Are Subatomic Particles What We Assume Them To Be?

  • Thread starter Rorkster2
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In summary, scientists making discoveries in subatomic particles, such as quarks, use models to explain observed patterns. The quark model was chosen due to its ability to explain observations, and the Standard Model was constructed based on this and other models. Debunking the Standard Model may not have a significant impact on our understanding of other particles, as the model has been shown to accurately predict their properties and interactions. Paradigm shifts in science are rare, and while there are still unexplained observations, they do not necessarily disprove the current models. The limitations of measurement may also contribute to discrepancies in kinematics.
  • #1
Do the scientists making these discoveries know factually that, for example, when they split the proton and viewed quarks, that these quarks are indeed the exact thing we believe them to be or was the assumption made that because the Standard model predicted it, and that we later saw a dot cluster in a proton, that the only explanation is they are quarks?

This question applies to all subatomic particles, not just quarks. What I'm trying to get at is if the Standard Model is indeed debunked for varies reasons (i.e. Higgs Boson is proven not to exist), what would that mean for other various subatomic particles who have been viewed?
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  • #2

In science, one must have a model against which to compare observations, preferably as many competing models as you can imagine. When quarks were first proposed is was as a classification scheme to explain the pattern of baryons that has been observed. Historically I don't know what models it was competing with (the "Eightfold Way" was something of a predecessor I believe), but I am sure there were many. However it went, observations were made that the quark model explained but the others did not, thus the quark model won the day. The construction of the rest of the standard model was not so different.

As for debunking the Standard Model, well, it is unlikely it would have a hugely profound impact on our knowledge of the other elementary particles. After all we have measured their properties and interactions to be fantastically in accord with the predictions of the Standard Model, so whatever we replace it with must effectively have the same physics nested inside it. We will merely expand our knowledge, not rewrite what we already know. World-view-shattering paradigm shifts are incredibly rare. Although the recent Nobel Prize in physics was for some fairly mind-blowing observations that we have yet to explain satisfactorily :).
  • #3

Remember that these reactions are lab produced and do not necessarily mean they are the macroscopic working. Why do you think there are glaring exceptions to kinematics? Measurement interruption for one. We are incapable of measuring without interruption.

FAQ: Are Subatomic Particles What We Assume Them To Be?

1. What are subatomic particles?

Subatomic particles are the smallest units of matter that make up atoms. They include protons, neutrons, and electrons.

2. How do we assume subatomic particles to be?

We assume subatomic particles to have certain characteristics, such as mass, charge, and spin, based on experimental evidence and mathematical models.

3. Are subatomic particles really what we assume them to be?

While our assumptions about subatomic particles have been confirmed by numerous experiments, there is still ongoing research and debate in the scientific community about their true nature.

4. Can subatomic particles be broken down into smaller particles?

At this time, subatomic particles are considered to be the smallest units of matter. However, there are theories and experiments being conducted to explore the possibility of even smaller particles.

5. How do subatomic particles play a role in the universe?

Subatomic particles are the building blocks of all matter in the universe. They also play a crucial role in fundamental forces and interactions between particles, which govern the behavior of matter on a larger scale.
