Why don't atoms collide when hitting two objects together?

  • Thread starter jlorino
  • Start date
In summary, this conversation covers why when you hit a desk with your hand the atoms of the objects do not collide and disrupt the moleculer compound. It also explains that the small residue is not detectable and that it does not affect any of the molecules. Lastly, it explains that the small residue is due to the electron clouds repelling each other and that it is not possible to penetrate a gas because the molecules have no covelant bonds.
  • #1
why when i hit the desk with my hand do the atoms of the two objects not collide and distrupted the moleculer compound?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
They do. If your question is, "Why don't I see great clouds of smoke, flame, ash, and other detritus?" the answer is that such residue is produced in such small quantities as to be unnoticeable. Calculate the amount of energy you are dissipating when you strike the desk with your hand --- tens of joules. Compare this to the energy required to decompose one mole of water --- ca. 400 kJ. Ask yourself how much water you can decompose --- 10s of micromoles, 100s of micrograms. Is it detectable?
  • #3
does the small residue affect ne of the molecules at all?
  • #4
What happens is likes repell, and an atom has electrons (negatively charged) hovering aroung it. These electrons orbit the atom so fast, it would look like an electron cloud. The two electron clouds repell each other, so you can not dig into matter, as if it wasn't there.
  • #5
jlorino said:
does the small residue affect ne of the molecules at all?

Yes, those it's derived from.
  • #6
Dual Op Amp said:
What happens is likes repell, and an atom has electrons (negatively charged) hovering aroung it. These electrons orbit the atom so fast, it would look like an electron cloud. The two electron clouds repell each other, so you can not dig into matter, as if it wasn't there.

This is not quite the whole story. In a gas, such forces exist, however you are able to penetrate a gas quite easily. It is the restoring force supplied by the lattice of the solid you are hitting that provides the repulsion.

  • #7
Gas can be penetrated, because none of the gas molecules have any covelant bonds. In a desk, there are covelent bonds that make the desk a solid. As the hand presses on the desk, it compresses the atoms of the desk a little bit, it is the restorative force that pushes the desk back in shape. The restorative force is electron clouds repelling each other.

Double negatives, misspelled words, no "Of."
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  • #8
Dual Op Amp said:
Gas can be penetrated, because none of the gas molecules have any covelant bonds. In a desk, there are covelent bonds that make the desk a solid. As the hand presses on the desk, it compresses the atoms of the desk a little bit, it is the restorative force that pushes the desk back in shape. The restorative force is electron clouds repelling each other.

Double negatives, misspelled words, no "Of."

Though i don't believe in anything but the force of the human mind,i dare to say:
"Jesus Christ,where the hell did u read this stuff?"And more:"Why do you think it is correct what you're saying?".
I honestly believe that your knowledge of (American) English spelling is perfect compared to the one of Physics... :-p
  • #9
Where did I read this, almost EVERY physics book in America!
  • #10
Dual Op Amp said:
Gas can be penetrated, because none of the gas molecules have any covelant bonds. In a desk, there are covelent bonds that make the desk a solid. As the hand presses on the desk, it compresses the atoms of the desk a little bit, it is the restorative force that pushes the desk back in shape. The restorative force is electron clouds repelling each other.

1.Your probably ment "covalent bonds".Gas molecules are made mostly of covalent bonds.Yes,at high energies(temperures) the molecules dissociate into constituting atoms.At normal temperatures,the gas state is characterized by strong forces of interraction inside the molecule (the covalent binding is a strong one,compared to metalic or ionic binding) but very weak interraction forces between the molecules themselves,that is because the mean distance between those melecules in the gas state is roughly 10-100 times larger than molecular dimensions.Of course,i assumed simple molecular structures,not the ones stretching over thousands of carbon,hydrogen,oxygen atoms.The potential Lenard-Jones (sounds familiar??) is very fast decaying with the distance between molecules.So,my friend,gas can be penetrated due to the lack of organization (experienced by the liquid and especially the solid states) at molecular level and due to the fact that attracting and repelling forces between its molecules are very weak.
2.In a desk,probably made of wood,the covalent bindings are indeed strong within the molecular structure,but point 1)does not apply because the molecular size is huge compared to the atomic dimensions (macromolecules can range up to microns) and the forces of interraction between those macromolecules are far larger than before,as I'm talking of thousands of atoms very close to each other not only within the molecules,but also,due to size reasons,very close to the atoms of the surrounding atoms.Trying to apply Lenard-Jones potential would be entirely stupid.
3.Your last two phrases would marvelously fit into a description of a metal,seen as a crystal lattice with metalic bonds between the atoms.

Give me some titles for those "intelligent" books you've read.What are electron clouds??
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  • #11
...Okay, you're right. I, actually, recently learned that molecules are not interconnected with covelant bonds. Instead, molecules are interconnected by attractive force between the molecules, right? Anyway, the covelant bonds only bind the atoms in the molecule, not the entire structure. I learned this after I posted the other two posts.
Electron clouds are electrons. The electrons move so fast, that they make what look like clouds.
  • #12
Dual Op Amp said:
The electrons move so fast, that they make what look like clouds.

This is incorrect, if it were, electrons would continuously emit radiation. This is experimentally observed not to be the case.

Bound electrons are more like standing waves than point particles zipping around in space. The standing wave (or orbital) has a distributed mass and charge that does not vary with time, which agrees with the observation that atoms are do not continuously emit radiation.


FAQ: Why don't atoms collide when hitting two objects together?

1. How does hitting two objects together create sound?

When two objects are hit together, the impact causes vibrations in the molecules of the objects. These vibrations travel through the air as sound waves, which our ears then interpret as sound.

2. Can any two objects produce sound when hit together?

Yes, any two objects can produce sound when hit together as long as they are rigid enough to vibrate and create sound waves.

3. Why do some objects produce louder sounds when hit together?

The loudness of a sound produced by hitting two objects together depends on the force of the impact, the rigidity of the objects, and the size and shape of the objects. Objects that are larger and have a larger surface area will typically produce louder sounds when hit together.

4. How can the sound produced by hitting two objects together be changed?

The sound produced by hitting two objects together can be changed by altering the force of the impact, the materials of the objects, and the surface on which the objects are hit. For example, hitting a metal object on a hard surface will produce a different sound than hitting it on a soft surface.

5. Is there a limit to how loud a sound can be produced by hitting two objects together?

Yes, there is a limit to how loud a sound can be produced by hitting two objects together. This limit is determined by the strength and rigidity of the objects, as well as the force of the impact. If the force is too great, the objects may break or shatter instead of producing a sound.
