Is U-236 to U-235 Decay Possible?

  • Thread starter Someday
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In summary, the decay of U-236 -> U-235 + neutron is possible, but it requires proper control of neutron energy.
  • #1
Determine if decay of U (A-236 Z-92) -> U (A-235 Z-92) + n is possible

mother -> daughter equations for alpha, beta, or gamma

I really don't know where to start. I have a few problems to prove like this but no examples. I understand how to caluclate the binding energy and how much energy is released but I don't understand conservation of energy here. Any suggestions are appreciated.
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  • #2
What is the total energy of the U (A-236 Z-92)
and of
U (A-235 Z-92) + n
calculated in the restframe of each partile, (i.e. their mass)?
  • #3
Dear Someday, I wish I could do some help.

Any candidate process satisfies Conservation of energy, momenta and charge. As for nuclear interactions, there's an extra constraint of conservation of mass number. Obviously, in the candidate process
U(A=236, Z=92) \rightarrow U(A=235, Z=92) + neutron
the charge and mass number conserve. However, to determine whether this process holds natural and automatical, we need the data of their masses. If
mass(U(A=236, Z=92)) > mass(U(A=235, Z=92)) + mass(neutron)
then the interaction is allowed. But I have't the data of U-236, so you have to do it yourself.

However, I guess, the process in forbiden. because, experiment shows that natural decay of U(A=236, Z=92) is the emitting of \alpha particle (nucleu of Helium, A=4, Z=2).
U(A=236, Z=92) \rightarrow Th(A=232, Z=90) + \alpha

1. In nature, U exsists mainly in the form of U-238(99.28%), U-235(0.714%) and U-234(remaining). The three isotopes live together in mineral, and only U-235 is significant in nuclear fissile and atomic bomb. U-236 dosen't exist naturally due to instability, but can be generated via artificial nuclear interactions.

2. A neutron hits a U-235 nucleu and results in a U-236 nucleu. If the energy of the neutron is properly controlled, the U-236 nucleu could fissile into two light nucleus, and emit 2 or 3 daughter neutrons, which will hit U-235 in neighbourhood and repeat the process above again. This is the dubbed Chain Effect. However, averagely, a U-235 has to absorb 1.175 neutrons to break, so a minor portion of the U-236s will not break immediately, and remian in the nuclear waste.

FAQ: Is U-236 to U-235 Decay Possible?

What is decay?

Decay is a natural process in which a substance breaks down or disintegrates over time due to internal or external factors.

How can we determine if decay is possible?

To determine if decay is possible, we need to consider the physical and chemical properties of the substance, as well as the environmental conditions it is exposed to. We can also conduct experiments or use mathematical models to predict the likelihood of decay occurring.

What factors contribute to decay?

Some common factors that contribute to decay include exposure to heat, light, air, water, and other chemicals. Biological factors such as bacteria and fungi can also play a role in decay.

Can decay be prevented?

In some cases, decay can be prevented by controlling the environmental conditions that promote it. For example, storing food in a cool and dry place can slow down the decay process. In other cases, decay may be inevitable and cannot be prevented.

Why is it important to understand decay?

Understanding decay is important for various reasons. It helps us predict and prevent the deterioration of materials and substances, which can have economic and environmental implications. It also allows us to better understand natural processes and the cycles of life and death in the natural world.
