Coupled first order differential equations

In summary: However, you will need to know how to do numerical methods for a single first order differential equation first.
  • #1
Rafique Mir
How i can solve a system of 6 first order differential equations by using numerical techniques like Euler method, RK-4th order method , ODE -45 etc.How i can solve a system of 6 first order differential equations by using numerical techniques like Euler method, RK-4th order method , ODE -45 etc.
Physics news on
  • #2
can you give an example
  • #3
Coupled ODEs

Dear here are the system of six differential equtions i want to solve them by Euler method , Predictor corrector method and for RK-4th order method. I have made a program in Matlab please check wether it is right or not.
function [GG ] = myfun_rafiq(t,x)

% ----- State Variables Selection
% x1 = nw, x2 = Nw, x3 = nc, x4 = Nc, x5 = np, x6 = Np

% ----- Parameters

sigmaEjQj = 793.7;
EiQi =700;
EpQp = 13.7;
EcQc = 80;
EfQf = 0;
Vc = 9.08e6;
Vw = 1.37e7;
Vp = 1.37e6;
lk = 0.0;
Kc = 40.0;
Kp = 6.90;
f_t = 1;
sigma = 13.4e-24;
fn = 1;
fs = 0.5;
phi0 = 9.2e13;
phiE = 0.0026*phi0;
lambda = 7.4612e-005; % PER SECOND

N0 = 6.023e23;
A = 56;
S = 1.01e8;

% ---- parameters + definitio of C(t)

a = 50*3600; % in seconds
deltaCDeltaT = 20e-12;
% deltaCDeltaT=deltaCDeltaT/(3600^2);
C0 = 2.4e-13;
Cs = 25e-6;
b = 400*3600; % in seconds
t0 =50*3600; % in seconds %REPLCED 500 with 50
% t = 900*3600;
if t < a
C_t = 0;
elseif (t > a & t < b)
C_t = deltaCDeltaT*(t-t0);
C_t = Cs;
% t
% C_t

% ---- Parameters + definition of g(t)
tin = 500*3600;
tmax = 600*3600;
w0 = 18.3e6;
w2 = 0.3*w0;
alpha = 0.004;
% g_t = 1;

if t <= tin
g_t = 1;
elseif (t > tin & t <= tmax)
g_t = 1 - alpha*(tin - t);
else %REPLACED 'b' with tmax
g_t = w2/w0;
% if(t<tin)
% g_t = 1;
% elseif((t<=tmax))
% g_t = 1 - alpha*(tin - t);
% % g_t=0.00001;
% else %REPLACED 'b' with tmax
% g_t = w2/w0;
% % g_t=0.00001;
% end

% % pause

Sw = (C_t* S*N0*fn*fs)/(Vw*A);

dxdt = zeros(6,1);

dxdt(1) = sigma*phiE*x(2) - ( (sigmaEjQj*g_t/Vw) + lk*g_t/Vw + lambda)*x(1) + (Kp*g_t/Vw)*x(5) + (Kc*g_t/Vw)*x(3);

dxdt(2) = -( (sigmaEjQj*g_t/Vw) + lk*g_t/Vw + sigma*phiE)*x(2) + (Kp*g_t/Vw)*x(6) + (Kc*g_t/Vw)*x(4) + Sw;

dxdt(3) = sigma*phi0*x(4) + (EcQc*g_t/Vc)*x(1) - ( Kc*g_t/Vc + lambda)*x(3);

dxdt(4) = (EcQc*g_t/Vc)*x(2) - ( Kc*g_t/Vc + sigma*phi0)*x(4);

dxdt(5) = (EpQp*g_t/Vp)*x(1) - ( Kp*g_t/Vp + lambda)*x(5);

dxdt(6) = (EpQp*g_t/Vp)*x(2) - ( Kp*g_t/Vp)*x(6);

GG=[dxdt(1); dxdt(2); dxdt(3); dxdt(4); dxdt(5); dxdt(6)];

% ---- PIEAS

% Clearing work space

clear all;
% close all;
% Define time for simulation
%x0 = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1]*10^-7;
% x0=[0 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5];
% T = 1:500*3600; % 10 seconds
% T=T*3600;

% Define initional conditions


% Run simulation
% options = odeset('RelTol',1e-4,'AbsTol',[1e-4 1e-4 1e-5]);

[tt,xx] = ode45(@myfun_rafiq,[0 1000*3600],[0 0.5 0 0.5 0 50]);


% Plot Results
grid on;
figure(1),plot( tt, xx(:,1),'r.-',tt,xx(:,3),'m:',tt,xx(:,5),'b.-');
title('Specific Activity');
grid on;
plot(tt, xx(:,1),'r-');
%axis([0 1.81e5 0 3e-4]);
  • #4
Rafique Mir said:
Dear here are the system of six differential equtions i want to solve them by Euler method , Predictor corrector method and for RK-4th order method. I have made a program in Matlab please check wether it is right or not.

dxdt(1) = sigma*phiE*x(2) - ( (sigmaEjQj*g_t/Vw) + lk*g_t/Vw + lambda)*x(1) + (Kp*g_t/Vw)*x(5) + (Kc*g_t/Vw)*x(3);

Oh my God dude! Now, I really admire you for taking the time to input all that code but it's just too hard to read. I picked out the first one above and I can't understand it. I realize you're probably not familiar with the math-formatting code we use in here called "LaTex" but that would help with understanding your code. If you want to try using it, you can go to the General Physics forum and read the "Introducing LaTex" thread at the top. Also, I use Mathematica so would not be able to help you with Matlab.
  • #5
If you are already familiar with numerical methods for a single equation in one variable, just repeat them: For 6 coupled equations in 6 unknowns, set up 6 Runge-Kutta iterations, doing all 6 at each step then using the results from all 6 for the values of the 6 variables in the next iteration.
  • #6
I had exactly the same problem when trying to simulate a double inverted pendulum a few months ago. The system is 3 coupled second order differential equations which I reduced to 6 first order differential equations. Here's the program (written in Delphi).
The code for the double inverted pendulum is in the DoublePendulum.pas file which you can open in notepad. You can then see how the equations are solved. You should be able to understand it even if you don't know pascal.

FAQ: Coupled first order differential equations

1. What are coupled first order differential equations?

Coupled first order differential equations are a system of two or more first order differential equations that are related to each other and must be solved simultaneously. They involve multiple variables and their derivatives, and the equations are dependent on each other, making them "coupled".

2. What is the importance of coupled first order differential equations in science?

Coupled first order differential equations are used to model and understand complex systems in various scientific fields such as physics, biology, and economics. They allow us to study how different variables affect each other and how the system as a whole evolves over time.

3. How are coupled first order differential equations solved?

There is no general method for solving all types of coupled first order differential equations. However, some common techniques include separation of variables, substitution, and using matrices and eigenvalues. Numerical methods such as Euler's method can also be used to approximate solutions.

4. What is the difference between coupled and uncoupled first order differential equations?

In uncoupled first order differential equations, each equation is only dependent on one variable and its derivative. This means they can be solved separately without affecting each other. In coupled first order differential equations, the equations are dependent on each other and must be solved together.

5. Can coupled first order differential equations be applied to real-world problems?

Yes, coupled first order differential equations are commonly used to model and solve real-world problems in various fields such as engineering, biology, and economics. They can help us understand and predict the behavior of complex systems, making them a valuable tool in scientific research and problem-solving.

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