Kinetic Energy and Nonrelativistic Collision

In summary, an atom of mass M is initially at rest, in its ground state. A moving (nonrelativistic) electron of mass m_e collides with the atom. The atom+electron system can exist in an excited state in which the electron is absorbed into the atom. The excited state has an extra, "internal," energy, E, relative to the atom's ground state.
  • #1
An atom of mass [tex]M[/tex] is initially at rest, in its ground state. A moving (nonrelativistic) electron of mass [tex]m_e[/tex] collides with the atom. The atom+electron system can exist in an excited state in which the electron is absorbed into the atom. The excited state has an extra, "internal," energy, E, relative to the atom's ground state.

Find the kinetic energy[tex] K_e[/tex] that the electron must have in order to excite the atom.
Express your answer in terms of E, M , and [tex]m_e[/tex] .

Ok, I've gotten this part so far: [tex] K_e = E + 1/2 * (M+m_e)v_2^2[/tex]
But how do you get rid of [tex]v_2^2[/tex]? The computer says that my answer shouldn't depend on [tex]v_2[/tex].
How do I get rid of v...or Is my equation wrong?
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Physics news on
  • #2
I think that M is the mass of the atom and me would be the mass of the electron, but that's editorial.

Normally in a collision of moving objects, one has an equation of energy (kinetic and potential) and an equation of momentum.

So the moving electron has kinetic energy and momentum.

It is absorbed by the atom, which is excited to some internal energy E above ground state, and there is some kinetic energy and momentum of the negative ion (electron + atom).

me << M

Nice little overview of collisions -
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  • #3
Hi quicknote,

You must use the CM system (CM=center of mass). At the limit, after the collision, the system must be at rest in this system. So, if the electron collides the atom with [tex]v[/tex] in the laboratory coordinate system, in the CM coordinate system the electron is moving with a velocity given by the difference [tex]v-v_{CM}=v-\frac{mv}{M+m}[/tex]. The atom will have the velocity [tex]v_{CM}=\frac{mv}{M+m}[/tex]. The initial velocity (or its kinetic energy) of the electron can be obtained now from the conservation law of total energy in this system.


Good luck!
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  • #4
Hey Astronuc and Clive,
thanks for taking a look at the question. I think I got it.

To find the electron's kinetic energy it would be

Using conservation of momentum, [tex]v_f[/tex] is [tex]v_f = m_e v_o/(m_e+M)[/tex]

Using formula for kinetic energy, find K_f of the atom/atom is [tex] k_f = 1/2 (m_e+M) v_f^2[/tex]

subbing in v_f gives: [tex] K_f = \frac {\ 1}{2} (m_e +M)( \frac {\ (m_e v_i)}{m_e + M})^2 [/tex]

Using formula for kinetic energy, eliminated v_i from previous step.
[tex] K_f = \frac {\ m_e k_i}{m_e+M} [/tex]

Finally, subbing back into K_e = E + K_f, I get:

[tex] k_e = \frac {\ E}{1- \frac {\ m_e}{m_e +M}}[/tex]


But now that I look at this looks familar, but I'm not totally sure. Can anyone confirm it?

Thanks again
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  • #5
It's correct, but...

I'm probably not seeing something super basic, but how did you go from the velocity-less equation for K_final to that one for k_e? I think my algebra must be off since I'm having problems figuring out how to go from:

K_f = \frac {\ m_e k_i}{m_e+M}


k_e = \frac {\ E}{1- \frac {\ m_e}{m_e +M}}
  • #6
You need to enter K_f into the equation K_i= E + K_f
Therefore K_i= E + m_e/(m_e+M)*K_i
Then solve for K_i
K_i - m_e/(m_e+M)*K_i=E
K_i * [1-m_e/(m_e+M)]=E
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  • #7
Perfect, thanks. :)

FAQ: Kinetic Energy and Nonrelativistic Collision

1. What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its motion. It is dependent on the mass and velocity of the object, and is represented by the equation KE=1/2mv^2, where m is the mass and v is the velocity.

2. What is nonrelativistic collision?

Nonrelativistic collision is a type of collision between two objects where the velocities of the objects are much smaller than the speed of light. This means that the effects of relativity can be ignored in the calculations.

3. How is kinetic energy conserved in a nonrelativistic collision?

In a nonrelativistic collision, kinetic energy is conserved, meaning that the total kinetic energy of the objects before the collision is equal to the total kinetic energy after the collision. This is based on the principle of conservation of energy.

4. What is the equation for calculating kinetic energy in a nonrelativistic collision?

The equation for calculating kinetic energy in a nonrelativistic collision is KE=1/2m1v1i^2 + 1/2m2v2i^2, where m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects and v1i and v2i are their initial velocities.

5. What factors affect the amount of kinetic energy in a nonrelativistic collision?

The amount of kinetic energy in a nonrelativistic collision is affected by the masses and velocities of the objects involved. The greater the mass and velocity of an object, the more kinetic energy it will have. Additionally, external forces such as friction can also affect the amount of kinetic energy in a collision.
