Can like charges accumulate in tight spaces despite repulsion?

In summary, at two different points of an irregularly shaped conductor, the local surface charge density was found using the values of 5.6*10^4 and 2.8*10^4 for the field. At the point with the smallest radius of curvature, charges tend to accumulate, and the calculation using E = sigma/epsilon_naught resulted in the reverse of the expected answers. There is a discrepancy between the expected and calculated values, and the reason for this could be due to the incorrect understanding of the concept by either the person asking the question or the person answering it.
  • #1
At two different points of an irregularly shaped conductor, the field had the following two values
5.6*10^4 and 2.8*10^4 respectively. Find the local surface charge density at;
1- the point with the greatest radius of curvature,
2- the point with the smallest raduis of curvature.

I know that at the point with the smallest radius of curvature, charges tend to accumulate, meaning that the first field corresponds to the point of the smallest radius of curvatire and I used E = sigma/epsilon_naught to find the two local charge densities. The answers I have is the reverse of what I got, He gave he one I had for the smallest r as the one of the greatest r! Is there anything wrong here, me or him?

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  • #2
Are you sure charge will accumulate where the radius of curvature is smallest? :-)
  • #3
that is what is said on my book?

Charges tend to accumulate at the points at which radius of curvature is the smallest, that is at sharp points.

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  • #4
If like charges repel why would they want to crowd together in tight places when they can spread out over regions of lower curvature?

FAQ: Can like charges accumulate in tight spaces despite repulsion?

What is charge density?

Charge density refers to the measure of electric charge per unit volume at a given point in space. It is usually denoted by the symbol ρ and is expressed in units of coulombs per cubic meter.

How is charge density calculated?

Charge density can be calculated by dividing the total charge within a given volume by the volume itself. It can also be calculated by integrating the charge distribution over a certain volume.

What factors affect charge density?

The main factors that affect charge density are the amount of charge present and the volume in which it is distributed. Other factors such as the shape and composition of the object can also have an impact on the charge density.

What is the significance of charge density in physics?

Charge density plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of electric fields and the interaction between charged particles. It is also a key concept in electrostatics and electrodynamics, which are important branches of physics.

How does charge density relate to electric potential?

Charge density and electric potential are directly related to each other. Electric potential is the measure of potential energy per unit charge, and it is directly proportional to the charge density. This relationship is described by the equation V = kρ, where k is a constant.
