Quantum physics vs. quantum mechanics

In summary, the conversation discusses the difference between quantum physics and quantum mechanics and whether they are separate subfields or just different names for the same field. The speaker also questions the importance of categorization in relation to the actual practice of physics. They also mention that quantum physics and quantum mechanics are often targeted towards different audiences, with quantum physics being more beginner-friendly and quantum mechanics being geared towards graduate students and researchers.
  • #1
I've been thinking about the difference between quantum physics and quantum mechanics. What are the difference?

Is quantum physics just a subfield name, and within that there are quantum mechanics and quantum field theory etc. or are all of these three independent subfields of physics?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Mattara said:
I've been thinking about the difference between quantum physics and quantum mechanics. What are the difference?

Is quantum physics just a subfield name, and within that there are quantum mechanics and quantum field theory etc. or are all of these three independent subfields of physics?

Is there a reason why you put THIS much effort into what goes in a "name" such as this?

For me, this type of categorization has no significance and is quite interchangable. It is when a name effects the workings of physics and how it is practiced, then it matters (example: a "fermion" is not interchangable with a "boson" where the characteristics matters).

  • #3
I apologize for the inconvenience.
  • #4
in the common sense, if one's book use quantum physics
this book is written for beginners.
while quantum mechanics "terminology" is written for graduate oriented students and researchers.

FAQ: Quantum physics vs. quantum mechanics

What is the difference between quantum physics and quantum mechanics?

Quantum physics is a broad field of study that encompasses the principles and behaviors of subatomic particles and their interactions. Quantum mechanics is a specific branch of quantum physics that focuses on the mathematical framework and equations used to describe the behavior of these particles.

Do quantum physics and quantum mechanics have practical applications?

Yes, both quantum physics and quantum mechanics have numerous practical applications in fields such as electronics, computing, and cryptography. For example, the principles of quantum mechanics are used in the development of transistors and lasers, while quantum physics is essential for understanding and creating quantum computers.

Can the principles of quantum physics and quantum mechanics be observed in everyday life?

While the principles of quantum physics and quantum mechanics may seem abstract and removed from everyday life, they are actually present in many phenomena that we encounter on a daily basis. For example, the colors we see and the properties of materials we use are all governed by quantum mechanics.

Is quantum mechanics a complete theory?

No, quantum mechanics is not a complete theory and is still an active area of research. While it has successfully explained many phenomena, it is not yet able to fully explain all aspects of the behavior of subatomic particles. Scientists are continually working to refine and expand our understanding of quantum mechanics.

What are some key principles of quantum physics and quantum mechanics?

Some key principles of quantum physics and quantum mechanics include the wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and quantum entanglement. These principles help to explain the seemingly paradoxical behaviors of subatomic particles and have significant implications for our understanding of the universe.

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