Can you prove the formula for projection of a vector using dot products?

In summary, vector projection is a mathematical operation used to find the component of one vector along another vector. It is calculated using a formula that involves the dot product and magnitude of the vectors. Vector projection is used in physics, engineering, and computer graphics. It can be negative if the angle between the vectors is greater than 90 degrees. The main difference between vector projection and scalar projection is that the former takes into account the direction of the vectors, while the latter does not.
  • #1
Is the following statement true? My intuition tells me it is true, but I have been trying to prove it, without much success:

[tex] (proj_{v}u ) \cdot (u - proj_{v}u) = 0 [/tex]

It makes complete since if you draw it out in R2, but I am trying to prove it in Rn.

Any ideas?

Physics news on
  • #2
The formula is true. To prove it, can you find another way to write [itex]proj_vu[/itex]?? Try to write it with dot products.

FAQ: Can you prove the formula for projection of a vector using dot products?

1. What is a vector projection?

A vector projection is a mathematical operation that involves finding the component of one vector along another vector. It is used to measure the magnitude of a vector in a specific direction.

2. How is vector projection calculated?

The vector projection of vector a onto vector b is calculated using the formula projba = ((a · b) / (b · b)) * b, where a · b represents the dot product of the two vectors and b · b represents the magnitude of vector b.

3. What is the purpose of vector projection?

Vector projection is often used in physics and engineering to analyze forces acting on an object in a specific direction. It is also used in computer graphics to create 3D images and animations.

4. Can vector projection be negative?

Yes, vector projection can be negative. This occurs when the angle between the two vectors is greater than 90 degrees, resulting in a negative component along the projected vector.

5. What is the difference between vector projection and scalar projection?

Vector projection involves calculating the magnitude of a vector along another vector, while scalar projection involves calculating the magnitude of a vector onto a scalar (a single number). Vector projection takes into account the direction of the vectors, while scalar projection does not.
