Was Eve Really Guilty for Eating the Apple?

  • Thread starter Rade
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In summary, the conversation revolves around the legal case against Eve for eating the forbidden apple, with the speaker arguing that Eve should not be held accountable for her actions. The reasons given include Eve's lack of knowledge about good and evil, her receipt of false information about the apple law, and her observation that she did not die after touching the apple. The speaker ultimately concludes that Eve is innocent and that the judge, who is also the creator, is to blame for giving false information. Others in the conversation disagree and believe Eve is guilty and should not be allowed to appeal. The conversation also includes a comment about lawyers possibly ruining creation.
  • #1
First, this has nothing to do with religion, but I would like to begin a philosophic discussion on the legal case against Eve, and her encounter with the apple. I hold Eve to be innocent of all charges.

First is the fact that she is a being with "no knowledge of good and evil"--thus it is impossible for her to "know" that any action she takes is good or evil, right or wrong. Thus she cannot gain knowledge about apples being good or bad from thinking--only via perception given to her via evidence of her senses.

Second, she receives second hand and false information about the apple law. We know this to be true because she holds it to be against the law not to either touch or eat the apple, yet the law as presented to Adam says nothing about touch. Also, the facts of the case show how Eve gets false information about law. Clearly the false apple law cannot be from Adam since Adam knows nothing about touch--only eating. Since the legal situation is reduced to a four body problem, and two beings are logically ruled out (Adam & creature), then Eve must have received false information about the apple law from the forth being, the creator. Why creator took this immoral course of action is itself a topic for future discussion.

Because Eve is given a false rule of law by the creator that is also judge, it is wrong for Eve to be punished, even though she acted counter to the false law of touch and did in fact touch. One cannot be held guilty for violation of a false law. Her cause to touch was motivated by receiving new and factually correct information about apple law from creature. The creature gives correct information because it knows that there is no law against touching, only eating, a possible situation only if creature was present when Adam received apple law. If someone is first given false information about law from judge, then given correct information from witness of law formulation, they cannot be held guilty for violation of a false law by judge when acting on true information about the law given to them by witness.

Third, when Eve observed that she did not die after touch of apple, she had good reason to eat apple to gain the knowledge that creature correctly explained to her she would receive, and to then give apple to Adam to eat after she in fact did receive this knowledge after the act of eating. Adam, clearly seeing that Eve did not die after eating (the only rule given to him) realized that he must also have been given false information by creator, and thus had good reason to also eat, since clearly Eve was not dead after eating, and now had new "knowledge of good and evil" that he did not have.

Case closed, Eve not guilty, judge found guilty.
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  • #2
This is stupid. The jury was obviously bought off by the mob.
  • #3
She didn't know the difference, this is true. But she broke the law. It's pretty simple thing here, "Don't eat the stuff on that tree", she ate it. There is no appeal. Guilty as charged... "Next"

Lawyers would ruin creation if they could!

-"Ahh!"- Neopoleon Dynamite

FAQ: Was Eve Really Guilty for Eating the Apple?

1. Was Eve really guilty for eating the apple?

This question is highly debated among scholars and theologians. Some believe that Eve was fully responsible for her actions and therefore guilty, while others argue that she was tempted and deceived by the serpent and therefore not entirely at fault.

2. What was the significance of the apple in the story of Adam and Eve?

The apple is often seen as a symbol of temptation and sin in the story of Adam and Eve. In the biblical account, God specifically commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and the apple represents their disobedience and fall from grace.

3. Did God punish Eve for eating the apple?

According to the biblical account, God did punish Eve and Adam for their disobedience. He banished them from the Garden of Eden and cursed them with pain and suffering. However, some argue that the consequences of their actions were not meant as punishment, but rather a natural result of their disobedience.

4. Was it fair for God to hold Eve responsible for eating the apple?

This is a complex and philosophical question. Some argue that as the first human being created, Eve should have known better than to disobey God's command. Others believe that God, being all-knowing and all-powerful, could have prevented the temptation and therefore should not hold Eve responsible.

5. What can we learn from the story of Adam and Eve and the apple?

The story of Adam and Eve and the apple teaches us about the consequences of disobedience and the importance of following God's commands. It also highlights the role of temptation and the power of free will in human nature. Ultimately, it serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of succumbing to temptation and the importance of personal responsibility.

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