Doing physics w/ astronomy in university

In summary, if you're not comfortable with calculus, you'll likely have a harder time in physics courses. However, you can still do well if you're willing to work hard.
  • #1
Alright so I was thinking a lot about doing physics w/ astronomy in university. Now the problem is I don't do physics (I did introductory stuff in science class from age 13-15, but it wasn't offered as a single subject after that). So would I be crazy to do it in university? I could get the entry requirements and all that. Just want to know if it would be a wise decision.
Physics news on
  • #2
You could pretty much jump straight into physics if you know the math (You'll probably only use algebra and trig for first year stuff).

I only took physics in high school, then didn't take the introductory 100 course in my school, but jumped straight into the "real" physics courses (still only trig and algebra, though)

A guy I had class with didn't even take physics in high-school and he did fine. You'll be fine as long as your math is good.

  • #3
College physics with only algebra and trig? Wow. I took that kind of physics my freshman year of high school, and calculus-based physics my senior year of high school (AP Physics Mechanics). All physics courses at my university require calculus knowledge.

Preceptor, don't worry about your lack of physics in high school. If you're willing to work hard and learn in college, you'll be fine. You might want to read a bit before you start if you're worried.
  • #4
Laura1013 said:
College physics with only algebra and trig? Wow. I took that kind of physics my freshman year of high school, and calculus-based physics my senior year of high school (AP Physics Mechanics). All physics courses at my university require calculus knowledge.
Preceptor, don't worry about your lack of physics in high school. If you're willing to work hard and learn in college, you'll be fine. You might want to read a bit before you start if you're worried.

I agree...while my university offers algebra/trig based physics courses, the entry level physics that engineering and physics majors must take is all calc based. anything algebra based is for remedial purposes.
  • #5

The only physics in my comminuty college don't have any calc in them, then the Uni I want to transfer to (University of Washington) has first year physics as no-calc also.

I mean, the courses had calculus requirements, but you never actually did any.

  • #6
? I'm a physics major and my intro physics course discussed at least some calc be the end of the first week. I don't mean that it was hardcore calc but it was still there
  • #7
The most we did was like integrate dA or things like that. I don't even count that as calculus. Oh and we used calculus to derive the velocity needed to escape Earth's gravity. But we really didn't do that much. It's definitely in the book we used, but we just never used it. We used Giancoli's Physics for Scientists and Engineers 3rd edition.

  • #8
Poop-Loops said:
The most we did was like integrate dA or things like that. I don't even count that as calculus. Oh and we used calculus to derive the velocity needed to escape Earth's gravity. But we really didn't do that much. It's definitely in the book we used, but we just never used it. We used Giancoli's Physics for Scientists and Engineers 3rd edition.


In a calc-based physics course, most of the very fundamental concepts and definitions will be explained in terms of calculus.
  • #9
G01 said:
? I'm a physics major and my intro physics course discussed at least some calc be the end of the first week. I don't mean that it was hardcore calc but it was still there

I took the physics for biology and chemistry majors (not as watered down as for non-science majors, but not as hard-core as for a physics major), and even in that course we used calculus within the first week.

However, this is the intent of a General or Introductory level course, to get everyone up to speed and at the same starting level, regardless of high school background, before starting the upper level courses.

If you have not had any physics in high school, think about a back-up plan though. If you've never taken any courses on a subject, it's really difficult to make an informed decision about whether you'd like that major. So, take the introductory class and find out if it's really what you expected and want to continue doing.
  • #10
So you guys are basically saying I'm behind... :(

Dammit, I've hit so many snags trying to get my physics degree so far and it's only my 2nd year. :(

  • #11
It depends on the university...

Take the two top primarily undergraduate universities in Canada for example (Mount A and StFX - according to Macleans). Mount A has a non-calculus based intro course while StFX uses calculus extensively.
  • #12
At least I'm taking Calc anyway... this year I'm taking multivariable calc, linear algebra, and diff EQ's, so it's not a total waste...


FAQ: Doing physics w/ astronomy in university

1. What is the difference between physics and astronomy?

Physics is the study of matter, energy, and their interactions, while astronomy is the study of celestial objects and phenomena in the universe. While both fields use similar principles and mathematical techniques, physics focuses on understanding the fundamental laws of nature, while astronomy focuses on the observation and study of objects in the universe.

2. Can I major in both physics and astronomy in university?

Yes, many universities offer a combined major in physics and astronomy. This allows students to gain a strong foundation in both fields and explore the many connections and overlaps between the two disciplines.

3. What career opportunities are available for those who study physics and astronomy?

There are a variety of career paths available for those with a background in physics and astronomy. Some common career options include research positions in academia or government agencies, engineering, data analysis, and education. Many graduates also go on to pursue advanced degrees in related fields.

4. What kind of skills are important for success in physics and astronomy?

Critical thinking, problem-solving, and mathematical proficiency are essential skills for success in physics and astronomy. Strong communication skills and the ability to work well in teams are also important, as many projects in these fields involve collaboration with others.

5. Are there any specific courses I should take in high school to prepare for studying physics and astronomy in university?

Taking advanced math and science courses, such as calculus, physics, and chemistry, in high school can help prepare you for studying physics and astronomy in university. It can also be beneficial to develop strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as to gain experience with computer programming and data analysis.

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