Calculating Stress/Deflection in Cantilever Beam

In summary: But the total stress will be the sum of the stresses at the fixed and free ends. In summary, the stress and deflection at the end of a cantilever beam can be calculated using the EI formula, depending on the cross section of the beam.
  • #1
A cantilever beam is loaded by a uniform shear stress T on its upper surface. How to calculate the stress and deflections at the end of the beam?
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  • #2
You can use [itex] EI \frac{d^{3} \nu}{dx^{3}} = V [/itex] as long as the cross section of the beam is constant. Where [itex] \nu [/itex] is the deflection.
  • #3
In this formula V is the vertical shear on a cross section. Applied shear (T) is horizontal on the upper surface. Why should they be equal?
  • #4
Hello, it depends on the cross section of your beam. Could you tell us which profile you are using? is it a composite beam?
  • #5
Rectangular cross-section. The crossection will only affect I, in the formula. We can just keep it as I, so we don't have to worry about the cross-section.
  • #6
The shear stress would induce a tensile stress in the beam with maximum tensile stress at the fixed end and only shear at the free end. Since the shear load is only on the upper surface, it is unbalanced, so it would induce a bending moment in the beam.
  • #7
you can take a uniform force.. find the center of it. and just put in the Fr for it.. and that makes calculations simple.
  • #8
To make sure I understand what you have; a constant rectangular cross section with a uniform horizontal force applied only along the top surface of the section and perpendiular to the longitudinal axis of the beam, and the beam has one end fixed and one end free.

Your deflection can be broken into components of that induced by horizontal shear, bending moment and torsional moment. The shear and bending moment would give translational displacements and the torsional moment generates rotational displacement about the long. axis of the beam. Usually, the bending moment will give the significant deflection of a real world beam and the shear and torsional deflection are often minimal in comparison and sometimes ignored. But you certainly cannot ignore the stresses which they produce.

The stresses will be from the direct shear, torsional shearing, and tension and compression from the bending moment. Your highest stresses will be at the fixed end.

FAQ: Calculating Stress/Deflection in Cantilever Beam

1. What is a cantilever beam?

A cantilever beam is a structural element that is supported at only one end, with the other end free to move. It is commonly used in engineering and architecture for supporting roofs, bridges, and other structures.

2. How is stress calculated in a cantilever beam?

Stress in a cantilever beam can be calculated using the following formula: stress = (force x distance)/(moment of inertia x distance from the neutral axis). The moment of inertia is a measure of the beam's resistance to bending and is dependent on the beam's cross-sectional shape and size.

3. What factors affect the deflection of a cantilever beam?

The deflection of a cantilever beam is affected by several factors, including the material properties, dimensions of the beam, and the applied load. The type of load (point load or distributed load) and the location of the load along the beam also play a role in determining the deflection.

4. How do I determine the maximum stress and deflection in a cantilever beam?

The maximum stress and deflection in a cantilever beam can be determined by solving the equations of equilibrium and compatibility. This involves setting the sum of the forces and moments equal to zero and applying the appropriate boundary conditions. Alternatively, computer software programs can be used to calculate the maximum stress and deflection.

5. What are some common assumptions made when calculating stress and deflection in a cantilever beam?

Some common assumptions include: the beam is made of a homogeneous and isotropic material, the beam is initially straight and has a constant cross-section, and the deflections are small compared to the beam's length. These assumptions may not hold true in real-world scenarios and can affect the accuracy of the calculations.

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