Increase in mass & decrease in volume?

In summary, the special theory of relativity states that the mass of an object is inversely proportional to the velocity with which it is moving.
  • #1
young physical
hi everybody how are you?:smile:

this is the first time i write here , i hope i be good frind for you , & I'm sorry about my language , but i think I'm not very bad:wink: :smile: .

i have a quetion about the special theory of relativity?

Einstein sied" when the speed is increase the mass is increasing too. & the volume & tall is decrease".

if this right , so can anyone explain to me how can i imagine the increasing of mass & decreasing of volume or tall? please.:smile:

i'm sorry agian. & good bye.:smile:
Physics news on
  • #2
young physical said:
hi everybody how are you?:smile:
this is the first time i write here , i hope i be good frind for you , & I'm sorry about my language , but i think I'm not very bad:wink: :smile: .
i have a quetion about the special theory of relativity?
Einstein sied" when the speed is increase the mass is increasing too. & the volume & tall is decrease".
if this right , so can anyone explain to me how can i imagine the increasing of mass & decreasing of volume or tall? please.:smile:
i'm sorry agian. & good bye.:smile:
I'm not sure what you mean. An moving object, measured in your coordinate system, will have a smaller length (in the direction of motion) than if it were not moving in your coordinate system. Yes, as it speeds up (still as measured in your coordinate system) you will see it shrink. I'm not sure how one would "imagine" mass increasing- you can't see mass!
If you are concerned specifically about volume decreasing while mass increases, of course the density of the object is increasing.
  • #3
mass, volume,density

young physical said:
hi everybody how are you?:smile:
this is the first time i write here , i hope i be good frind for you , & I'm sorry about my language , but i think I'm not very bad:wink: :smile: .
i have a quetion about the special theory of relativity?
Einstein sied" when the speed is increase the mass is increasing too. & the volume & tall is decrease".
if this right , so can anyone explain to me how can i imagine the increasing of mass & decreasing of volume or tall? please.:smile:
i'm sorry agian. & good bye.:smile:

mass and volume are two independent physical quantities. density is defined as a function of boss. detected from two different inertial reference frames density has different values. if you are interested how it goes have a look at
  • #4
(I'm not sure what you mean. An moving object, measured in your coordinate system, will have a smaller length (in the direction of motion) than if it were not moving in your coordinate system. Yes, as it speeds up (still as measured in your coordinate system) you will see it shrink. I'm not sure how one would "imagine" mass increasing- you can't see mass!
If you are concerned specifically about volume decreasing while mass increases, of course the density of the object is increasing.)
hallow mr HallsofIvy, how are you? thanks for your explaining.

you siad"how one would "imagine" mass increasing". ok can we see the magnetic field ? No. is that right ?. but we can imagine it.

(the density of the object is increasing) that is what i want exactly>

thanks again.
  • #5
((mass and volume are two independent physical quantities. density is defined as a function of boss. detected from two different inertial reference frames density has different values. if you are interested how it goes have a look at )

mr. bernhard.rothenstein welcome. nice to meet you. thank you for your reply.
thanks for a webside. i'll read it. but may be i back to asking you about it.:).
i'm sorry but what are you mean about boss? is it a mass?.
thanks againe.
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  • #6
mass volume density

read both. contact me for any question
  • #7
young physical said:
hi everybody how are you?:smile:
Einstein sied" when the speed is increase the mass is increasing too. & the volume & tall is decrease".
I don't believe it was Einstein who said that but it is the length of an object which is parrallel to the direction of motion which contracts. Lengths perpendicular to the direction of motion remain unaltered.
if this right , so can anyone explain to me how can i imagine the increasing of mass & decreasing of volume or tall? please
You can imagine mass increase as due to changes in time and length since mass is defined in terms of momentum and momentum is defined in terms of velocity which is dependant on time and distance measurements.

For the details see my derivations here

Nobody said a complete answer would be an easy one. :biggrin:

  • #8
We know that a massive object can not reach the speed of light because its mass would reach infinity and so the energy required to accelerate the body must be infinite, what isn't possible... ??

First I understand that this is true for the observer at rest with respect to the moving body. But from the point of view of the moving observer its mass is not growing. The efect of mass increase is real but only for the observer at rest. Otherwise the moving observer would be able to detect the mass growth (for example by observing gravitational efects inside his reference frame) and so he would be able to determine his velocity, what is in contradiction to the special relativity.

So I can imagine that a moving observer having his own energy source (engine and fuel) can reach any velocity because from his point of view his mass doesn't change. Furthermore, the observer at rest, that notices the growth of mass of the moving body notices also the growth of mass of the fuel and so the energy of the fuel grows, since [tex]E = m c^2[/tex].
At the velocity that equals the speed of light both the mass of the moving observer and the energy of his fuel will equal the infinity.
  • #9
young physical said:
((mass and volume are two independent physical quantities. density is defined as a function of boss. detected from two different inertial reference frames density has different values. if you are interested how it goes have a look at )
mr. bernhard.rothenstein welcome. nice to meet you. thank you for your reply.
thanks for a webside. i'll read it. but may be i back to asking you about it.:).
i'm sorry but what are you mean about boss? is it a mass?.
thanks againe.
Every thing in special relativity is a direct conseqence of the fact that light (signals) propagate with finite and invariant speed and opf the fact that Nature prevent us from finding out that we are at rest or in a state of uniform motion!
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  • #10
mr. pmb_phy
thank you very mush my frinds that very useful.
but I'm sorry i can't discussing your replies because i have examination, but i promise you i'll back in the end of next week & i'll continue the discussion.

i'm very sorry.

young physical

FAQ: Increase in mass & decrease in volume?

1. What causes an increase in mass?

An increase in mass can be caused by various factors, such as the addition of new particles or substances, chemical reactions, or physical changes like condensation or freezing. In some cases, an increase in mass can also be due to the absorption of energy or radiation.

2. How does an increase in mass affect the volume of a substance?

An increase in mass usually leads to a decrease in volume. This is because the particles become more tightly packed together, resulting in a higher density and a smaller volume. However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as when a substance undergoes a phase change from a gas to a liquid or solid.

3. What factors can lead to a decrease in volume?

A decrease in volume can be caused by a variety of factors, including compression, cooling, or evaporation. It can also occur due to a change in pressure or a decrease in the number of particles present in a given space.

4. How do changes in mass and volume affect the density of a substance?

The density of a substance is directly affected by changes in its mass and volume. As the mass increases and the volume decreases, the density increases. Conversely, a decrease in mass and an increase in volume will result in a lower density. This relationship is described by the formula density = mass/volume.

5. What is the relationship between mass, volume, and density?

Mass, volume, and density are all interrelated physical properties of matter. Mass is the amount of matter present in an object, volume is the amount of space it occupies, and density is the measure of how tightly packed the particles are within a given volume. Together, these properties help us understand and describe the physical characteristics of different substances.

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