Digital Fourier Transform - create frequency axis

In summary, you are using the correct approach to creating the frequency axis for your DFT signals. It's possible that there was a mistake in units or code that affected your results, so it's always a good idea to double check these things. As for your Latex issue, try using a different browser or updating your software.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Using Matlab, I need to record vowels (a, e, o, i, etc) of my voice and apply a digital Fourier transform (DFT) to the recorded sound signal.

The resulting signal should be a periodic train of 'spikes', with modulated amplitude. The modulation of the amplitude is what forms the sound; different vowels produce different amplitude modulations. The highest point of a peak in the amplitude modulation is called a formant.

I need to produce several of these DFT signals, and plot their powerspectrum ([itex]P = F F^* = |F|^2[/itex], where F is the (complex) signal) against the frequency.

To do this, I record a vowel using a samplefrequency [itex]f_s[/itex] of 11025 Hz. I record a total number of 2^14 = 16384 samples, which results in about 1.5 seconds of recording time.

Then, I calculate the DFT using the built-in "fft" Matlab function (which uses the equations below), and calculate it's powerspectrum.

I can then plot the powerspectrum against the number of samples (from n = 0 To 16384), but what I really need is a plot of the powerspectrum against the frequency.

Now, I am unsure how to convert from the number of samples to the frequency, so this is where I need your help.

Homework Equations

Matlab uses the following DFT:
[tex]X(k) = \displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^N x(n) \exp \left( \frac{-2\pi j (n-1)(k-1)}{N}\right)[/tex]
[tex]x(n) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^N X(k) \exp \left( \frac{2 \pi j (n-1)(k-1)}{N}\right)[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Once I have the powerspectrum of a record signal, I need to plot it against the frequency [itex]f[/itex] (not angular frequency [itex]\omega[/itex]).

My reasoning was that the last sample (n = 2^14 = 16384) should correspond to the sample frequency [itex]f_s = 11025[/itex]. Therefore, I created the axis (let's call it an array [itex]x[/itex]) by first creating an array of integers 1 to 2^14. I then divide each element by 2^14, and multiply each element by the sample frequency 11025 Hz:
n = 2^14;
Fs = 11025;

x = 1:n;
x = x ./ n;
x = x .* Fs;

This results in a frequency axis ranging from 0 Hz to 11025 Hz.

Furthermore, because the powerspectrum appears to be symmetric about the center of the graph (n = 2^14 / 2 = 2^13, or at frequency 11025/2, assuming I am correct), I can discard half of the graph, so I only use the first half:
x = x(1:n/2);
I asked my teacher, and he told me it was OK, but to be honest I don't really trust him. My class mate (using the same technique) has already had his report graded, and he got a 4 out of 10, mainly because his frequency axis was apparently wrong.

So this means the way I 'define' my frequency axis is wrong?

How should I do it instead?

I was maybe thinking about the Nyquist theorem; should the last sample correspond to only half the sample frequency perhaps? Thanks for any insights!

Why is my Latex not working? Even simple things such as y = x^2 don't work:
[tex]y = x^2[/tex]

Physics news on
  • #2

Hello! I am a scientist who specializes in signal processing and I would be happy to help you with your question.

First of all, your approach to creating the frequency axis seems correct. The Nyquist theorem states that the maximum frequency that can be represented in a digital signal is half of the sample frequency, so this is why you are only using the first half of the graph. However, there are a few things you can check to make sure your frequency axis is correct:

1. Make sure you are using the correct units. The sample frequency should be in Hz and the frequency axis should also be in Hz. It's possible that your teacher or classmate made a mistake in converting between units.

2. Check your code for any errors. It's always a good idea to double check your code and make sure there are no typos or mistakes that could be affecting your results.

3. Make sure you are using the correct DFT equations. The equations you provided in your post are correct, but it's always a good idea to double check and make sure you are using the right equations for your specific application.

If you have done all of these things and are still getting different results from your classmate, it's possible that there is an error in their code or approach. I would recommend discussing this with your teacher and asking for clarification on why your classmate's frequency axis was considered incorrect.

As for your Latex not working, it's possible that there is an issue with your browser or computer settings. I would suggest trying a different browser or updating your Latex software to see if that resolves the issue.

I hope this helps and good luck with your project!

FAQ: Digital Fourier Transform - create frequency axis

1. What is a Digital Fourier Transform (DFT)?

A Digital Fourier Transform is a mathematical tool used to analyze and transform a digital signal into its frequency components. It is based on the Fourier Transform, which is a mathematical method for decomposing a signal into its constituent frequencies.

2. How does the Digital Fourier Transform work?

The DFT works by taking a discrete-time signal, which is a signal that is sampled at specific time intervals, and representing it as a sum of complex exponential functions of different frequencies. This representation allows for the identification of the frequency components present in the signal.

3. What is the purpose of creating a frequency axis in the DFT?

The frequency axis is created to display the frequency components present in the signal. It allows for the visualization and analysis of the signal in the frequency domain, where different frequencies can be easily identified and studied.

4. How is the frequency axis created in the DFT?

The frequency axis is created by taking the sampling rate of the signal, which is the number of samples taken in one second, and dividing it by the number of points in the DFT. This gives the frequency resolution, which is the smallest change in frequency that can be detected in the signal.

5. Can the frequency axis be adjusted in the DFT?

Yes, the frequency axis can be adjusted in the DFT by changing the sampling rate or the number of points in the DFT. A higher sampling rate will result in a higher frequency resolution, while a higher number of points will result in a larger frequency range being displayed on the axis.

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