Tracking the Impact of Smolin's April Book: Salesrank Ratio Surprises!

  • Thread starter marcus
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In summary, "The Trouble with Physics...and What Comes Next" is a well-written and comprehensive critique of the virtual string monopoly in the US, and makes policy recommendations for how to break it. Smolin's book has had a significant impact on the wider audience it has reached, and may be the key to finally breaking the string research monopoly at several top US universities.

Your forecast of the Smolin/string impact ratio on 1 May (closest wins)

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  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
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To my knowledge, The Trouble with Physics...and What Comes Next is the only book on the market which not only criticizes the virtual string monopoly in the US but also describes a range of other QG approaches pursued abroad and blocked here. What interests me about Smolin's book is that it makes positive policy recommendations. Since we don't know where the key advances in the fundamental physics of space, time, and matter will be made, the book argues that research bets should be spread among string and non-string approaches. As they are in Canada and Europe.

In the belief that books can sometimes bring about change, several of us have been watching the impact of this book: The wider the audience it reaches, the greater its impact, and the more hope that the string research monopoly will be broken at several top US universities. If that happens, the balance will be more like it is in the outside world and US graduate students will be have the option of pursuing careers in non-string QG theory without having to move abroad.

Here we will be tracking Smolin's Amazon sales rank as a ratio relative to a benchmark indicating the size of the problem: the salesranks of the five most popular stringy books on any given day. To have a regular time, the reading is taken at noon pacific.

To illustrate with an example, here were the rankings at noon on 1 February, the moment of truth for the last forecast poll.

Smolin salesrank 6922

Greene elegant 2788
Greene fabric 9104
Kaku parallel 9609
Greene elegant (hardbound) 10,146
Randall warped 13,603

average rank of the five stringy books most popular on that day 9050.0
ratio 9050.0/6922 = 1.3

Some salesrank ratios in the past:

1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
1 May ?

here's something strange. I was assuming that the book had seen it's moment of glory and would subside down around parity or less. I was predicting a ratio of 1.0, in fact.

But I just checked as of noon 3 February and something had sent the ratio back up to 2.1!
The smolin was selling TWICE as well, judging by salesranks, as the average of the string topfive.
Some fluke? An interview on TV? Orders from small retailers replenishing stock? Can't think of a reason.
Maybe just a random hiccup.
6329.4/2994 = 2.1
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Physics news on
  • #2
Two predictions for the first of May already.
Hurk says 2.0
I am guessing 1.0
The book came out in September 2006, so it has been on the market now for over a year and a half.

1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
4 February 1.6
5 February 1.5
6 February 1.6
7 February 1.0
1 May ?

Some recent ratios:
7928.8/5049 = 1.6
7269.6/4763 = 1.5
7099.4/4426 = 1.6
7608.6/7400 = 1.0
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  • #3
1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
4 February 1.6
5 February 1.5
6 February 1.6
7 February 1.0
8 February 1.0
9 February 2.0
1 May ?

Some recent ratios:

7099.4/4426 = 1.6
7608.6/7400 = 1.0
6710.6/6409 = 1.0
6691.2/3408 = 2.0

To illustrate, on Saturday 9 Feb, at noon, the Smolin book's salesrank was #3408 among all books Amazon sells. The corresponding ranks of the stringy books that were most popular that day were

Greene elegant 2419
Kaku parallel 3731
Greene fabric 6427
Kaku hyperspace 8303
Randall warped 12,576
topfive average = 6691.2

In other words judging by salesranks, "Trouble with Physics" was selling about twice as well as the stringy topfive average. Amazon does not publish regular figures on the numbers of books sold. Salesranks are all that is available, so we make do with those.
  • #4
1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
7 February 1.0
8 February 1.0
9 February 2.0
11 February 2.6
1 May ?

Some recent ratios:

7608.6/7400 = 1.0
6710.6/6409 = 1.0
6691.2/3408 = 2.0
8351.6/3219 = 2.6

At noon on 11 Feb, the Smolin book's salesrank and the corresponding ranks of the stringy books that were most popular that day were
Smolin TWP 3219

Greene elegant 3309
Kaku parallel 4303
Greene fabric 9370
Kaku hyperspace 9950
Randall warped 14,826

String topfive average = 8351.6

In terms of salesranks, "Trouble with Physics" was doing a bit over twice as well as the stringy topfive average. Could be a fluke. On the other hand, could be that Hurk4 has a chance of being right about where the index is going over the next couple of months.
  • #5
Hi again,

After the previous outcome I feel a little more empowered to forcast a 1.5 ratio, and have so voted in the poll. I have a strange feeling that Smolin has a longer-term hit on his hands than anyone previously suspected. I have been reading the book myself since December, and I have to say I find myself agreeing with him on many, many things he suggests. Could it be that a book like this, intended for consumption by the general public, could end up changing the future of physics more so than many works in academia ever have? I will be watching intently...
  • #6
mormonator_rm said:
Hi again,

After the previous outcome I feel a little more empowered to forcast a 1.5 ratio, and have so voted in the poll. I have a strange feeling that Smolin has a longer-term hit on his hands than anyone previously suspected. I have been reading the book myself since December, and I have to say I find myself agreeing with him on many, many things he suggests. Could it be that a book like this, intended for consumption by the general public, could end up changing the future of physics more so than many works in academia ever have? I will be watching intently...

Hi Mormonator,
I tend to agree and hope you are right about the future. As a librarian you may have some additional awareness of who is reading what, gleaned from following the reviews, or just talking to people about books.

Right now there's spike driven by Lisa Randall's appearance Tuesday on the Colbert Report. We the people are suckers for smart comedy and female beauty and the day after Lisa appeared, her book went from being nearly out of sight right up to the top of the physics bestseller list. This is fine, as far as I can see, but it totally changed the salesranks picture. Lisa and Colbert made lively witty conversation with her tossing her long blond locks and being about as quick on the quip as Colbert himself. I recorded a couple of days salesrank ratios, meanwhile:

1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
7 February 1.0
8 February 1.0
9 February 2.0
11 February 2.6
15 February 0.5
16 February 0.4
1 May ?

I think this time of Lisa-frenzy will pass and that you and I both have a chance of being right, come Mayday.

Thanks to all who contributed their forecast to the poll. It makes it much more interesting to have a spread.
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  • #7
welcome to the forums, and thanks for registering your forecast about Smolin's book! I see from your profile that you are a retired theoretical physicist interested in keeping up with current developments, and that you live in the UK. I'm curious to know, in which part? This year the main Quantum Gravity conference will actually be in the UK---at Nottingham, first week of July. You could be enviably situated in several respects.

You are a lot closer to the LHC action than many of the rest of us. And my impression is that more is happening in the UK and on the continent generally right now. I also am retired and do not travel much or far, so I appreciate a good location.

In case you are interested, here is the homepage of the Nottingham QG conference:

While I'm at it, I'll update the salesrank record:
1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
20 February 0.9
21 February 0.5
1 May ?

Lisa Randall's book still tops the stringy favorites
As of 20 Feb, TWP salesrank was 3659
and the string top five were
warped 1661
elegant 2146
parallel 3522
fabric 4655
endless 4832
for an average of 3363.2 and ratio 3363.2/3659 = 0.9
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  • #9
Chronos, thanks for recalling those links.
Here's an update on the salesranks we are watching:
1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
20 February 0.9
21 February 0.5
24 February 1.1
25 February 1.0
1 May ?
As of 24 Feb, TWP salesrank was 3540
and the string top five were
warped 1425
elegant 3488
fabric 4192
parallel 4380
endless 6009
for an average of 3898.8 and ratio 3898.8/3540 = 1.1
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  • #10
1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
24 February 1.1
25 February 1.0
26 February 1.3
1 May ?

At noon pacific 26 Feb, TWP salesrank was 4456
and the string top five were

elegant 2670
parallel 2769
warped 4416
fabric 6494
endless 11,774
for an average of 5624.6 and ratio 5624.6/4456 = 1.3
  • #11
1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
1 March 0.4
2 March 0.8
1 May ?
At noon pacific 2 March, TWP salesrank was 6468
as compared with
parallel 1763
elegant 2864
warped 3098
fabric 6710
eternal 10,280
for an average of 4943.0 and ratio 4943.0/6468 = 0.8
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  • #12
1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
1 March 0.4
2 March 0.8
7 March 1.6
8 March 1.4
1 May ?
At noon pacific 7 March, TWP salesrank was 4465
as compared with
elegant 3784
parallel 4827
hyperspace 6549
fabric 8755
warped 10,834

for an average of 6949.8 making the ratio 6949.8/4465 = 1.6

If today were the target date of 1 May, the winner would be Mormonator, who also won the last poll: on 1 February.
In that case there were 9 people who registered predictions and Mormonator's was the best guess out of 9
If he wins this one too, we will all be asking him to predict the stock market.
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  • #13
1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
1 March 0.4
2 March 0.8
7 March 1.6
8 March 1.4
9 March 2.0
11 March 1.1
1 May ?
  • #14
1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
1 March 0.4
24 March 0.6
25 March 0.5
1 May ?

Recently the Smolin book's standing has slipped relative to the topfive stringy average. There has been a remarkable run on Kaku books probably triggered by the appearance of a new one [nonstring this time but appealing to the same readers]. Today 24 March the TWP salesrank was 7446 and those of the five currently most popular stringy books were
parallel 1621
fabric 4113
hyperspace 4623
endless 5384
elegant 6079
for a stringy average of 4364.0 and a ratio of 4364.0/7446 = 0.6

Will Trouble make a comeback in the physics bestseller ranks during April? We'll see.

WHOAH! the masked hossi has returned and left her well-considered forecast in the poll. We have FIVE predictions on record so far!
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  • #15
1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
1 March 0.4
29 March 1.0
1 May ?

At noon pacific 29 March the TWP salesrank was 3945 and those of the five currently most popular stringy books were
parallel 1174
elegant 1657
hyperspace 2682
warped 6993
fabric 6847

for a stringy average of 3870.6 and a ratio of 3870.6/3945 = 1.0

We are coming up on April and our target day moment-of-truth, 1 May.
  • #16
1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
1 March 0.4
1 April 0.6
1 May ?

At the moment I believe MY prediction is closest. I guessed 1.0 and nobody predicted the ratio would be 0.5.
But our target date is 1 May, so we have several more weeks to go.
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  • #17
marcus said:
1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
1 March 0.4
1 April 0.6
1 May ?

At the moment I believe MY prediction is closest. I guessed 1.0 and nobody predicted the ratio would be 0.5.
But our target date is 1 May, so we have several more weeks to go.

Well Marcus, the resurgence from March to April tells me that I still have a shot at getting it right. It wasn't a big difference, but if the time from February to May can be modeled like a parabolic curve (this is totally unjustified, but I am beaming with unjustified enthusiasm...) then May's ratio should, in theory (however unjustified it may be), be slightly higher than February's, which could put it right near the 1.5 ratio I voted for. hahaha!
  • #18
mormonator_rm said:
Well Marcus, the resurgence from March to April tells me that I still have a shot at getting it right...

Yes, amazingly enough! I hadn't checked for some time and just happened to today and the ratio was 1.4.

This surprised me because I sort of thought the book was dropping out of sight. Sabine Hossenfelder who is a very savvy person, physicist at Perimeter and keeper of the famous scienceblog called Backreaction----she was predicting the ratio would have dropped down to 0.1 by the end of this month.

And here it is middle of month and it is an order of magnitude higher than what Bee (or "Hossi") predicted! Bee could still be right, but if today were the target date then you Mormonator would be the closest.

So in fact you still do have a shot.
  • #19
Here's the amazon physics bestseller list in case anyone wants to check it out
For consistency I take readings at noon pacific time.

1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
1 March 0.4
1 April 0.6
13 April 1.4
1 May ?

on 13 April the salesranks of the five currently most popular stringy books were
elegant 1015
parallel 1198
hyperspace 1998
warped 5084
fabric 6389
for an average of 3136.8
and "Trouble with Physics" rank was 2202
making the ratio 3136.8/2202 = 1.4

Smolin's book has been out for almost 2 years now. Amazon began shipping copies in August 2006 (though officially it didn't appear until September) so one might expect it to drop out of sight as have several books by prominent physicists that came out even more recently (Steinhardt's and Susskind's to name a couple.) So, perhaps unexpectedly, Trouble with Physics" has legs. :smile:
  • #20
Here's the amazon physics bestseller list in case anyone wants to check it out
For consistency I take readings at noon pacific time. On 16 April the ratio was 1.6

1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
1 March 0.4
1 April 0.6
13 April 1.4
16 April 1.6
1 May ?

on 16 April the noon salesranks of the five currently most popular stringy books were

parallel 1172
elegant 2179
hyperspace 4798
fabric 4997
warped 8300

for an average of 4289.2
and "Trouble with Physics" rank was 2691
making the ratio 4289.2/2691 = 1.6
  • #21
We now have SIX forecasts. Welcome to Brad, a (physics?) graduate student. Brad congratulations on earning two bachelor's degrees one in Physics and one in Astronomy/Astrophysics! New fundamental discoveries seem more and more coming from the A&A direction so that sort of double bachelor's seems like preparation for an exciting time in grad school.

On 16 April the ratio was 1.1

1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
1 March 0.4
1 April 0.6
13 April 1.4
16 April 1.6
22 April 1.1
1 May ?

on 22 April the noon salesranks of the five currently most popular stringy books were

fabric 2724
elegant 2759
parallel 3557
hyperspace 5111
elegant hardcover 7665

for a stringy rank average of 4363.2
and "Trouble with Physics" rank was 3798
making the ratio 4363.2/3798 = 1.1
TWP slightly better than on par with the stringy average.
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  • #22
A seventh forecast was just registered, by Riogho. From here on it seems like we are so close to the target date of 1 May that predictions shouldn't count, although there is still room for surprises.

Today's salesrank ratio was 1.7, which would make Mormonator and Brad the winners, if today were target. Mormonator won the last round, so that would be a return performance.

1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
1 March 0.4
1 April 0.6
13 April 1.4
16 April 1.6
22 April 1.1
27 April 1.7
1 May ?

Four of us entered guesses in February: hurk, mormonator, ernie, and myself.
In March we were joined by Sabine Hossenfelder ("hossi") who runs an outstanding physics blog called "Backreaction" with her husband. Hossi is at the Perimeter Institute in Canada. In late April we got two more forecasts: from Brad_Ad and Riogho.
  • #23
IT just caught my eye beacuse I just finished the book and enjoyed it thoroughly :D
  • #24
The winner is... whoever guessed the ratio on 1 May would be 1.0! *takes bow* :biggrin:1 September 6.4
1 October 6.5
1 November 5.2
1 December 2.4
1 January 1.5
1 February 1.3
1 March 0.4
1 April 0.6
1 May 1.0

Four of us entered guesses in February: hurk, mormonator, ernie, and myself.
In March we were joined by Sabine Hossenfelder ("hossi") keeper of the physics blog "Backreaction". In late April we got three more forecasts: from Brad_Ad, Riogho, and AJSingh, making eight.

Thanks to all who took part, in both this month's and earlier rounds.

(The mods may want to move this thread to Sociology because it is ABOUT physics, in this case tracking a popular physics book. If they want to move it, that is fine with me. The game target date was reached today.)
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  • #25
marcus said:
The winner is... whoever guessed the ratio on 1 May would be 1.0! *takes bow* :biggrin:

Congrats, Marcus... you're so lucky... <:cool:

Again, congratulations. This was a fun thread.
  • #27
Should say thanks to the mods and others who discussed this thoughtfully a while back. I think it is an excellent idea to have statistical measures of physics research threaded in the already existing SOCIAL SCIENCE forum, and also indices of public readership/awareness such as we have. So there are several prediction polls set up over in social science forum now.

FAQ: Tracking the Impact of Smolin's April Book: Salesrank Ratio Surprises!

1. What is the purpose of tracking the salesrank ratio of Smolin's book?

The purpose of tracking the salesrank ratio of Smolin's book is to gather data on how well the book is selling and to analyze any unexpected changes in its sales performance. This data can be used to understand the impact of the book and inform future marketing and sales strategies.

2. How is the salesrank ratio calculated?

The salesrank ratio is calculated by dividing the book's current sales rank by its previous sales rank. This gives a ratio that indicates how much the book's sales rank has changed over a certain time period. A higher ratio indicates a significant increase in sales rank, while a lower ratio suggests a decrease in sales rank.

3. What is considered a "surprising" salesrank ratio?

A surprising salesrank ratio is one that deviates significantly from the expected trend or previous ratios. This could be a sudden increase or decrease in the ratio, or a ratio that is significantly higher or lower than the average ratio for the book.

4. What factors can influence the salesrank ratio of a book?

There are several factors that can influence the salesrank ratio of a book, including marketing and advertising efforts, word-of-mouth recommendations, media coverage, changes in price or availability, and competition from other new releases. External events, such as holidays or current events, may also impact the salesrank ratio.

5. How can the data from tracking the salesrank ratio be used?

The data from tracking the salesrank ratio can be used to understand the success and impact of the book, identify any unexpected changes or trends, and inform future marketing and sales strategies. It can also be compared to data from other books or industry standards to provide insights and make informed decisions about the book's performance.

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