Egg Drop Challenge: Minimize Mass and Avoid Padding

In summary, to drop an egg off school bleachers without using any padding, cushioning, or packing material, the contraption must be of the smallest possible mass. Suggestions include using an assortment of straws, tape, and popsicle sticks to create a frame around the egg, with flexible straws potentially helping to lower the time the egg hits the ground and reduce the impulse. This method was used by a school's science olympiad team successfully.
  • #1
I need to drop an egg off my school bleachers. I can't use any kind if padding, cushining, or packing material. The entire egg may be covered but does not have to be. The contraption also needs to be of the smallest possible mass. Please post any suggestions that you can. Thank you all.
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  • #2
I believe my schools science olympiad team had to do this.

I'm not sure how they did it but they used an assortment of straws tape and popsicle sticks. The egg was suspended in the middle, surrounded by straws that were taped together and the outter frame was made of popsicle sticks.
  • #3
Remember you don't want the egg to break. So you should lower the impulse the egg has with the ground. Impulse= Force x Time.

Try to lower the time the egg hits the ground. flexible straws could help.

FAQ: Egg Drop Challenge: Minimize Mass and Avoid Padding

1. What is an egg drop challenge?

An egg drop challenge is a fun and educational STEM activity where participants are tasked with designing a contraption that can protect an egg from breaking when dropped from a certain height.

2. What is the goal of the egg drop challenge?

The goal of the egg drop challenge is to design a contraption that minimizes the mass and avoids padding while still successfully protecting the egg from breaking. This encourages participants to think creatively and use critical thinking skills to come up with an effective solution.

3. Why is minimizing mass and avoiding padding important in the egg drop challenge?

Minimizing mass and avoiding padding is important because it adds an extra level of difficulty to the challenge and encourages participants to think outside the box. It also simulates real-world engineering challenges where minimizing weight and materials is crucial for efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

4. What are some common materials used in the egg drop challenge?

Common materials used in the egg drop challenge include paper, straws, popsicle sticks, rubber bands, balloons, and plastic cups. These materials are lightweight and easy to manipulate, making them ideal for designing and constructing a contraption.

5. How can I ensure my egg will not break in the egg drop challenge?

There is no guaranteed way to ensure that your egg will not break in the egg drop challenge, but some tips for success include using materials that absorb impact, distributing weight evenly, and creating a cushioning effect with layers of materials. It is also important to test and make adjustments to your contraption before the actual drop to improve its chances of success.
