Ideal MHD equilibrium equations

However, if an arbitrarily strong external field is present and the plasma density is low, this condition will not hold true as the small plasma currents will not be strong enough to change the external field significantly. In summary, the ideal equilibrium MHD equation describes the relationship between the current, magnetic field, and plasma pressure in a system without any external magnetic fields present.
  • #1
I have a question about the ideal equilibrium MHD equation:

\vec{J} \times \vec{B} = \nabla p

where [itex]\vec{J}[/itex] is the current, [itex]\vec{B}[/itex] is the magnetic field, and [itex]p[/itex] is the plasma pressure.

Does the magnetic field here represent the total magnetic field (any applied external fields plus fields due to the plasma currents?) Or does it represent only the plasma current fields?

I'm asking because one consequence of this equation is:

\vec{B} \cdot \nabla p = 0

But if you consider a system with an arbitrarily strong applied external field, and a low plasma density, this condition will certainly not be true. (ie: the small plasma currents will not be strong enough to change the external field enough to make this condition true)
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  • #2
The magnetic field in the ideal equilibrium MHD equation represents only the magnetic field due to the plasma currents. It does not include any applied external fields. As a result, the equation \vec{B} \cdot \nabla p = 0 will be true for any system with no external magnetic field present.

FAQ: Ideal MHD equilibrium equations

1. What is the purpose of the Ideal MHD equilibrium equations?

The Ideal MHD equilibrium equations are a set of equations that describe the equilibrium state of a plasma in a magnetic field. They are used to understand the behavior and stability of plasmas in fusion devices and other applications.

2. What are the key assumptions behind the Ideal MHD equilibrium equations?

The Ideal MHD equilibrium equations assume that the plasma is in a steady state, that the plasma is highly conducting, and that the plasma is incompressible. These assumptions simplify the equations and allow for a better understanding of plasma behavior.

3. How do the Ideal MHD equilibrium equations relate to the magnetic field?

The Ideal MHD equilibrium equations describe how the plasma responds to the presence of a magnetic field. They show the distribution of pressure, current, and magnetic field strength within the plasma, and how these quantities are related to each other.

4. What is the significance of the Ideal MHD equilibrium equations in fusion research?

The Ideal MHD equilibrium equations are essential for understanding and predicting the behavior of plasmas in fusion devices. They provide insights into the stability of plasmas and help researchers design more efficient and stable fusion reactors.

5. How do the Ideal MHD equilibrium equations differ from the resistive MHD equations?

The Ideal MHD equilibrium equations assume that the plasma is perfectly conducting, while the resistive MHD equations take into account the effects of plasma resistivity. This means that the Ideal MHD equations are more applicable for plasmas with high conductivity, while the resistive MHD equations are better suited for plasmas with lower conductivity.

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