Confusion regarding negative resistance circuits

In summary, the conversation discusses negative resistance circuits and the confusion surrounding them. The individual is trying to understand the concept and is asking if there are any DC circuits that exhibit negative resistance. The expert clarifies that negative resistance is a property shown by some elements in AC circuits and there is no such thing as a "negative resistor" in DC circuits. The term "negative resistance" refers to the dynamic resistance of a component and is not a physical property.
  • #1
Hello Everyone!

I have recently been attempting to understand negative resistance circuits(on a practical level at least to start). I've pulled up a few websites giving actual circuits to demonstrate the principle, but still can't quite understand it. Every circuit example so far shows either a pulsed or ac power source and is basicly an rlc circuit that oscillates at a frequency dependant on the values of the capacitor and inductor. such as > (example only). In my mind in a circuit like that its not all that clear exactly how and if negative resistance actually shows its self.

To cut a long story short what I would love to know is there an actual dc only(not oscillating) circuit that can be built to either... Increase the apparent voltage applied to an inductive component(coil) AND/OR decrease the apparent resistance of that coil(thus allowing more current to flow than you would expect given the power source, resistance, and ohms law).

Thanks for any help on this subject as I am still coming to terms understanding it.

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  • #2
Negative resistance is just a property shown by some elements like UJT(in normal ac circuits),GUNN DIODE(in microwave circuits) etc.All of them exhibit that property in a range of ac voltage.Hence as far as I know,there is no such dc circuit.
  • #3
You can't have a "negative resistor" that works with DC. That would mean that if you applied a voltage in one direction, the current would flow in the opposite direction.

OK, you could do that if your "resistor" included a battery or some other energy source, but that's not what we are talking about.

The negative resistance is the dynamic resistance, or the slope of the graph of voltage against current. In other words, if you increase the voltage slightly, the current still flows in the "forwards" direction, but it gets smaller not bigger.

This only happens for a particular range of voltages across the component. There are semiconductors that are specially designed to do that (e.g. tunnel diodes), but your web page is using the fact that some "ordinary" transistors show the same effect if you use them way outside of the conditions they were designed for.
  • #4
Excellent ! 'that it applies only in ac circuits' makes perfect sence... I suppose its just so assumed that it was neglected in anything id read. ... I would still wonder why they chose the term negative ''resistance''...and not another term... never the less thanks for clearing that up.

FAQ: Confusion regarding negative resistance circuits

1. What is negative resistance and how does it work in circuits?

Negative resistance is a phenomenon in which the current decreases as the voltage increases. In simpler terms, it means that the resistance of a circuit decreases as the voltage increases. This happens when the current and voltage in a circuit are out of phase, causing the circuit to draw less current with an increase in voltage.

2. How can negative resistance be beneficial in circuit design?

Negative resistance can be useful in circuit design because it can help to stabilize circuits and prevent oscillations. It can also be used to amplify signals and create oscillators. Additionally, negative resistance can be used to regulate current in a circuit, making it a useful tool for power management.

3. Can negative resistance circuits be found in everyday electronics?

Yes, negative resistance circuits can be found in everyday electronics such as oscillators, amplifiers, and voltage regulators. They are also commonly used in electronic equipment for communication and signal processing.

4. Are there any potential drawbacks to using negative resistance circuits?

One potential drawback of using negative resistance circuits is that they can be unstable and difficult to control. This can result in unwanted oscillations and unpredictable behavior in the circuit. Additionally, negative resistance circuits may require more complex circuitry and may be more expensive to produce compared to traditional circuits.

5. How can I incorporate negative resistance into my own circuit designs?

If you are interested in incorporating negative resistance into your circuit designs, it is important to have a thorough understanding of circuit theory and design principles. You can also research and study existing negative resistance circuits to gain a better understanding of how they work and how they can be applied in different types of circuits. Additionally, consulting with experienced engineers or seeking guidance from a mentor can be helpful in learning how to effectively use negative resistance in your designs.
