Explaining the Fourth Dimension for Beginners

  • Thread starter Beetle-jucie
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In summary, the fourth dimension is as far I have experienced it the best expressed in Weather(forecasts). Not only the results of the calculations of huge computers, but also the modelling thing itself.
  • #1
Okay how can someone explain the four dimension in so that someone like me can under stand them?

I'm asking this question because my math teacher will not talk about it so that the other students would not get confused. I get the theory (or how ever you want to say it)a little bit but i still don't get the whole picture.

So if you can explain it to me or send me to another website that I might be able to get it would be a huge help to me.

please and thank you :approve:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The basic idea is not difficult once you've mastered the idea of plotting points in two dimensions by using pairs of coordinates (x,y) and then points in three dimensions by triplets of coordinates (x,y,z). If you then imagine points in 4-D with coordinates given by (w,x,y,z), you're on your way.

There are plenty of good sites for understanding what it means to add a fourth dimension to three basic ones. These ones tend to focus on 4-D cubes, since that has been something of an interest for me, but they also give you a general idea of how to think in four dimensions:

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  • #3
Hopefully this isn't simply more confusing, but here's an illustration of a 3D section of a rotating 4D cube:

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  • #4
thanks, I'm starting to get it
  • #5
CaptainQuasar said:
Hopefully this isn't simply more confusing, but here's an illustration of a 3D section of a rotating 4D cube:


I love that image. I downloaded it a while back and now use it as an avatar elsewhere, but I've forgotten where I first saw it. Do you know who made it or where it comes from?
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  • #6
It's from Wikipedia, I assume a contributor there created it because there are several different versions in the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract" article.
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  • #7
The fourth dimension is as far I have experienced it the best expressed in Weather(forecasts). Not only the results of the calculations of huge computers, but also the modelling thing itself. As Richardson used his "human" computer in the beginning of the twentieth century (because electrical were not yet available); weather is there on many spatial points and on all time. So fourthdimensional it is, as such it is modeled and as such they use their formulas.

FAQ: Explaining the Fourth Dimension for Beginners

1. What is the fourth dimension?

The fourth dimension is a theoretical concept that refers to a dimension beyond the three dimensions of length, width, and height that we experience in our everyday world. It is often referred to as the "fourth dimension of space" or "spatial dimension".

2. How can we visualize the fourth dimension?

Visualizing the fourth dimension is difficult, as our brains are programmed to perceive the world in three dimensions. However, one way to conceptualize it is to think of it as a direction that is perpendicular to the three dimensions we know. Just as a two-dimensional being (like a flat drawing) cannot fully comprehend the third dimension, we as three-dimensional beings cannot fully comprehend the fourth dimension.

3. Are there any real-life examples of the fourth dimension?

While we cannot experience the fourth dimension in our everyday lives, there are some scientific theories and concepts that involve the fourth dimension. For example, the theory of relativity and the concept of spacetime involve the idea of a fourth dimension. Additionally, some scientists believe that the fourth dimension may be related to the concept of parallel universes or alternate realities.

4. How is the fourth dimension related to time?

The fourth dimension is often linked to time, as it is thought to be a dimension that is beyond our understanding of time. In fact, some scientists believe that time is the fourth dimension. This is because time is often described as the "fourth dimension of space-time" in the theory of relativity.

5. Can we travel in the fourth dimension?

As of now, there is no known way to physically travel in the fourth dimension. However, some scientists and philosophers have theorized about the possibility of "wormholes", which would theoretically allow for travel through the fourth dimension. Others believe that human consciousness may have the ability to transcend the fourth dimension, but this concept is still widely debated and not fully understood.

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