How Do You Convert Weber Units to Tesla in SI?

Daniel discussed converting 2.07*10^-15 Wb in MKS units to SI units, specifically maxwells and webers. James provided the conversion for cgs units of maxwells, while Daniel clarified that webers are already a SI unit for magnetic flux and do not need to be converted. They also referenced a website for further information and resources. In summary, James and Daniel discussed converting 2.07*10^-15 Wb in MKS units into SI units, with James providing the conversion for cgs units of maxwells and Daniel clarifying that no conversion is necessary for webers as it is already a SI unit. They also referenced a website for more information.
  • #1
How do I convert 2.07*10^-15 Wb in MKS units into SI units?

Physics news on
  • #2
JamesJames said:
How do I convert 2.07*10^-15 Wb in MKS units into SI units?


If you mean convert to "cgs" units of Maxwells, it's:
2.07*10^(-15) Webers = 2.07*10^(-7) Maxwells

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  • #3
Is that the same for SI ?

  • #5
Yes,Weber is a unit from SI-mKgs.It needs no conversion,as usually units are converted from SI-cgs to SI-mKgs and not viceversa.

  • #6
So 2.07*10^(-15) Webers is in SI units and does not need to be multiplied by 10^7 or anything else right?
  • #7
yep :approve:
  • #8
Ups,in the case you didn't get from my previous post,mKgs IS A PART OF SI.It is the reccomended system of units.

  • #9
Got it...that website was also quite useful. Thanks for the help. It helps clear things.

FAQ: How Do You Convert Weber Units to Tesla in SI?

1. What are SI units?

SI units, or the International System of Units, are a standardized system of measurements used in science, engineering, and everyday life. They were established by the General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960 and are based on seven base units: meter (length), kilogram (mass), second (time), ampere (electric current), kelvin (temperature), mole (amount of substance), and candela (luminous intensity).

2. Why is conversion to SI units important?

Conversion to SI units is important because it allows for consistency and accuracy in scientific measurements. With SI units, scientists all over the world can communicate and compare their findings without confusion or errors.

3. How do I convert to SI units?

To convert to SI units, you need to know the conversion factors between the original unit and the corresponding SI unit. For example, to convert from feet to meters, you would multiply the number of feet by 0.3048. It is also helpful to use conversion tables or online conversion calculators for more complex conversions.

4. Are there any exceptions to converting to SI units?

There are a few exceptions to converting to SI units, depending on the field of science or engineering. For example, in some cases, it may be more practical to use non-SI units for certain measurements, such as degrees Celsius for temperature or liters for volume. However, these non-SI units are often derived from SI units and can be easily converted.

5. Are there any consequences for not using SI units?

In scientific and engineering fields, using non-SI units can lead to confusion, errors, and inconsistencies in measurements. It may also make it more difficult to communicate and compare findings with other scientists. However, in everyday life, non-SI units are still commonly used and may not have any significant consequences.
