Why does the integral of the Yukawa potential converge for q/alpha >= 1?

In summary: However, I am still curious as to where my overly-complicated solution goes wrong. Any thoughts?In summary, the function that the series converges to for q/\alpha<1 is determined by the pole at z=1 and the fact that the series only covers the complex plane except for at the pole.
  • #1
While preparing for an exam I came across an integral of the form

[tex]\int_0^\infty dx\;e^{-\alpha x}\sin{q x}[/tex]

with [itex]q,\alpha>0[/itex].

My question will be regarding my solution to the integral which I present as follows:

I expand the sine function as a Taylor series and differentiate with respect to alpha to yield

[tex]\begin{align}e^{-\alpha x}\sin{q x} &= \sum_{n=0}^\infty (-1)^n\dfrac{q^{2n+1}}{(2n+1)!}x^{2n+1}e^{-\alpha x} \\
&= \sum_n (-1)^{n+1}\dfrac{q^{2n+1}}{(2n+1)!}\dfrac{d^{2n+1}}{d\alpha^{2n+1}}e^{-\alpha x}\end{align}[/tex]

After integrating with respect to x and differentiating with respect to alpha I arrive at

[tex]\int_0^\infty dx\;e^{-\alpha x}\sin{q x}=\dfrac{q}{\alpha^2}\sum_n \left(i\dfrac{q}{\alpha}\right)^{2n}.[/tex]

Here comes the troubling part. For [itex]q/\alpha<1[/itex] this geometric series converges nicely to


However, Mathematica tells me that the integral, unlike my geometric series above, will still converge for [itex]q/\alpha\geq 1[/itex].

I guess my question is a) Where have I gone wrong in my solution such that it is only valid for the case [itex]q/\alpha<1[/itex]? b) Is there a more straightforward way of performing this integral?

Thanks in advance for any insight you all may offer.

I realize this is more of a math question, but it came up while performing the Fourier transform of the Yukawa potential and I thought that the physics community here would be well acquainted with this integral.

[Edit]: I want to make clear that this is not a homework problem. I was simply curious if I could perform the integral by hand.
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  • #2
As a simpler route, I think you can just write ##\sin(qx) = [e^{iqx} - e^{-iqx}]/(2i)##, which turns the integral into a sum of two easy integrals of exponentials.
  • #3
The_Duck said:
As a simpler route, I think you can just write ##\sin(qx) = [e^{iqx} - e^{-iqx}]/(2i)##, which turns the integral into a sum of two easy integrals of exponentials.

Oh wow... I was originally trying to do just that except that I was thinking I would use the residue theorem... which makes no sense for this problem. Wow that is easy. Thanks, The_Duck.

However, I am still curious as to where my overly-complicated solution goes wrong. Any thoughts?
  • #4
That's a trick any physicist has learn at a point. You have a series, converging for some values, and then after summing you do an analytic continuation. Most prominent examples is renormalization theory in quantum field theory: You evaluate an integral in [itex]d[/itex] dimensions and analytically continuate to the physical value [itex]d=4[/itex] after subtracting divergent terms of the type [itex]1/(d-4)[/itex] (dimensional regularization) and so on.

You example is a nice example. Of course the geometric series converges only for [itex]|z|<1[/itex]. For these values you have
[tex]\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} z^k=\frac{1}{1-z}.[/tex]
This shows, why the series diverges for [itex]|z|>1[/itex]: The analytic function defined by the series only for [itex]|z|<1[/itex] has a pole at [itex]z=1[/itex], and a well-known theorem from complex function theory tells you that the Taylor series around a point [itex]z_0[/itex] has the radius of divergence determined by the largest disk not containing any singularities of the corresponding function. Here [itex]z_0=0[/itex] and the closest (and in this case only) singularity is at [itex]z=1[/itex].

The function as an analytic (meromorphic) function is uniquely defined on the entire complex plane except at the pole [itex]z=1[/itex]. Thus the function is valid on this much larger domain than the convergence region of the original power series tells you.

The integral is obviously convergent for any real [itex]q[/itex] for [itex]\text{Re} \; \alpha>0[/itex].
  • #5
Thank you vanhees71 for your response. I believe I understand the main idea of what you are saying and will do some playing around with this idea.

FAQ: Why does the integral of the Yukawa potential converge for q/alpha >= 1?

1. What is the Yukawa Potential Integral?

The Yukawa Potential Integral is a mathematical formula used to describe the potential energy between two particles, taking into account the presence of a screening factor due to the exchange of virtual particles.

2. How is the Yukawa Potential Integral derived?

The Yukawa Potential Integral is derived from the Schrodinger equation, by considering the potential energy term as the sum of Coulombic and Yukawa potential terms.

3. What is the physical significance of the Yukawa Potential Integral?

The Yukawa Potential Integral is commonly used in quantum field theory to describe the force between two particles mediated by the exchange of virtual particles, such as in the case of the strong and weak nuclear forces.

4. What is the range of the Yukawa Potential Integral?

The range of the Yukawa Potential Integral is limited by the screening factor, which decreases exponentially with distance. This means that the potential energy between two particles decreases rapidly as they are separated.

5. How does the Yukawa Potential Integral differ from the Coulomb potential?

The main difference between the Yukawa Potential Integral and the Coulomb potential is the presence of the screening factor. This factor takes into account the exchange of virtual particles, which affects the potential energy between two particles at different distances.

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