Using a Vaporizer for Cigarettes?

  • Thread starter dacruick
  • Start date
In summary: He's right, definitely more effective at the extraction of... nicotine... and stuff.Yeah, its a different experience altogether. The buzz is much lighter, and there is less of a burnout I'm finding. Which really only seems to make me... more determined to stick with it.
  • #1
Hey, I just wanted to know if there are any extra risks for smoking cigarettes out of a vaporizer.

Would it extract most of the nicotine and leave the "bad" stuff, or vice versa?

Any input is welcome:)
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  • #2
dacruick said:
Hey, I just wanted to know if there are any extra risks for smoking cigarettes out of a vaporizer.

Would it extract most of the nicotine and leave the "bad" stuff, or vice versa?

Any input is welcome:)

Depending on how accurate and stable your device is, it can in fact extract much of the nicotine without releasing most of the compounds associated with combustion. As for TSCs, and benzene or other nasty things... I'm not sure, not to mention that you'd still be addicted to nicotine... not the nicest thing in the world. You'd still get most or all of the Polonium 210 there... eh. Tobacco in general, especially as it's grown and cured in modern times, is nasty nasty stuff.

Still, if you used something like the Volcano, or a medical volatilizer... you'd be in BETTER shape than smoking. For one, you don't have the intake of particulate from combustion, CO, and a certainly a measure of benzene and others PAHs, along with a lot of the tar. Do be careful however, often these devices have become associated with the use of marijuana, which, while I have no personal issue with that... has legal baggage varying on region. You don't want to be innocently using this for tobacco and have 'paraphernalia' issues arise.
  • #3
nismaratwork said:
Depending on how accurate and stable your device is, it can in fact extract much of the nicotine without releasing most of the compounds associated with combustion. As for TSCs, and benzene or other nasty things... I'm not sure, not to mention that you'd still be addicted to nicotine... not the nicest thing in the world. You'd still get most or all of the Polonium 210 there... eh. Tobacco in general, especially as it's grown and cured in modern times, is nasty nasty stuff.

Still, if you used something like the Volcano, or a medical volatilizer... you'd be in BETTER shape than smoking. For one, you don't have the intake of particulate from combustion, CO, and a certainly a measure of benzene and others PAHs, along with a lot of the tar. Do be careful however, often these devices have become associated with the use of marijuana, which, while I have no personal issue with that... has legal baggage varying on region. You don't want to be innocently using this for tobacco and have 'paraphernalia' issues arise.

Haha don't worry about the legality of this. I don't have it because I want to smoke tobacco:biggrin:. I also live in Canada so you pretty much have to be trafficking if you want to run into trouble.

Thanks for the info.
  • #4
dacruick said:
Haha don't worry about the legality of this. I don't have it because I want to smoke tobacco:biggrin:. I also live in Canada so you pretty much have to be trafficking if you want to run into trouble.

Thanks for the info.

Excellent, in that case let me just say this: 360 Fahrenheit to start, don't go higher than 390... diminishing returns. Go for multiple passes too...

...Hypothetically of course.

Hypothetically, it the case of non-tobacco, you have an even wider range between the point at which desired compounds "volatilize", and unwanted release of hydrocarbons such as Benzene. You also nearly eliminate tar, and... it's just fantastic. I recommend snagging a good one too... the cheap ones will just burn your... herbal supplents.
  • #5
nismaratwork said:
and... it's just fantastic.

Haha agreed.
  • #6
dacruick said:
Haha agreed.

I have a friend who changed from smoking, to exlusively vaporizing... lung function improved, BP fell... anecdoataly and from some limited studies, it is a VAST improvement for your health. I'm glad you're making the move!
  • #7
nismaratwork said:
I have a friend who changed from smoking, to exlusively vaporizing... lung function improved, BP fell... anecdoataly and from some limited studies, it is a VAST improvement for your health. I'm glad you're making the move!

Yeah definitely. My friend had the same vaporizer that I just bought, and he swore by it. He said you save a bunch of money, although my lungs were the primary reason for buying it. (precautionary measure since I'm 20 and have yet to develop any lung problems).
  • #8
dacruick said:
Yeah definitely. My friend had the same vaporizer that I just bought, and he swore by it. He said you save a bunch of money, although my lungs were the primary reason for buying it. (precautionary measure since I'm 20 and have yet to develop any lung problems).

He's right, definitely more effective at the extraction of... nicotine... and stuff.
  • #9
Yeah, its a different experience altogether. The buzz is much lighter, and there is less of a burnout I'm finding. Which really only seems to make me want to smoke more...
  • #10
dacruick said:
Yeah, its a different experience altogether. The buzz is much lighter, and there is less of a burnout I'm finding. Which really only seems to make me want to smoke more...
I do agree, but that's still closer than any other substitute I've tried. We don't know the long term impact on health so one should remain cautious about these vaporizer, but it's hard to believe it's not far better than smoke.
  • #11
I would recommend you try an e cigarette. it basically vaping like you are only there is no chance you will get anything but nicotine, water vapour, and maybe some flavouring. And it looks just like a cigarette!

FAQ: Using a Vaporizer for Cigarettes?

1. How does a vaporizer for cigarettes work?

A vaporizer for cigarettes works by heating up the tobacco or e-liquid to a temperature that produces a vapor instead of smoke. This vapor is then inhaled by the user, delivering the nicotine and flavor without the harmful chemicals found in traditional cigarettes.

2. Is using a vaporizer for cigarettes safer than smoking traditional cigarettes?

While there is still ongoing research, it is generally believed that using a vaporizer for cigarettes is safer than smoking traditional cigarettes. This is because it eliminates the combustion process and does not produce the same harmful chemicals found in smoke, such as tar and carbon monoxide.

3. Can I use any type of tobacco or e-liquid in a vaporizer for cigarettes?

No, not all types of tobacco or e-liquid are suitable for use in a vaporizer for cigarettes. Make sure to read the instructions and warnings carefully to ensure you are using the appropriate products for your device. Using the wrong type of tobacco or e-liquid can damage your vaporizer and potentially be harmful to your health.

4. Do I need to clean my vaporizer for cigarettes?

Yes, it is important to regularly clean your vaporizer for cigarettes to ensure it continues to function properly and to avoid any buildup of residue. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and maintenance.

5. Can I use a vaporizer for cigarettes to quit smoking?

While vaporizers for cigarettes may be marketed as a smoking cessation aid, it is important to note that they are not FDA-approved for this purpose. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before using any alternative method to quit smoking.
