, with the same end result.) Again, this is an elastic collision.

The second type of interaction can also take place but with a Z0 instead of a W. In this case the electron could interact with either a neutrino or an anti-neutrino. Interactions with Z0 do not change the identities of the incoming particles.

These interactions all have extremely small cross-sections - but they do happen. The W interactions are the basis of the" which has to be taken account of when looking at neutrino oscillations where the neutrinos have traveled through regions containing matter.
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FAQ: Neutrino collision with a proton,neutron or an electron?

1. What is a neutrino collision?

A neutrino collision is when a neutrino, a subatomic particle with no electric charge, interacts with a proton, neutron, or electron, causing a change in their trajectories or properties.

2. How does a neutrino collide with a proton, neutron, or electron?

Neutrinos can collide with other particles through the weak nuclear force, one of the four fundamental forces of nature. This force allows for interactions between subatomic particles, including neutrinos and protons, neutrons, or electrons.

3. What happens during a neutrino collision?

During a neutrino collision, the neutrino may scatter off the proton, neutron, or electron, transferring some of its energy and momentum to the other particle. The neutrino may also be absorbed by the other particle, causing it to change into a different type of particle.

4. Why do scientists study neutrino collisions?

Neutrino collisions can provide insights into the properties and behavior of neutrinos, which are difficult to study due to their weak interactions. Studying neutrino collisions can also help us understand the fundamental forces of nature and the structure of matter.

5. What are some potential applications of neutrino collisions?

Neutrino collisions have practical applications in fields such as nuclear physics, astrophysics, and particle physics research. They can also be used in medical imaging and radiation therapy, as well as in the development of new technologies, such as neutrino detectors and reactors.

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