Solving COMSOL Error 7147 with Heat Transfer & RAM

In summary, a user is experiencing an error 7147 while solving a simulation in COMSOL 3.3a using the heat transfer module. The error is likely due to running out of memory, which can be resolved by decreasing the mesh size or increasing the amount of RAM in the computer.
  • #1
Hi everyone,
I am doing a simulation using COMSOL 3.3a... I am using heat transfer module. I have 3 subdomains in my design with sizes in range mm, micrometre and nanometer...the third nanometre block appears just as a however i was able to give all boundary and subdomain details as i wanted...i did meshing and wen i proceeded with solving it says...
error 7147: out of memory in time dependent solver.

how can i get through with this error...please help me...

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
When running on my PC that usually means that I ran out of RAM. The solution: decrease your mesh size or buy more RAM.
  • #3


Thank you for reaching out with your question. Error 7147 in COMSOL indicates that the solver has run out of memory during the time-dependent simulation. This can happen when the problem is too large or complex for the available memory on your computer.

To solve this issue, there are a few things you can try:

1. Increase the available memory for COMSOL by adjusting the memory allocation settings. You can do this by going to File > Preferences > Memory. Make sure the "Memory Allocation Mode" is set to "Automatic" and try increasing the "Maximum Heap Size" value.

2. Simplify your problem by reducing the number of subdomains or decreasing the size of your problem. This will reduce the memory requirements and may allow the simulation to run successfully.

3. Try using a more powerful computer with more memory to run the simulation.

4. If you are using a time-dependent solver, try using a stationary solver instead. This may also reduce the memory requirements.

I hope these suggestions help you solve the error and successfully run your simulation. If you continue to have trouble, I recommend reaching out to COMSOL support for further assistance.

Best of luck with your simulation!


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FAQ: Solving COMSOL Error 7147 with Heat Transfer & RAM

1. What does COMSOL Error 7147 mean?

COMSOL Error 7147 indicates that there is an issue with the memory allocation for the heat transfer simulation. This can be caused by a lack of available RAM on the computer.

2. How can I solve COMSOL Error 7147?

To solve COMSOL Error 7147, you will need to increase the available memory for the simulation. This can be done by either adding more RAM to your computer or by reducing the size and complexity of your simulation.

3. Can I continue the simulation after receiving COMSOL Error 7147?

In most cases, it is not possible to continue the simulation after receiving COMSOL Error 7147. The simulation will need to be restarted with the necessary adjustments to the memory allocation.

4. How can I prevent COMSOL Error 7147 from occurring?

To prevent COMSOL Error 7147, it is important to make sure that your computer has enough available RAM for the heat transfer simulation. You can also try simplifying your simulation or breaking it into smaller parts to reduce the memory requirements.

5. Are there any other factors that may contribute to COMSOL Error 7147?

Aside from a lack of available RAM, other factors that may contribute to COMSOL Error 7147 include a high level of detail or complexity in the simulation, or limitations in the software itself. It is also possible that there may be other programs or processes running on your computer that are using a significant amount of memory, which can affect the memory available for the simulation.

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