How Does Gravity Affect Time Near Earth's Core?

In summary, Gravity at the center of the Earth is not zero, but rather at its maximum. This is due to the increase in potential energy as one gets closer to the center. The formula for gravitational time dilation also takes into account this potential energy, not just the gravitational force. However, the precise formula for time dilation at the center of the Earth is not known and requires further experimentation.
  • #1
I’m interested in how the rate of time compares in different locations of “deep” gravity fields.
With GR we are good with the idea that a clock on the Moon runs faster than a clock on Earth. Here we’re looking only at GR the effects of acceleration/gravity. We can directly measure the acceleration affecting time in those locations in the Measurement of Gravity by simply weighing a known mass - simple.
But, suppose we place clocks and measuring devices at intervals in a drilling through the center of the Earth. We will see the measured weight (force of gravity) go to zero at the center! What does this mean for the gravity field and the impact the rate of time as you approach the center?

I see to alternatives:
1) Gravity goes to Zero the curve of space time turns back to the same shape as deep space, so time at the center of Earth actually runs faster than time on the moon's surface!

2) Although the measurable gravitational force has gone to zero, I’ll call it the “local mass density” around the clock continues to increase as it near's the center, thus the maximum reduction in the rate of time will be found at the center along with max curve in space time.

I sure hope it’s #2 because #1 just gets to weird. The questions are:
A) Do the GR formulas account for this and which one does it reflect 1 or 2?

B) Has someone done a test to verify which is correct? A deep mine experiment confirming the lower weight of a mass (smaller gravity), yet time tested as running even slower than on the surface?

Randall B
Physics news on
  • #2
RandallB said:
I’m interested in how the rate of time compares in different locations of “deep” gravity fields.

If you look at the expression for gravitational time dilation in the weak field (where one can sensibly talk about gravity as a force), you'll find that gravitational time dilation is not a function of the "gravitational force", but rather a function of the "gravitational potential energy".

There are some formulas at

which illustrate this point, however, the formulas as written do not apply to the situation at the center of the Earth.

There are some past physics forum threads on this topic which you can probably find if you're interested, but the main point is that the gravitational time dilation is


T = \frac{T_0}{\sqrt{1-U/c^2}}

U here is a positive number, which is the negative of the Newtonian gravitational potential energy per unit mass. You can think of U as representing "how deep" one is in a gravity well, i.e it's the amount of energy / unit mass one would need to escape to infinity.

T is a function of U, not the local "gravitational field".

Below the surface of the Earth, with the assumption that the Earth has a constant density (which is probably not exactly true, but close), you can use the formula

U = \frac{GM}{R_0} + .5 \frac{g}{R_0} (R_0^2 - R^2)

Here g is the gravitational acceleration at the Earth's surface, R_0 is the radius of the Earth, and R is the distance one is from the center of the Earth (R=0 at the center of the Earth). The formula above is valid only for R<R_0, above that value use the formulas in the web reference.

You can see that U continues to increase, reaching a maximum at the center. This is required because the force is proportional to dU/dR, and as the force always points towards the center of the Earth, dU/dR always has the same sign.

The detailed expression above comes from the fact that for a constant density mass, gravity below the surface follows Hooke's law. This can be derived by a straightforwards calculation based on Newtonian gravity.
  • #3

Thank you for your interesting question, Randall. The effects of gravity on time, as predicted by general relativity, are indeed fascinating. To answer your first question, the GR formulas do account for the effects of gravity on time, and they reflect option 2 in your scenarios. This is known as time dilation, where time runs slower in a stronger gravitational field. This effect has been confirmed by numerous experiments, including the famous Hafele-Keating experiment in 1971, where atomic clocks were flown on airplanes and compared to clocks on the ground, showing the predicted time dilation effect.

As for your second question, there have been experiments conducted to verify this effect in different locations of deep gravity fields. One example is the Gravity Probe B experiment, which used a satellite to measure the effects of Earth's gravity on time. The results confirmed the predicted time dilation effect, with the clocks on the satellite running slower than clocks on Earth's surface.

In terms of your proposed experiment, it is possible to measure the effects of gravity on time by placing clocks at different intervals in a drilling through the center of the Earth. However, this would be a challenging and complex experiment to conduct, and it may not be feasible to drill all the way to the center of the Earth. Additionally, the effects of other factors, such as temperature and pressure, would need to be carefully controlled in order to accurately measure the effects of gravity on time.

Overall, the concept of time dilation in different locations of deep gravity fields is well-established and has been confirmed by experiments. It is a fascinating aspect of general relativity that continues to be studied and explored by scientists. I hope this helps answer your questions.

FAQ: How Does Gravity Affect Time Near Earth's Core?

1. What is "GR to the center of the Earth"?

"GR to the center of the Earth" refers to the theory of general relativity as it applies to objects located at the center of the Earth. This theory explains how gravity works in extreme conditions, such as at the center of a massive object like our planet.

2. How is general relativity relevant to the center of the Earth?

General relativity is relevant to the center of the Earth because it helps us understand how gravity works in such a massive and dense object. It explains how the Earth's mass curves space-time, creating the force of gravity that keeps us grounded on the surface.

3. What are some implications of general relativity at the center of the Earth?

One implication of general relativity at the center of the Earth is that the force of gravity is strongest at the center, as all the mass of the planet is pulling towards that point. Additionally, time is slightly slower at the center of the Earth due to the curvature of space-time.

4. How does general relativity compare to Newton's law of gravitation at the center of the Earth?

General relativity and Newton's law of gravitation both describe the force of gravity, but they do so in different ways. Newton's law is simpler and easier to use for most everyday situations, but general relativity is necessary to explain gravity in extreme conditions like those at the center of the Earth.

5. Can general relativity at the center of the Earth be tested or observed?

Yes, general relativity at the center of the Earth can be tested and observed through various experiments and observations. For example, the slowing of time at the center of the Earth has been confirmed through experiments with atomic clocks. Additionally, the bending of starlight as it passes near the Sun, predicted by general relativity, has been observed during solar eclipses.

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