Possibility of theoretical topic for undergraduate thesis

In summary, the physics major at Arizona State University is facing a dilemma. They are passionate about theoretical physics, but they are more enthusiastic about theory than experimental work. They have a research assistant job at Fermilab this summer and they are enthusiastic about the experience, but they are also hesitant to start digging a big hole for themselves in experimental work. They say that if you want to do theory, go for it, but that if you want to do theory, you should start off doing experimental work.
  • #1
If you wish to skip the back story, skip to the last paragraph.

The honors college at my university (Arizona State) requires undergraduates to complete a thesis if they wish to graduate from the honors college. I've been extremely excited about presenting a worthwhile thesis as a physics major at such a low level in the academic hierarchy, but I've got a bit of a dilemma.

While I have a gigantic passion for all this physics, I'm much more enthusiastic about theory than anything experimental. In fact, I'm double majoring in math in an attempt to prepare myself for the higher level math as much as possible. I've really had no issues so far with any of the material (this next year will be my sophomore year, but I'm a level ahead in classes) and have done plenty of research on my own about material to come--both in math and physics--by spending...probably too much time online, whether it be the forums, wikipedia, youtube, what have you.

This summer I've got a research assistant job at fermilab, where I'm working on designing a secondary beamline for an experiment set to happen within several years. It's been a fantastic experience and I've learned an unbelievable amount of material, however working here has only helped me realize more that I'd much rather be working in theory over experimental. However, as only a sophomore undergraduate, I've got so much more to learn before I even understand the tip of the iceberg of the frontiers of today's theoretical particle physics.

So, my question...
Is it realistic to strive for a substantial and worthwhile undergraduate thesis presentation in theoretical particle physics? If not, should I go for an easier area of theory or switch to experimental? I've got plenty of good material in my fermilab work. However, I don't want to start digging too big of a hole for myself in experimental. But maybe all theorists start off as experimentalists...I'm rather torn.
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  • #2
rpm4real said:
Is it realistic to strive for a substantial and worthwhile undergraduate thesis presentation in theoretical particle physics?

Unless it's a coding or data analysis project, then no. There are a lot of theory possibilities if you start doing statistical mechanics or complex systems, and there are some quantum and atomic physics projects you might be able to do theory in. The trouble with particle physics theory is that it's going to be tough to do if you haven't taken quantum field theory.

If not, should I go for an easier area of theory or switch to experimental? I've got plenty of good material in my fermilab work. However, I don't want to start digging too big of a hole for myself in experimental. But maybe all theorists start off as experimentalists...I'm rather torn.

If you have experimental data then it would work as an undergraduate thesis project. I don't think that you should be overly concerned with the exact topic of your undergraduate thesis project, since that's not going to restrict what you can do in graduate school.
  • #3
I did a theory project as an undergrad. The problem was extremely trivial but it got me digging in theoretical work.

Now that I am going to graduate school to do theory, I wish I did more experimental to build intuition and practical skills. If you want to do theory, go for it, but I would say as an undergrad keep doing experimental.
  • #4
Don't you have to approach a professor for your thesis, anyways? Just ask the theory guys if they have a thesis project for you. It is, after all, the duty of the departments to offer thesis projects (we recently ran into the issue when the German system changed from 4 years studies + 1-2 years thesis to 3 years studies + 3-4 months thesis - even the mathematical physicists managed to offer topics).
  • #5

I can understand your passion for theory and your desire to pursue it in your undergraduate thesis. It is commendable that you are already thinking about your thesis topic as a sophomore and have a clear understanding of your interests. However, it is important to keep in mind that any research project, whether theoretical or experimental, requires a strong foundation of knowledge and skills. As you mentioned, you still have a lot to learn before delving into the frontiers of theoretical particle physics.

That being said, it is definitely possible to have a substantial and worthwhile undergraduate thesis in theoretical particle physics. However, it will require a lot of hard work and dedication on your part. You will need to work closely with your advisor and potentially seek out additional resources or mentors to guide you in your research. It may also be beneficial to continue your work at fermilab and see if there are any opportunities to incorporate theoretical aspects into your project.

Alternatively, if you feel that switching to experimental research would be a better fit for you, that is also a valid option. Keep in mind that many theorists have backgrounds in experimental work, as it can provide a strong foundation for understanding the practical aspects of theoretical research.

Ultimately, the key is to find a topic that you are passionate about and that will allow you to showcase your skills and knowledge in a meaningful way. Do not be afraid to seek guidance and advice from your professors and peers as you navigate this decision. Good luck in your thesis journey!

FAQ: Possibility of theoretical topic for undergraduate thesis

1. What makes a topic suitable for an undergraduate thesis?

A suitable topic for an undergraduate thesis should be one that is relevant to the field of study and can be feasibly researched and completed within the time constraints of an undergraduate program. It should also be interesting and meaningful to the student, as they will be dedicating a significant amount of time and effort to it.

2. How do I choose a theoretical topic for my undergraduate thesis?

Choosing a theoretical topic for your undergraduate thesis can be a daunting task. It is important to consider your interests, the current research and gaps in knowledge within your field, and the availability of resources and support from your university. It may also be helpful to consult with your professors or academic advisors for guidance.

3. Can I conduct original research for my undergraduate thesis?

Yes, it is possible to conduct original research for your undergraduate thesis. However, it is important to keep in mind that the scope of the research may be limited due to time and resource constraints. It is also important to have a well-defined research question and methodology in order to produce meaningful results.

4. How can I ensure the validity of my theoretical research for my undergraduate thesis?

To ensure the validity of your theoretical research, it is important to thoroughly review and cite reputable sources, use a well-defined research methodology, and carefully analyze and interpret your findings. It may also be helpful to have your work reviewed by your professors or peers in order to identify any potential biases or flaws.

5. Is it necessary to have previous knowledge or experience in the theoretical topic I choose for my undergraduate thesis?

Having previous knowledge or experience in your chosen theoretical topic can certainly be helpful, but it is not always necessary. Your undergraduate thesis is an opportunity for you to learn and develop new skills, so it is not expected that you have expert-level knowledge in your topic from the start. However, it is important to be open to learning and putting in the necessary effort to understand your topic and conduct thorough research.

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