Transition of Photons & Electrons: How Lasers Work

In summary: This probability is proportional to the square of the time interval since the last emission. In summary, the process of an electron releasing a photon is a gradual transition from an excited state to a ground state, with a probability of emitting a photon over time.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Assuming that process of electrons releasing photons isn't instaneous, what happens during the transition?

I'm also curious why lasers work. Photons passing through high energy molecules cause the eletrons to release photons with the same phase and direction, and I'm wondering how this release happens relative to the orbital path of the electron at the during the release period. The photons direction is always the same, but what is the electron's path and speed during the period of release?
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  • #2
I would say that, in some cases, the photons direction lies in a well defied plane, but this assertion of photon's direction assumes you have a well defined wave behavior which you call photon, which I guess it is not true.

Best Regards

  • #3
Photon absorption and release from electrons would be interesting even if it were instantaneous...and it may be. How does a "particle" with mass, energy and momentum absorb or release a "particle" that has energy but no mass nor momentum?
I guess string theory provides the latest hypothetical insights where it is conjectured all particles are vibrating strings. String theory proposes one string (an electron) either aborsbs another vibrating string or splits like an amobea into two strings with different vibrational characteristics, one beingthe photon. But why electrons only absorb and emit photons in quanta matching hypothetical orbit levels/energies is not fully understood.
Having rules and math for interactions to describe what is observed doesn't necessarily mean the underlying detail is fully understood. In ten or twenty years there may well be another theory to explain it!
  • #4
Jeff Reid said:
Assuming that process of electrons releasing photons isn't instaneous, what happens during the transition?

In the specific case you mention, it is difficult to really work out what I'm going to sketch in detail - I even wonder if it can be done within the actual theoretical framework of QED, where we only have a working machinery for asymptotic states (the S-matrix).
But we could imagine the following: the coupling between the atomic system (the electron in a potential, if it were) and the free photon state (the state of the unperturbed EM field) results in a unitary time evolution operator U(t) which acts upon the initial state |excited atom>|n photons> and results into something which takes on the form:
U(t) |excited atom>|n photons> = a(t) |excited atom>|n photons> + b(t) |ground state atom>|n+1 photons>

where a(t) is a falling amplitude with time and b(t) is a rising amplitude with time, such that after some time T, a(T) is essentially 0, and b(T) is essentially 1.

So the quantum state transits smoothly from the |excited atom>|n photons> state at t=0 to the |ground state atom>|n+1 photons> at time T.
But of course a measurement of this state will make us decide, probabilistically, between the first or the second state. The longer we wait, the more chance we have to perceive the photon emission. The probability to observe an emission is given by |b(t)|^2.

FAQ: Transition of Photons & Electrons: How Lasers Work

1. What is a photon?

A photon is a fundamental particle of light that carries electromagnetic energy. It has no mass and travels at the speed of light.

2. How do lasers work?

Lasers work by emitting a beam of coherent, monochromatic light through the process of stimulated emission. This is achieved by pumping energy into a medium, such as a gas, liquid, or solid, which causes the atoms to release photons in a specific direction and phase.

3. What is the difference between photon and electron transitions?

A photon transition occurs when an electron moves from a higher energy level to a lower energy level and releases a photon in the process. An electron transition, on the other hand, can refer to any change in the energy level of an electron, including when it absorbs or emits a photon.

4. How do photons and electrons interact in a laser?

In a laser, photons and electrons interact through the process of stimulated emission. The energy from the electrons causes the atoms in the medium to release photons, which then travel in the same direction and phase. This creates a chain reaction that amplifies the light and produces a coherent laser beam.

5. What are the practical uses of lasers?

Lasers have a wide range of practical uses, including in communication systems, medical procedures, cutting and welding materials, and in scientific research. They are also used in various consumer products, such as barcode scanners and DVD players.

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