Power line workers and voltage

In summary: The metal suit, rather than being a Faraday cage, ( was that what they said in the video?or your term ?) is so the worker ( or suit ) is at the same potential as the helicopter and wire. It is more easily done to equalize potential when everything is metal.
  • #1
I was watching a fascinating video about the people who work on live power lines- they are lifted to them by helicopter and wear metal-fabric jumpsuits in order to create a Faraday cage around their bodies so they can work on the live wires without getting shocked. But then I started thinking about voltage in general- do they really need to wear the suit?

All of the simplified examples that are used to explain current talk about the grounding effect- a current is created between a voltage source and the ground since the ground has a voltage of 0V. But if the worker accesses it by helicopter, he doesn't have that voltage difference, so a current shouldn't run through him anyways (bird on a wire don't need a metal jumpsuit!)

But then, what is the voltage of a person who approaches a live wire (or a van der graaff generator, or a socket, or anything with charge?) The demos always show that a person who is insulated from the ground can touch the charged object (at least for the examples I've seen when it doesn't have a huge amount of charge- like a Van der Graaff generator) - but the person must have SOME voltage difference, or else we would be walking around holding 20,000V! But it's not 0V, because as long as the person is insulated they don't get shocked, the charges just collect around them (the typical hair standing on end.)

So my questions: Is the faraday suit really necessary? And what is the voltage of a person insulated from the ground?
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  • #2
well, they wesr the suit so there must be some reason ither than just looking 'cool'.

In the video, you might see a probe being sent from helicopter to the live wire so as to equalize potentail before the workers embark. The metal suit, rather than being a Farady cage, ( was that what they said in the video?or your term ?) is so the worker ( or suit ) is at the same potential as the helicopter and wire. It is more easily done to equalize potential when everything is metal.

Now considering that I am not a hightension engineer or worker, there may be other reason to having to wear the suit.

I would suspect that the helicopter when landing back down to the ground would also have to equalize potentail before the workers disembark so as to avoid a shock from residual charge collected onto the helicopter.
  • #3
The video called it a Faraday cage. And yes, there was a probe that contracted some visible charges. Does that mean that the copter was 0V? Even though it was off the ground? Or maybe just lower voltage than the wires...
  • #4
A helicopter will have a self-capacitance of 100 pf or so. A current

[tex] I = C \frac {dV}{dt} [/tex]

must flow to keep the helicopter at the same potential as the wire.

For a 380 kV 60 Hz line

The maximum I = 10^-10 * 3.8 * 10^-5 * 2 pi * 60 = 14 mA.

If the current has to go through a person, this would also dissipate approx.
14 mA * 380 kV = 5.5 kW, most of at probably at the point of contact.
  • #5
Particles present in the air and coming in contact with helicopter rotor blades while the helicopter is in flight cause an increase in the static-electricity charging current and result in an increase in the accumulated voltage on the helicopter. Static wicks containing resistors installed on fixed points of the aircraft are installed to bleed off charge in forward flight, but rarely discharge the static buildup totally.

Connecting the helicopter to the power line has to do with the electrostatic charge on the helicopter. The aircraft can carry hundreds of kilovolts in some conditions and this must be discharged safely before the worker touches the power line. We would not want that worker to discharge this great static charge. See the video below.

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  • #6
Bhiggs said:
...But if the worker accesses it by helicopter, he doesn't have that voltage difference, so a current shouldn't run through him anyways (bird on a wire don't need a metal jumpsuit!)

Ahhhh but you won't see birds pirched on EHT power lines. ( well I have never have anyway ) 120, 240 even 400V yes
The electric field around a multi kV power line is so hi that they easily sense it and stay well away.


FAQ: Power line workers and voltage

What is the job of a power line worker?

A power line worker, also known as a lineman, is responsible for the installation, maintenance, and repair of electrical power systems, including power lines, poles, and other equipment. They work with high-voltage electricity, typically ranging from 120 volts to 500,000 volts, to ensure that electricity is safely and efficiently distributed to homes and businesses.

What safety precautions do power line workers have to take when working with high-voltage electricity?

Power line workers must follow strict safety protocols when working with high-voltage electricity to ensure their own safety and the safety of others. This includes wearing personal protective equipment such as rubber gloves, sleeves, and boots, as well as using insulated tools and equipment. They must also be trained in proper climbing and rescue techniques, and must always work in teams to ensure that someone is available to assist in case of an emergency.

How do power line workers handle power outages and other emergencies?

Power line workers are trained to respond quickly and effectively to power outages and other emergencies. They use specialized equipment and tools to identify and repair any issues with power lines and equipment, and work diligently to restore power as soon as possible. They also work closely with other emergency personnel, such as firefighters and police, to ensure the safety of the public during emergencies.

What education and training is required to become a power line worker?

Most power line workers complete a formal apprenticeship program, which typically takes 3-4 years to complete. This includes a combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training. Some states also require power line workers to be licensed. Ongoing training and certification is also required to ensure that workers stay up-to-date with safety protocols and new technologies.

What are the risks associated with working as a power line worker?

Working as a power line worker can be dangerous due to the high-voltage electricity involved in the job. Power line workers must be physically fit and have good balance and coordination to work at heights and in various weather conditions. They are also at risk for falls, electric shocks, and burns. However, with proper training and safety protocols, the risks can be mitigated.

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