What is measured in a fast reactor for power calculation : fast neutron flux or

In summary: However, this is not always the case. For example, the Belle II reactor in France is located near the coast and is vulnerable to a tsunami.
  • #1
What is measured in a fast reactor for power calculation : fast neutron flux or overall ( fast + thermal) neutron flux ?
My doubt is :
The fission chambers used for measuring neutron flux undergo chemical reactions due to which type of neutron : fast or thermal ?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
In a fast reactor there is no appreciable thermal flux since there is no moderator. Fission chambers use high enriched uranium or plutonium and absorb fast or thermal neutrons. They do not rely on chemical reactions, they are ion chambers which are excited by fission.
  • #3
Thanks QuantumPion.
Actually, my doubt arose because I imagined:
If the fission chamber placed below safety vessel ( ex-core) in a fast reactor is suddenly flooded with water ( eg. in a Tsunami or flood), will there be any negative impact on the power calculation ?
I mean, if a fission chamber is capable of measuring fast neautron flux, it will be by default also capable of measuring thermal flux. As the fission chamber is surroundded by water now ( as I imagined), does it means that there would be no major effect on fission chamber performance? it would be more or less show same power?
  • #4
paawansharmas said:
Thanks QuantumPion.
Actually, my doubt arose because I imagined:
If the fission chamber placed below safety vessel ( ex-core) in a fast reactor is suddenly flooded with water ( eg. in a Tsunami or flood), will there be any negative impact on the power calculation ?
I mean, if a fission chamber is capable of measuring fast neautron flux, it will be by default also capable of measuring thermal flux. As the fission chamber is surroundded by water now ( as I imagined), does it means that there would be no major effect on fission chamber performance? it would be more or less show same power?

If there was an emergency situation, the reactor would be shut down and the power-range detectors would not be in use. Fission chambers are in-core detectors and are only used at power during normal operation. The ex-core detectors are in direct contact with the sides of the vessel and are sensitive enough to detect neutrons which must travel through the entire core, barrel, coolant and vessel. They would not be directly affected if the reactor cavity was flooded.
  • #5
thank you for the reply.

So it can be fairly assumed that in case of a tsunami for eg. , and considering the full integrity of the reactor structure, if water floods to the ex-core detector, there would be not much problem. But what if there is a severe accident like in earthquake ( followed by tsunami)?
  • #6
and also, what are the problems associated with ex-core detectors?
  • #7
paawansharmas said:
thank you for the reply.

So it can be fairly assumed that in case of a tsunami for eg. , and considering the full integrity of the reactor structure, if water floods to the ex-core detector, there would be not much problem. But what if there is a severe accident like in earthquake ( followed by tsunami)?
If water were to flood a liquid metal fast reactor such that the excore detectors were flooded, I'd be more worried about a sodium-water interaction, if the reactor was Na or NaK cooled. If it's Pb-Bi, that's not so much a problem.

If water got into the core, then there would be a concern about criticality.

Fast reactors may also use incore detectors, but off-hand, I can't think of an example. I'll look later for an example.

I would imagine that tsunami and earthquake protection policies have become more stringent since the Fukushima accident. In the US, fast reactors tend to be constructed inland, far from tsunamis, and generally in areas of low seismic activity, and historically low magnitude (< mag 5) earthquakes.
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FAQ: What is measured in a fast reactor for power calculation : fast neutron flux or

1. What is a fast reactor?

A fast reactor is a type of nuclear reactor that uses fast neutrons to sustain the chain reaction, allowing for more efficient use of nuclear fuel.

2. What is measured in a fast reactor for power calculation?

In a fast reactor, the two main parameters that are measured for power calculation are the fast neutron flux and the temperature of the coolant.

3. Why is the fast neutron flux measured in a fast reactor for power calculation?

The fast neutron flux is measured because it directly correlates to the rate of fission reactions, which ultimately determines the power output of the reactor.

4. Is the fast neutron flux the only factor that affects power calculation in a fast reactor?

No, the temperature of the coolant also plays a significant role in power calculation as it affects the rate of heat transfer and thus the overall efficiency of the reactor.

5. How is the fast neutron flux measured in a fast reactor?

The fast neutron flux is typically measured using neutron detectors placed throughout the reactor core, which can provide real-time data on the number and energy of neutrons present in the reactor.
