Standing Waves and Radiation Emission

In summary, Lewis Epstein says that something pushes part of the electron wave into a lower orbit to get the radiation process started. This localized wave packet behaves like a particle orbiting the nucleus, and so emits a photon. David Griffiths mentions something like this in his QM textbook.
  • #1
In Lewis Epstein’s book Thinking Physics, he says that, since an electron behaves as a standing wave around the nucleus (exhibiting no known position changes, and thus no acceleration and no emission of radiation), something has to push part of the wave into a lower orbit to get the radiation process started. Since the electron would then have probability in both upper and lower orbits, there are essentially two standing waves now, which interfere with each other, constructively at some points and destructively at others, to make a more localized wave packet. This packet behaves like a particle orbiting the nucleus, and so emits a photon.

Epstein further says that in empty space, an atom with enough energy can emit a photon because virtual photons, allowed by the uncertainty principle, are the initiators of the radiation process by colliding with the electron wave.

I had never heard of this way of thinking in school, and was wondering if what Epstein says is true. To me, it would make more sense if a photon hitting an electron wave simply interferes with it, making a localized wave packet without the “two standing waves” middle step that Epstein describes. Anyway, I’m skeptical because the need for the virtual photon to explain spontaneous radiation seems too important and interesting to not be in textbooks. But is this really what goes on?
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  • #2
I’m skeptical because the need for the virtual photon to explain spontaneous radiation seems too important and interesting to not be in textbooks. But is this really what goes on?

David Griffiths mentions something like this in his QM textbook. After working out stimulated emission of radiation, he mentions the idea that we can think of the electromagnetic field as fluctuating slightly even in the vacuum, and these fluctuations can be thought of as stimulating what we normally call spontaneous emission. However I think this is a very heuristic and non-rigorous way of viewing things. It may be possible to talk about spontaneous emission as being the result of "virtual photons fluctuating in the vacuum" or some such, but I think it is not standard.

The reasoning in your book sounds a little fishy. The idea that only accelerating charges radiate electromagnetic waves is a very classical idea. In quantum mechanics there is no well-defined concept of "acceleration." In fact electrons in the "standing wave" (atomic orbital) states can emit radiation and I would argue there is no need to invoke virtual photons to explain this.

If one could somehow turn off the electromagnetic field (radiation), but keep the Coulomb attraction that binds electrons to nuclei, then an electron in any atomic orbital would stay there forever, and not drop down to the lowest. This is because the atomic orbitals are essentially *defined* as the unchanging, static, standing wave states of electrons in the absence of electromagnetic field interactions.

I would make the following analogy to describe the effect of including the possibility of electromagnetic radiation. If I have a single pendulum and set it oscillating under ideal conditions it will oscillate forever. This is like an electron in some atomic orbital in the absence of electromagnetic field interactions. The oscillating pendulum is a simplification of the electron standing wave. Now let me introduce a second, initially unmoving pendulum representing the electromagnetic field and connect the weight of this pendulum to the weight of the electron pendulum by a spring. The spring is not very stiff, so it only offers a small resistance to the electron pendulum's oscillation. However over a period of time the electron pendulum will push on the EM field pendulum through the spring and set the EM field pendulum oscillating. As a result the electron pendulum transfers energy to the EM field pendulum and the electron pendulum's oscillations die down.

This is an analogy for how the electron standing wave can excite a wave in the EM field (a photon), and as a result die down, dropping into a lower energy state of its atom.
  • #3
It's pretty much correct, but very simplified. What he seems to basically be talking about is something called a Rabi oscillation. A Rabi oscillation is, if you have a superposition between two energy eigenstates, the different modes acquire an oscillating phase difference. That phase difference oscillates at the frequency of the transition, so if you also have a photon passing through at that frequency, it gives it something to resonate with, and this can "stimulate" the downward transition. If the state is fully in the excited state to begin with, you might think it wouldn't Rabi oscillate because it is an energy eigenstate all by itself, but it's not an energy eigenstate any more once you include that passing photon. So the excited state is not an eigenstate of the atom + photon, and hence Rabi oscillates, which again gives that passing photon something to resonate with (if it's at the Rabi frequency, which is also the transition frequency).

If there is no passing photon, then a "virtual photon" from the vacuum can indeed do the trick. That's called spontaneous emission. The virtual photon picture is just that, a useful picture, but what makes it seem like a nice picture indeed is the fact that the stimulated plus spontaneous rate is proportional to 1+n, where n is the photon occupation number in the mode that resonates with the transition. Given that n is thus the "number of photons passing by" at any given time, the "1" sure looks like the virtual photon that is becoming promoted to a real photon (by the energy available in the transition). Quantum field theory makes this correspondence more precise, but simple Einstein coefficients suffice to get this "1+n" effect.

FAQ: Standing Waves and Radiation Emission

1. What are standing waves?

Standing waves are a type of wave that oscillates in a fixed position, rather than traveling through space. They are created when two waves with the same frequency and amplitude travel in opposite directions and interfere with each other. This results in certain points along the wave remaining in a fixed position, while other points continue to oscillate.

2. How are standing waves formed?

Standing waves are formed when two identical waves with the same frequency and amplitude travel in opposite directions and interfere with each other. This can occur when a wave is reflected back upon itself, or when two waves traveling in opposite directions meet at a specific point.

3. What is the difference between a standing wave and a traveling wave?

The main difference between a standing wave and a traveling wave is that a standing wave oscillates in a fixed position, while a traveling wave propagates through space. In a standing wave, the energy remains in a fixed location, while in a traveling wave, the energy is transferred from one point to another.

4. What is the relationship between standing waves and radiation emission?

Standing waves and radiation emission are closely related because the oscillating electric and magnetic fields in a standing wave can generate electromagnetic radiation. This occurs when charged particles, such as electrons, move back and forth in the standing wave, creating changes in the electric and magnetic fields that can radiate energy.

5. How are standing waves and radiation emission used in practical applications?

Standing waves and radiation emission have many practical applications, such as in radio and television broadcasting, telecommunications, and medical imaging. In these applications, standing waves and radiation emission are used to transmit and receive information, as well as to create images of internal structures in the human body.

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