Moving records between tables in MS Access

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In summary, the process for moving records between tables in MS Access involves using the "cut" and "paste" functions. Multiple records can be moved at once by selecting them and following the same process. However, there are limitations to moving records, as they must have the same field structure as the destination table. The "undo" function can be used to reverse the action of moving records. Alternatively, the "append query" function can be used to automatically move records between tables with the ability to specify conditions and set up automatic intervals.
  • #1
Gold Member
I have two tables(a and b) in one access document. And in each table, I have a field[called status](look up field) having the options "Done" and "Done_s".
What I want to do is move the records having the [status] "Done_s" to b. This should be done whenever the change occurs. Is this possible?

I never used access before and google also does not provide an answer to this.
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  • #2

FAQ: Moving records between tables in MS Access

What is the process for moving records between tables in MS Access?

The process for moving records between tables in MS Access involves using the "cut" and "paste" functions. First, select the record(s) you want to move from one table. Then, click on the "cut" button or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+X. Next, navigate to the table where you want to move the record(s) and click on the first empty cell in the table. Finally, click on the "paste" button or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V to transfer the record(s) to the new table.

Can I move multiple records at once in MS Access?

Yes, you can move multiple records at once in MS Access. Simply select all the records you want to move by clicking and dragging over them or by using the Ctrl+Click function to select multiple non-consecutive records. Then, follow the same process as moving a single record.

Are there any limitations to moving records between tables in MS Access?

Yes, there are limitations to moving records between tables in MS Access. The most significant limitation is that the record(s) being moved must have the same field structure as the table they are being moved to. This means that all fields in the record(s) must match the fields in the new table, including data type and formatting. If there are any discrepancies, the record(s) may not be successfully moved.

Can I undo moving records in MS Access?

Yes, you can undo moving records in MS Access. The "undo" function can be accessed by clicking on the "undo" button or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Z. This will undo the most recent action, including moving records between tables.

Is there a way to automatically move records between tables in MS Access?

Yes, there is a way to automatically move records between tables in MS Access. This can be achieved by using the "append query" function. This allows you to specify the source table and destination table, as well as any conditions for the records to be moved. The append query can also be set up to run automatically at specified intervals, making it a more efficient way to move records between tables.
