Many proud of being Americans are the most un-American

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In summary: Also, I would think that a class on human reproduction would be pretty important, especially if you want to have healthy citizens in the future. In summary, this article talks about how book banning is un-American and unconstitutional. The author also suggests that high schoolers are immature and that human reproduction would not be a appropriate topic for a biology class.
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  • #2
Liberty...Banned by popular demand.
  • #3
I'll give that sentiment a "yup"

"Everything I even needed to know, I learned from reading banned books."

I don't remember who said that...
  • #4
Maybe I'm missing something, but what does banning books have to do with being proud to be an American? I didn't read the whole article, but I didn't see it say that people banned the books out of patriotism.
  • #5
I second russ's comment

Also, I didn't read it just checked the books but, where are these books banned in? I didn't see where it said.
  • #6
The title of this thread is misleading. While the censors may or may not see themselves as patriots, your link doesn't show the connection.
  • #7

(Go to the text option when you get there --- it's an encyclopedia of censorship, libel, and slander cases from the last century. -end edit)

for a trip down memory lane --- 50 and over only. The memory is a funny thing --- why this post should bring to mind life in the fifties with "state boards of censorship" clipping the good parts from movies, cops raiding bookstores for "Tropic of Cancer," and all the other police-state terrors, I've no idea.

Anyone know whether any of that nonsense ever crawled its way to the supreme court? or, is it still inching its way along?
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  • #8
There's a recent book out about this, "The Langauge Police" is the title I think, about the political establishments (school boards) in Texas (on the right) and California (on the left) that eviscerate reality from public high school texts. Also targeted, standardized tests. The list of censored material is absolutely crazy.

here you go:
And you can of course buy it online
the language police
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  • #9
Originally posted by Zero
The title of this thread is misleading. While the censors may or may not see themselves as patriots, your link doesn't show the connection.
Books are banned for all sorts of reasons - including perversion of patriotism. But I think most books are banned for moral/religious reasons. "The Catcher in the Rye" is probably the most high profile example and was banned for religious/moral reasons.

Bottom line though, book banning is unAmerican and unConstitutional
  • #10
Well, it is nice to see that people of all political views see book-bannings as being un-American. The problem, however, is that there are people on all sides who also see it as a wonderful way to express your views, by banning books. I can understand re-classifying certain books, simply to make sure they are age-appropriate, but your average high school student is mature enough to read any of the classics.
  • #11
"The Catcher in the Rye" is probably the most high profile example and was banned for religious/moral reasons.

Yes, I could see why it would offend some people (but I absolutely loved the book so much that I read it eight times).

but your average high school student is mature enough to read any of the classics.

You've obviously never seen my graduating class have you? In reality I tend to disagree to an extent. HIgh schoolers (excluding Middle school and elementary school) have to be some of the most immature group I have ever seen. The biology classes couldn't go over human (or basic animal reproduction) because of the response from students (everything slight from giggling, to simulating masterbation, to even demonstrating the act of sexual intercourse for the benefit of the class).

I said I disagreed to an extent simply because I'm making a judgement based on the high schools I have seen (which may be few in number compared to the number of high schools you have observed).

To lighten the atmosphere with a humorous quip: I remember introducing one classmate to The Catcher in the Rye and for those who haven't it read it, it contains "f-word" (and I'm not talking about "function" or "fibonacci series"). After attempting to read it after a few days, the guy looks at me and goes "man, that book is stupid and that guy in it f*cking cusses too much".
  • #12
I put my own assumptions into the title. The people that worry so much about "family values" so much and bother the government and school boards about it tend to be in the "god and country" gung-ho category. At least, that is my experience.

The biology classes couldn't go over human (or basic animal reproduction) because of the response from students (everything slight from giggling, to simulating masterbation, to even demonstrating the act of sexual intercourse for the benefit of the class).

Whoah. What kind of high school did you go to? I'm sure that we had some giggling at mine, but not the, umm, demonstrations.
  • #13
Ladies and Gentlemen, might I aquaint you with some mild defacation for your reading pleasure?

Give me a break.

When the government outlaws the sublime proscriptions of such imaginaries as Vonnegut, Orwell, Burgess, Heinlein, Herbert, or Huxley then you may draw attention to it.

When some nameless dumbass calls for a religious bookburning in some nameless town somewhere in ****hole, USA...don't waste my time. This is the perfect example of a media shmuck attempting to turn a molehill into a mountain complete with a publitzer at the top. What an ambulance chaser.

Needless to say, any person who has the moral stamina to lay down an idea into writing (no matter how disillusioned) deserves to have his/her say. Censorship is BS. Censorship of anything. Period.

Even Zero's posts should not be censored. (Just kidding Zero..well, not really. WTH. You know what I mean.)

I don't have to agree with any author. I even have the right to point out the detrimental effects of negative propoganda, subversive prose, or derogatory scripture if I feel like it. That however, does not mean that such material cannot be said. It only means that I might take pleasure in slinging mud at it. :)
  • #14
Whoah. What kind of high school did you go to?

Not a very good one I can assure you.

I'm sure that we had some giggling at mine, but not the, umm, demonstrations

It didn't happen in my class because we were all in the Honors classes so we had a sense of maturity (not only that but I was the only male in the class).

But, when running errands, I saw it once and it was frightening.

FAQ: Many proud of being Americans are the most un-American

1. What does it mean to be "un-American"?

Being "un-American" refers to actions or beliefs that go against the values and principles of the United States, such as discrimination, intolerance, and disrespect for democracy and freedom.

2. Why would someone be proud to be American but also considered "un-American"?

It is possible for someone to feel proud of certain aspects of being American, such as the country's history or cultural diversity, while also exhibiting behaviors or beliefs that are considered un-American.

3. Can someone be both proud and un-American at the same time?

Yes, an individual's pride in being American does not necessarily determine their actions or beliefs. It is possible for someone to feel proud of their nationality while also exhibiting un-American behaviors.

4. What are some examples of behaviors that are considered un-American?

Examples of un-American behaviors include discrimination based on race, religion, or gender, disrespect for the rule of law, and disregard for the rights and freedoms of others.

5. How can someone be proud to be American and still uphold American values?

Being proud to be American means recognizing and celebrating the positive aspects of the country, while also acknowledging and working towards improving the negative aspects. Upholding American values means treating others with respect, promoting equality and justice, and actively participating in the democratic process.

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