Are The Elementary Particles Truly 'Elementary'?

In summary: There is evidence that something further underlies the Standard Model, but there's no clear evidence for compositeness of particles. The concept of "elementary" is no longer used in modern theory, and real particles are described as a mud of infinitely many interacting particles. But there are some basic properties like charges and mass that remain. The theory is still evolving and may be subsumed by another in the future. In QFT, it does not make sense to speak of a single particle as they are surrounded by pairs of particles. The description is still that of a collection of elementary particles, which is supported by how well the model describes the system and the available degrees of freedom. So far, our current best description of particles is that they
  • #1
I would like to know what your, and the general physics community think about whether the elementary particles we recognise today such as fermions, bosons and leptons are truly indivisible or are just made out of something smaller.
People named the atom 'the atom' because it mean indivisible, are we just at another stage of not knowing what comes next?
Thanks in advance for your opinions
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  • #2
While it's clear that something further must underlie the Standard Model, it's not at all clear that this comes in the form of compositeness of the particles. Such "preon" models have been proposed, but there's no evidence for them. If anything, the LHC is suggesting that the next layer of the onion lies at even higher energies than we currently explore.
  • #3
AFAIK, "elementary" is not a concept of modern theory any more. Noninteracting particles are purely fictional and real particles can at best be described as a mud of infinitely many interacting particles. All that remains are some basic properties of the particles like charges, spin and mass.
  • #4
Underlying the mud is a quantum field theory, and elementary particles are by definition the ones whose fields appear in the Lagrangian.
  • #5
Ok, but is the "decomposition" of interacting particles into non-interacting ones appearing in the un-renormalized Lagrangian unique and does it have physical significance?
  • #6
I teach pre physics and chemistry to private high school students in central nj. I am looking for someone that has worked with atoms to speak to my classes on an elementary level. Any ideas?
  • #7
I think that at this point, and certainly for a long time into the future, it's best to think in terms of effective field theory. That is, the standard model is an approximation to some higher energy theory, and so what look like elementary particles when probed up to the TeV scale may not turn out to be in the higher energy theory. But it's not really a question of 'reality', since this theory may be subsumed by another, and so on and so forth. If you're willing to think of these theories simply as ever better approximations to reality, then the correct thing to say is, "Our current best description describes electrons, quarks, bosons as fundamental particles."
  • #8
This is a question that has only one possible logical answer, "we don't know".

It cannot be answered "yes", only "we have seen no evidence that they are not".
It cannot be answered "no", because that would lead to the question, "so, is the next level down elementary"?
  • #9
Vanadium 50 said:
"we have seen no evidence that they are not".
The absence of such evidence is some evidence that the particles might be elementary.
Electron and muon g-factors, for example, are extremely close to the predicted value for elementary particles, while protons and neutrons (which are known to be composite) have completely different values.
  • #10
Yes, but that only provides - and only can provide - an upper bound.
  • #11
Please do not be quick to pounce if this is an irrelevant question, I am still in High School, and still have much to learn. This is directed at the original post: when the question of, 'whether elementary particles are divisible...' I couldn't help but think of Superstring Theory, or potentially, (but not necessarily,) 11 Dimensional Supergravity. But I don't know if these are applicable, or if the Original Post wanted an answer in The Standard Model, or if my understanding of Supergravity and Superstring theory are even correct. Feel free to give me feedback.
  • #12
In relativistic QFT it does not make sense any more to speak of a single particle. If you look close enough at e.g. an electron you will see that it is surrounded by electron positron pairs and you cannot even distinguish which one is the original electron and which one belongs to the pairs. This is the main topic of renormalisation theory.
Hence it also makes no sense to think of an elementary particle as some indivisible point particle.
  • #13
DrDu, yes, the only thing you will ever measure are quasi-particles that consist of, as you called it, mud of elementary fields. But the description is still that of collection of elementary particles, which is supported indirectly by how well the model describes the system, as well as available degrees of freedom. While any meson will act as if it consists of an entirely mess of quarks, it will act as an entire mess of quarks that are themselves behaving as elementary point particles. If these particles did not behave as elementary at energy scales we are used to, these would manifest in additional degrees of freedom, which would alter the parton distributions of mesons, which would ultimately manifest in Deep Inelastic Scattering and Drell-Yan type experiments.

In other words, our accelerator data, so far, supports existence of elementary particles that make up the quasi particles we observe, consistent with standard model.

FAQ: Are The Elementary Particles Truly 'Elementary'?

1. What are elementary particles?

Elementary particles are the building blocks of matter and are the smallest known particles in the universe. They cannot be broken down into smaller components and are thought to be indivisible.

2. How many types of elementary particles are there?

There are currently 17 known elementary particles, which are grouped into two categories: fermions and bosons. Fermions include particles such as quarks and leptons, while bosons include particles like photons and gluons.

3. Are elementary particles truly 'elementary'?

The term 'elementary' is used to describe particles that are currently not known to have any internal structure. However, it is possible that in the future, new technologies or discoveries may reveal that these particles are composed of even smaller components.

4. How do we know that elementary particles exist?

Elementary particles have been detected and studied through experiments using particle accelerators. These experiments involve colliding particles at high speeds and analyzing the resulting interactions and particles produced.

5. What is the significance of understanding elementary particles?

Understanding elementary particles is crucial to our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and the workings of the universe. It also has practical applications, such as in the development of new technologies and in the study of dark matter and energy.

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