Projectile motion without time and initial velocity

In summary: The original question doesn't specify a numerical answer. The question is: What is the effect on the horizontal range when the trajectory angle is changed from 42 degrees to 40 degrees.The answer is: The horizontal range is reduced.Q1: For any given projectile, what angle gives you the maximum range?A1: The answer is 45 degrees.Q2: What happens to the range as you increase that angle?A2: The range reduces as the angle is increased.Q3: What happens to the range as you decrease that angle?A3: The range reduces as the angle is decreased.In summary, the question asks for the effect on the horizontal range when the trajectory angle is changed from 42 degrees to
  • #1

Homework Statement

A shotputter projects the shot at 42 degrees to the horizontal from a height of 2.1 m. It lands 17 m away horizontally. Next, he gives it the same initial speed but changes the angle to 40 degrees. What effect does this have on the horizontal range?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried solving this by algebraic means but failed to come to the answer of 0.02m less which is given in the back of the book. Not having initial velocity or time makes this problem difficult to solve but i know that by understanding how to solve this problem I can understand how to do similar problems. I would greatly appreciate any assistance. I like to do things my self so I am not asking you to do the work for me, but perhaps send me in the right direction.
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  • #2
bur7ama1989 said:
I tried solving this by algebraic means but failed to come to the answer of 0.02m less which is given in the back of the book.
What did you try?
Not having initial velocity or time makes this problem difficult to solve
Hint: Use the initial data to solve for the initial velocity.
  • #3
So the given data is as follows:

angle = 42 degrees
yf = 0m
yi = 2.1m
xi = 0m
xf = 17m

I used the given data to produce the following six equations where "t" is time and "V" is velocity and "g" is the acceleration due to gravity -9.8m/s^2.

1) Vfx = (Vi)(cos(angle))
2) xf = (Vi)(cos(angle))(t)
3) Vfy = (Vi)(sin(angle)) + (g)(t)
4) (Vfy)^2 = ((Vi)(sin(angle)))^2 + 2(g)(-yi)
5) (-yi) = (1/2)((Vi)(sin(angle)) + Vfy)(t)
6) (-yi) = (Vi)(sin(angle))(t) + (1/2)(g)(t^2)

I solved equation (2) for time.

2) t = (xf)/((Vi)(cos(angle)))

I substituted for time in equation (6) and solved for initial velocity yielded the wonderfully long equation (7).

7) Vi = sqrt( ((g)(xf^2)) / ((2)((-yi) - (xf)(tan(angle))))

I substituted the data and yielded the following answer.

Vi = 9.019586627 m/s

I adjusted the angle and used equation (4) to solve for final vertical velocity and yielded:

Vfy = -8.647142668 m/s

I substituted the value for final vertical velocity into equation (3). I used trigonometry and the new angle and calculated initial velocity to solve for initial vertical velocity and substituted that into equation (3) as well and solved for time and yielded:

t = 1.473961346 s

I double checked the time using equation (6) and finding the roots of the parabolic function using the quadratic formula. Next I used equation (2) to find the final horizontal position and I yielded:

xf = 10.18419474 m

An obviously drastic difference compared to the answer given in the book of 0.02 m less. I even thought perhaps I misunderstood the question and I found the range for both angles using the calculated initial velocity and the following equation.

R = ((Vi^2)(sin((2)(angle)))) / (g)

The difference I calculated was about 0.08 m.

So that is all my work with the exception of the little scribbles and such. Please if you have the time, look over it and either show me where I went wrong or tell me the book is wrong. I appreciate any help. Thank you Doc Al for the help so far :D.
  • #4
bur7ama1989 said:
3) Vfy = (Vi)(sin(angle)) + (g)(t)

6) (-yi) = (Vi)(sin(angle))(t) + (1/2)(g)(t^2)
Careful with signs. The acceleration is -g, not g.

Redo your calculation for the initial velocity.
  • #5
Notice that my g = -9.8 m/s^2 . So the negative sign makes up for the presence of a positive g rather than a negative. I will redo my calculations now and get back to you.
  • #6
Ok, I believe i found my source of error. When solving for initial velocity equation (7) should turn out as following:

7) Vi = sqrt( ((g)(xf^2)) / ((2)(cos^2(angle))((-yi) - (xf)(tan(angle))))

I left out the cos^2(angle). I redid the calculations and yielded the answer in the back of the book. Thank you for your help. I should be more meticulous with my algebra.
  • #7
Excellent. I did the calculation myself, so I knew you had an error in there somewhere.
  • #8
You're not looking at this problem in the right way ... you don't need any formulas to answer the question.

Hint: For any given projectile, what angle gives you the maximum range?
What happens to the range as you increase that angle?
What happens to the range as you decrease that angle?
  • #9
zgozvrm said:
You're not looking at this problem in the right way ... you don't need any formulas to answer the question.

Hint: For any given projectile, what angle gives you the maximum range?
What happens to the range as you increase that angle?
What happens to the range as you decrease that angle?
What do your questions have to do with this particular problem? And how you suggest getting a numerical answer, which is what is asked for, without the use of 'formulas'?
  • #10
Doc Al said:
What do your questions have to do with this particular problem? And how you suggest getting a numerical answer, which is what is asked for, without the use of 'formulas'?

The original question doesn't specify a numerical answer. The question is: What is the effect on the horizontal range when the trajectory angle is changed from 42 degrees to 40 degrees.

The answer is: The horizontal range is reduced.

My questions apply to this problem as such:

Q1: For any given projectile, what angle gives you the maximum range?
A1: The answer is 45 degrees.

Q2: What happens to the range as you increase that angle?
A2: The range reduces as the angle is increased.

Q3: What happens to the range as you decrease that angle?
A3: The range reduces as the angle is decreased

So, the farther your trajectory deviates from 45 degrees, the lower your range will be.
  • #11
zgozvrm said:
The original question doesn't specify a numerical answer. The question is: What is the effect on the horizontal range when the trajectory angle is changed from 42 degrees to 40 degrees.
Read the entire first post (and the rest of the thread, for that matter) and you'll see that a numerical answer is required.

Q1: For any given projectile, what angle gives you the maximum range?
A1: The answer is 45 degrees.
That's true when the initial and final heights are the same, but not necessarily when they are not.
  • #12
bur7ama1989 said:

Homework Statement

A shotputter projects the shot at 42 degrees to the horizontal from a height of 2.1 m. It lands 17 m away horizontally. Next, he gives it the same initial speed but changes the angle to 40 degrees. What effect does this have on the horizontal range?

sin(2*42)>sin(2*40) and both angle are less than 45 degree

angle 42degree range is bigger than angle 40 degree range.
  • #13
Doc Al said:
That's true when the initial and final heights are the same, but not necessarily when they are not.

You're absolutely correct. It turns out that the optimum angle of trajectory is approximately 41.47943509 degrees, which gives a horizontal distance of about 17.00223123 meters (at the same initial velocity)
  • #14
Doc Al said:
Read the entire first post (and the rest of the thread, for that matter) and you'll see that a numerical answer is required.

I still contend that the question, as stated, does NOT require a numerical answer, even though the answer in "the book" states that the horizontal distance is 0.02 m less. In this case the numerical part of the book's answer is additional information.

Suppose the book's answer was: The horizontal distance was reduced by 0.02 m and the sun is yellow. This would not mean that a numerical answer and the color of Earth's main source of heat were required ... it's just extra information.

The answer to the question, as stated, remains: "The horizontal distance is reduced."
THAT is the effect of changing the trajectory from 42 degrees to 40 degrees.

For the question to REQUIRE a numerical answer, it should have been stated something like:
"What is the change in the horizontal distance due to the change in trajectory?"
  • #15
Doc Al said:
Careful with signs. The acceleration is -g, not g.

Just matter of perspective, but I feel that this is a more correct description:
g IS the acceleration (not -g). But, since we consider downward acceleration to be negative, the value of g is -9.8 m/s/s.
  • #16
bur7ama1989 said:
I substituted the data and yielded the following answer.

Vi = 9.019586627 m/s

The source of your mis-calculation stems from the fact that you show Vi (the initial velocity) to be 9.019586627 m/s when, in fact, this is the value of Viy (the initial vertical velocity).

Try starting with an initial velocity of 12.13705097 m/s and find the final X position at a trajectory of 42 degrees.
  • #17
zgozvrm said:
Just matter of perspective, but I feel that this is a more correct description:
g IS the acceleration (not -g). But, since we consider downward acceleration to be negative, the value of g is -9.8 m/s/s.
The point of my comment was that in common usage, g represents the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity, thus g = 9.8 m/s2. The sign depends on the convention used; in this case a = -g is appropriate. (But that wasn't the issue here, as the OP used g = -9.8 m/s2.) The important thing is that a = -9.8 m/s2.

FAQ: Projectile motion without time and initial velocity

1. What is projectile motion without time and initial velocity?

Projectile motion without time and initial velocity refers to the motion of an object that is launched into the air without any external forces acting on it and without any initial velocity. This type of motion is affected by only the force of gravity.

2. How does the motion of a projectile without time and initial velocity differ from a regular projectile?

In a regular projectile, the time and initial velocity are known and can be used to calculate the trajectory and final position of the object. In the case of projectile motion without time and initial velocity, these factors are unknown and the motion is solely determined by the force of gravity.

3. Can a projectile without time and initial velocity reach a maximum height?

Yes, a projectile without time and initial velocity can reach a maximum height. This height is determined by the initial position of the object and the angle at which it is launched. However, unlike in regular projectile motion, the time it takes to reach this height cannot be calculated without knowing the initial velocity.

4. How can the trajectory of a projectile without time and initial velocity be determined?

The trajectory of a projectile without time and initial velocity can be determined by plotting the position of the object at different points in time. This can be done by measuring the distance the object travels horizontally and vertically and then plotting these points on a graph.

5. What are some examples of real-life situations where projectile motion without time and initial velocity can occur?

Examples of real-life situations where projectile motion without time and initial velocity can occur include a ball being dropped from a tall building, a person jumping off a cliff, or a bird flying without flapping its wings. In these scenarios, the only force acting on the object is gravity, and the initial velocity and time of the motion are unknown.
