How to Proof c/a=1.633 in HCP?

  • Thread starter TheDestroyer
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In summary, the conversation is discussing how to calculate the ratio between the height and the constant of the HCP lattice in solid state physics, which is proven using the hard sphere approximation. The easiest way to calculate it is to take a slice of the conventional unit cell with a triangular base and height of c/2. The Pythagorean Theorem and basic trigonometry are used to solve for the ratio, which is equal to sqrt(8/3)=1.633. However, there are some errors in the calculations and the correct value is actually a=3.266R.
  • #1
In the HCP Lattice in solid state physics,
Can anyone proof GEOMETRICALLY and in algebric way that the the ratio between the height and the constant of the lattice equals sqrt(8/3)=1.633?
Maybe a is not the lattice constant, but really i need some one to explain for me everything about the HCP dimensions because it's going to blow my brain while I'm having an exam after 8 days !
What is the constant of this lattice? and which 2 points we are taking distances from to get this damn constant in HCP?
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  • #2
This is proved using the hard sphere approximation ie. that the atoms at the lattice sites are spheres of radius r that just touch each other. You don't need much besides some basic trigonometry to solve for the ratio. The easiest way to calculate it is to take a slice of the conventional unit cell with a triangular base and height of c/2.
  • #3
Inha's method is correct.

In the hcp system, the basal plane has a hexagonal or triangular lattice with lattice parameter a. The lattice parameter in the normal to the basal plane, the basal pole direction, has the value 'c'.

Mg, Ti, Be, Sc, Te, Co, Zn, Y, Zr, Tc, Ru, Gd, Tb, Py, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, Hf, Re, Os, Tl

Here is a reasonably nice representation -

Over the basal triangle, the atom in the next layer is centered over the center of the triangle, and the next basal plane layer aligns with the first.
  • #4
As an alternative, one can calculate the distance between close-packed planes in fcc, which is the same as in bcc.

The plane distance is one third of the body diagonal of the fcc cubic unit cell.
  • #5
c/a + 1.6333

This is the mathematical calculation ^ means to the power of

c/2 = a/2 Then a^2 /2 = c^2/2

a^2 + a^2
----- = (4R)^2

-------------- = 16 R^2

3a^2 = 2 *16 R^2

a^2 = 2*16 R^2

a = 2* square root of 16 divided by square root of 3

a = 8 / 3 = 1.6329 R
  • #6
The assumptions above are roughly correct, but we have to take into the considerations the Pythagorean Theorem.
The Pythagorean Theorem states: b^2=a^2+c^2. as well as c/2 or half of hexagonal crystal structure as well as the cosine for 30 degree triangles generated by the hole in Hexagonal closed packed.
So we write:
c/a half of this c/2.

Cos 30 degree
  • #7
Dear all,

i have tried. the last post by Kouros Khamoushi almost worked...

how ever i do not understand where some of the steps...

1. c/2 = a/2? how?

2. 3a^2 = 2 *16 R^2? where in the world did the factor of 3 come from on the LHS of this eqn.

You are prob correct... however please clarify the steps as i am totally baffled.

ps. inha: what shape of slice do u mean? also i hope it is from hexagonal lattice?

Kind regards.
  • #8
The post by KK is wrong.

Start from scratch: consider a plane of 3 neighboring atoms forming a triangle. Place a 4th atom above this plane, in the middle of the triangle. Calculate away.

If you have any trouble, show us what you've done and where exactly you are stuck.
  • #9
Kouros Khamoushi said:
The assumptions above are roughly correct, but we have to take into the considerations the Pythagorean Theorem.
The Pythagorean Theorem states: b^2=a^2+c^2. as well as c/2 or half of hexagonal crystal structure as well as the cosine for 30 degree triangles generated by the hole in Hexagonal closed packed.
So we write:
c/a half of this c/2.

Cos 30 degree

Thank you for the question. The Hexagonal closed packed structure has 6 corners, because each corner cosists of 1/6 of a sphere and the top and bottom faces each contanins 1/2 of the spheres. Therefore 12(1/6)+2(1/2)+3=6 spheres.

Each diagonal has a distance of 2a. The radius of sphere is 2a=4r . r means simplyfication and solving for a so that r=a/2 or a=2r. in 3 atoms closed in diagonal of Hexagonal we have 3a. that means each a is equal to 2r.
The assumptions above are roughly correct, but we have to take into the considerations the Pythagorean Theorem.
The Pythagorean Theorem states: b^2=a^2+c^2. as well as c/2 or half of hexagonal crystal structure as well as the cosine for 30 degree triangles generated by the hole in Hexagonal closed packed.
So we write:
c/a half of this c/2. Cos 30 degree. We have to take into the consideration 6r in three neighboring atoms radius generated by closed packed which is equal to 3a. As you see this is correct. If one think is I am wrong please let me know the correct and complete mathematical calculation with proof.
  • #10

Kouros Khamoushi said:
If one think is I am wrong please let me know the correct and complete mathematical calculation with proof.
We do not give away solutions to textbook problems, but we weill certainly show where someone has made a mistake.

Kouros Khamoushi said:
This is the mathematical calculation ^ means to the power of

c/2 = a/2
Clearly, this is wrong. If c=a and a=2R, then c=2R, which is not true.

Then you do this:
3a^2 = 2 *16 R^2
a = 8 / 3 = 1.6329 R
There are so many errors in this.

1. 3a^2 = 32R^2 => a=3.266R (not 1.633R)
2. 8/3 = 2.667 (where did this come from and why did the R disappear?)
  • #11
"There are so many errors in this.

1. 3a^2 = 32R^2 => a=3.266R (not 1.633R)
2. 8/3 = 2.667 (where did this come from and why did the R disappear?)"

>>First of all you forget about a/2 yes a=3.265, but half of it is 1.6329R.
R is there and is not disappear. It is the radius of atom.
>>2. first you should divid 8/3 and tak the square roots of this that will give you
2.667. What is square roots of 2.667? The answer is 1.633. This on also is right.

"Clearly, this is wrong. If c=a and a=2R, then c=2R, which is not true.
Then you do this:"
>>I have emphasis on c in Hexagonal plus cos of 30 degree which is clarifying the position of c. This is also correct. My solution is right.
  • #12
C=1.633 a (eq 1). We know a=2R if we substatute this to equation we get
C=1.633(2R) which is equal to C= 3.266 . According to your own consumption

""There are so many errors in this.
1. 3a^2 = 32R^2 => a=3.266R (not 1.633R) "" >>Half of a is 1.633R

a=3.266R if C=3.266R according to given equation above c/a=1.633R We know a=2 it is a definition for radius of Hexagonal which is 2 times R. so that c/2=1.633R the result is
C=3.266R . It shows that c=a, therefore we can write c/2=a/2.
  • #13
You are simply producing more and more contradictions:

1. According to you, c/a=1 (posts #5, #12). But also, in the first line of post #12, you write c/a=1.633. Both can not be true.

2. According to posts #12 (top line), and post #9, you say a=2R, but in post #5, you say a=1.6329R as well as 3a^2=32R^2. Any two of these three statements are in contradiction with each other.

And as I said before, we do not allow members to post solutions to standard textbook problems, so your attempting to do so would be in violation of the guidelines. If you wish, I can write a proof and send it to you by private message, since I know this is not your homework.
  • #14
Thank you for your answer.
"1. According to you, c/a=1 (posts #5, #12). But also, in the first line of post #12, you write c/a=1.633. Both can not be true."

>>We should not forget the homework or question is: "How to Proof c/a=1.633 in HCP?"
if this is not true or so that all the given problem is wrong. What should we proof?

According to your post #13 you are comparing my step of solutions without taking into the consideration the correlation between them. a=2R is from "Ibach and Luth Problem 2.7 page 13 The Hexagonal close packed structure" and c/a=1.633R is from your given problem on top of your page.

However, mathematical problems can have different solutions.Would you please send me your solution.

Yours sincerely

Kouros Khamoushi
  • #15
I have solved the completely this problem, but your editor does not have the possiblity to draw a picture or triangle and write the equations. If you have any suggestion please let me know.

Best regards

Kouros Khamoushi
  • #16
Kouros Khamoushi said:
Thank you for your answer.
"1. According to you, c/a=1 (posts #5, #12). But also, in the first line of post #12, you write c/a=1.633. Both can not be true."

>>We should not forget the homework or question is: "How to Proof c/a=1.633 in HCP?"
if this is not true or so that all the given problem is wrong. What should we proof?
Naturally, c/a = 1.633... is correct, which means c/a=1 is not correct.

According to your post #13 you are comparing my step of solutions without taking into the consideration the correlation between them. a=2R is from "Ibach and Luth Problem 2.7 page 13 The Hexagonal close packed structure" and c/a=1.633R is from your given problem on top of your page.
Any set of equations you write must be mathematically consistent with each other, irrespective of context. The manner in which you have written things is extremely misleading because you write equations that contradict each other, and the bases for the equations are not clearly explained.

However, mathematical problems can have different solutions.Would you please send me your solution.
I do not doubt that there are different ways to solve the problem. I suspect that a big problem here may be miscommunication due to your writing style. If you write clearly, using unambiguous mathematical and physical relationships, then we may be able to determine clearly if there is a problem. Part of the issue here may be one of language, but a bigger part of it is the poorly written equations.

I shall send you a derivation by Private Message, later today. If I forget, feel free to PM me a reminder.

Edit: PM sent.
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  • #17
Hi , I'll answer later on.
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  • #18
As I said I have complete solution of this very simple problem. Your system does not let me to wirite: 1. Equation
2. Draw a triangle

Mathematic problem does not need Enlish language, because mathematic is a logical language. Therefore by equations one can proof that.

Kouros Khamoushi
  • #19
Kouros Khamoushi said:
As I said I have complete solution of this very simple problem. Your system does not let me to wirite: 1. Equation
2. Draw a triangle

Mathematic problem does not need Enlish language, because mathematic is a logical language. Therefore by equations one can proof that.

Kouros Khamoushi
Yes, we do have a capability for writing equations (see my signature). But as I said before, if you do attempt to write out a complete solution, you will be in violation of the forum guidelines. Third, even in some mathematics problems (especially applied math), you definitely need to use non-mathematical language to connect your mathematical symbols and expressions with the physical picture. When you write a bunch of equations without defining any of the variables, it is completely useless. And finally, a logical solution must not contain logical contradictions. Your attempts so far reveal several contradictions.

That is all I have to say.
  • #20
I think this discussion will never get anywhere.
Best Wishes

FAQ: How to Proof c/a=1.633 in HCP?

What is HCP and why is it important to prove c/a=1.633?

HCP stands for hexagonal close-packed structure, which is a common crystal structure in many materials. Proving c/a=1.633 in HCP is important because it is a fundamental aspect of the structure that affects its physical and mechanical properties.

What does c/a=1.633 mean in the context of HCP?

In HCP structures, c/a=1.633 refers to the ratio between the height (c) and the basal plane length (a) of the unit cell. This value is a characteristic feature of HCP structures and is used to describe their geometry.

How is c/a=1.633 in HCP typically measured or calculated?

The c/a ratio in HCP can be measured experimentally using techniques such as X-ray diffraction or electron microscopy. It can also be calculated using theoretical models and simulations, taking into account factors such as atomic positions and lattice parameters.

What factors can affect the c/a ratio in HCP structures?

The c/a ratio in HCP can be influenced by factors such as temperature, pressure, and the presence of impurities or defects in the crystal structure. Changes in these parameters can cause slight variations in the c/a ratio, which can have significant effects on the material's properties.

What are the implications of proving c/a=1.633 in HCP for materials science and engineering?

Proving c/a=1.633 in HCP is important for materials science and engineering as it provides insight into the structure and behavior of HCP materials, which are used in a wide range of applications. This knowledge can help researchers design and develop new materials with desired properties, as well as improve the performance of existing materials in various industries.
