Understanding energy bands in solids

In summary: The solutions for an electron in a periodic potential are large gaps in energy. This is used to explain properties relating to the electric conduction in solids. The Bragg diffraction is used to analyze the behavior of electron waves in a crystal. If the electron waves do not satisfy the Bragg condition, they will always scatter and produce destructive interference.
  • #1
For an electron in a periodic potential the Schrödinger equation has solutions for which there are large gaps in the energy. This is used to explain properties relating to the electric conduction in solids.
In my book the formation of energy bands is explained using the Bragg diffraction in a crystal with reciprocal lattice vectors G. As far as I can understand the idea is that we consider the electrons as free electrons, i.e. waves in the solid, which then bounce off the potenial walls formed by the different nuclei in the crystal. The bragg diffraction is:
k' = k + G
which are fulfilled by wavevectors on the boundary of the Brillouin zone.
I guess some of that makes sense. But what about the k-vectors which do no lie near the zone boundaries. My teacher told me nothing happens to these electron waves. WHY is that? Given the nature of the model we should also expect these to be reflected at the potential walls - whether or not they fulfill the Bragg condition.
Maybe I am wrong in assuming that we see the electrons as free waves, which scatter of the periodic potential?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What do you mean by: "Given the nature of the model" ?

The electrons only scatter if their wavenumber fulfills the Bragg-condition. In that case, the electron wave is diffracted, we have constructive interference and the electron is scattered.

Now, if the Bragg-condition is not fulfilled, then we always have destructive interference. There will be always a diffracted sub-wave and a second sub-wave that is in opposite phase so that we get destructive interference.

But I do not understand well what you mean by:"reflected at the potential walls"..
  • #3
Isnt it the idea that we view the electrons as free electrons moving in free space but with periodic potential peaks, where the waves are reflected and transmitted. If there is destructive interference for electron waves in the region of k space, where the bragg condition is not fulfilled, why is it that nothing happens to the energy of the solutions in this area? My teacher said these solutions are just what you would expect if the electron where indeed completely free to move.

FAQ: Understanding energy bands in solids

1. What is the concept of energy bands in solids?

Energy bands in solids refer to the allowed energy levels for electrons to occupy in a solid material. These energy levels are determined by the arrangement of atoms and their interactions in the solid, and they play a crucial role in determining the electronic, optical, and magnetic properties of the material.

2. How do energy bands affect the behavior of electrons in solids?

The energy bands in solids dictate the movement of electrons. Electrons in the highest occupied energy band are involved in bonding and are restricted to move within a certain range, while electrons in the conduction band can move freely and contribute to the material's electrical conductivity.

3. What is the difference between a valence band and a conduction band?

The valence band is the highest energy band that is fully occupied by electrons at absolute zero temperature. It represents the energy levels in which electrons are involved in bonding. The conduction band, on the other hand, is the energy band directly above the valence band, and it contains partially filled or empty energy levels that allow electrons to move freely and contribute to the material's conductivity.

4. How does the band structure of a material affect its properties?

The band structure of a material is directly related to its electronic, optical, and magnetic properties. The width of the energy bands, the distance between them, and the number of electrons in each band all influence the material's conductivity, optical absorption, and magnetic behavior. Band structure also plays a crucial role in determining a material's suitability for specific applications.

5. What factors can affect the energy band structure of a material?

The energy band structure of a material can be affected by various factors, including the type of atoms present in the material, their arrangement, and the strength of their interactions. External factors such as temperature, pressure, and the presence of impurities can also alter the energy band structure of a material.

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