Finding the Velocity of an Asteroid with a Given Mass and Kinetic Energy

In summary, an asteroid with a mass of 2500 kg and a relativistic kinetic energy of 1e+20 J has a speed of 216480727.3. The result may seem large, but it is due to an algebra issue and can be solved by properly plugging in values to the equation for kinetic energy.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An asteroid of mass 2500 kg has a (relativistic) kinetic energy of 1e+20 J. What is the speed of the asteroid?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I tried plugging in my values to this equation and got 216480727.3. the answer is in terms of c. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or if I am in the wrong units because in all my problems where I am given a velocity its always a small value times c such as .9c and I got a large number. There is another problem like this where I am solving for the velocity I can't figure out either.
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  • #2
sklotz said:

Homework Statement

An asteroid of mass 2500 kg has a (relativistic) kinetic energy of 1e+20 J. What is the speed of the asteroid?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I tried plugging in my values to this equation and got 216480727.3. the answer is in terms of c. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or if I am in the wrong units because in all my problems where I am given a velocity its always a small value times c such as .9c and I got a large number. There is another problem like this where I am solving for the velocity I can't figure out either.

Show us the mathematical steps you used to arrive at this result. This seems to be an algebra issue.

FAQ: Finding the Velocity of an Asteroid with a Given Mass and Kinetic Energy

What is the velocity of an asteroid?

The velocity of an asteroid can vary greatly depending on its size, composition, and distance from other celestial bodies. On average, asteroids in the asteroid belt have velocities ranging from 10-20 km/s.

How is the velocity of an asteroid calculated?

The velocity of an asteroid can be calculated using the equation: v = √(GM/R), where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the sun or other celestial body, and R is the distance between the asteroid and the celestial body.

Can the velocity of an asteroid change?

Yes, the velocity of an asteroid can change due to various factors such as gravitational interactions with other celestial bodies, collisions, and outgassing. In some cases, asteroids can also have their velocities altered by spacecraft missions.

Why is the velocity of an asteroid important?

The velocity of an asteroid is important because it determines the trajectory and potential impact of the asteroid. It is also a crucial factor in determining the feasibility and success of potential asteroid mining missions.

What is the fastest asteroid ever recorded?

The fastest asteroid ever recorded is the asteroid 2008 HJ, which was recorded to have a velocity of 70 km/s. This was measured during its close approach to Earth in 2008.
