What is the relationship between wedge product and cross product?

  • Thread starter closet mathemetician
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    Product Wedge
In summary, the difference between a wedge product and a cross product is that the wedge product of two vectors results in a bivector, while the cross product results in another vector. The wedge product is defined for all vectors in a vector space, while the cross product is only defined for vectors in a three-dimensional vector space.
  • #1
closet mathemetician
What's the difference between a wedge product and a cross product?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Although they are both antisymmetric in their arguments,
the wedge product of two vectors is a bivector (a 2-index tensor);
the cross product of two vectors is another [psuedo] vector.
  • #3
Pretty much it's just down to how you view these things.

x/\y is always defined for all x,y in any vector space, they just live in the space /\^2(V). It so happens that in the case when dim(V)=3, then /\^2(V) is (non-canonically) isomorphic to V, so people identify them, and call the resulting thing the cross product.

FAQ: What is the relationship between wedge product and cross product?

1. What is the difference between wedge product and cross product?

The wedge product and cross product are both operations used in vector calculus, but they have different geometric interpretations and results. The wedge product is used to find the area or volume spanned by two vectors, while the cross product is used to find a vector perpendicular to two given vectors.

2. How do you calculate the wedge product of two vectors?

The wedge product of two vectors, u and v, is calculated by taking the magnitude of the cross product of the two vectors and multiplying it by the sine of the angle between them. This can also be written as ||u x v|| * sin(theta).

3. Is the wedge product commutative?

No, the wedge product is not commutative. In other words, u ∧ v ≠ v ∧ u. This means that the order in which the vectors are multiplied matters and will affect the result.

4. How is the cross product related to the wedge product?

The cross product can be seen as a special case of the wedge product, where the vectors are in three-dimensional space and the result is a vector perpendicular to both of the original vectors. In other words, the cross product is a three-dimensional version of the wedge product.

5. What are some applications of the wedge product and cross product?

The wedge product and cross product have many applications in physics, engineering, and computer graphics. They are used to calculate torque and angular momentum in physics, determine the direction of magnetic fields, and in 3D graphics to create realistic lighting and shading effects.

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