Cutest Guy/gal At Physicsforums

  • Thread starter PrudensOptimus
  • Start date
In summary, participants are asked to post pictures and give ratings on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the cutest. Some participants express concerns about the gender ratio and eligibility for judging. The conversation also includes introductions and discussions about interests, locations, and funny pictures. There is also a suggestion to have additional criteria for the judging process.
  • #36
All right parsons, finally got it to work. There!

Notice that funky hairstyle? You're looking at the future of the fashion world.
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Physics news on
  • #37
Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I'M in love with Bubonic Plague! (THERE'S a sentence I never thought I'd pen.) Talk about a FLIRT!
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  • #38 . It was a worthless cam, but it was all I had at the moment.

Oh, and even though I'm a PF neophyte, I give my vote to Monique.
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  • #39
Originally posted by Descartes . It was a worthless cam, but it was all I had at the moment.

Oh, and even though I'm a PF neophyte, I give my vote to Monique.

You and your cat look a lot alike.
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  • #40
Why don't you post a pic evo?:wink: I mean, we've already seen monique.
And since you're only other girl, you should
  • #41
Originally posted by Evo
You and your cat look a lot alike.

Doh! I fixed it.
  • #42
Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I'M in love with Bubonic Plague! (THERE'S a sentence I never thought I'd pen.) Talk about a FLIRT!

[zz)] I get that a lot...


This is me sporting my new tan for the bathing suit competition. Feel free to tell me how good i look.
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  • #43
Originally posted by Evo
Here it is.


forgot the link?
  • #44
Originally posted by Bubonic Plague
[zz)] I get that a lot...


This is me sporting my new tan for the bathing suit competition. Feel free to tell me how good i look.
HEY! Who's your FRIEND?
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  • #45
Am I the only one who can't see ANY :frown: of the pictures??

sorry :(
  • #46
HEY! Who's your FRIEND?

Don't let him steal your attention from the hightlight of the contest.

Am I the only one who can't see ANY of the pictures??

Try This:
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  • #47
It is a nice square with a X in it..
  • #49
You mean this one...

are you the one on the left, or the right??
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  • #50
are you the one on the left, or the right??

All alpha males are hairy.
  • #51
Originally posted by Bubonic Plague
Go directly to the source then,
Ah, THERE you are! I wonder why it didn't work the other way

I CAN see it now in the reply mode.. weird.
  • #52
Originally posted by Bubonic Plague
All alpha males are hairy.
Why do you look so different in the first picture? Are u scammin' us? Is that REALLY you? And if so, WHICH ONE? How can lovely Monique chose you if you change your appearance so much between pix? C'mon Bubo. Which one of those little sweeties is the real you?
  • #53
Ya know, the more I think about this, the more I think Monique and Evo should rethink this whole plan. I mean, I KNEW my KISA (knight in shining armor ) in the physical world before I hitched up with him, so I knew what I was getting into. (At least - I THOUGHT I knew what I was getting into... His mom tried real hard, numerous times, to warn me... hmmmm) Never mind. Carry on.
  • #54
Why do you look so different in the first picture? Are u scammin' us? Is that REALLY you? And if so, WHICH ONE? How can lovely Monique chose you if you change your appearance so much between pix? C'mon Bubo. Which one of those little sweeties is the real you?

I have girlfriends from each alphabet: Anna, Betty, Carla, Denise, Elizabeth, Franklyn, Geraldine, Hanna, Ilise, Jessica, Karen, Lily, Monica, Nivea, Oliveriase, Pamela, Quila, Rebecca, Sarah, Vicki, Wendy, Xiu yin, Yenlin, Zelary, but none starting with t and u. I was about to make you my T when you questioned my honesty...oh well...
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  • #55
Hummm if I were a female in this forum, and I saw some guy telling of "24 previous(?) partners" (Being scientifically minded and knowing that the way to derive someones "Aids index/quotient" {Sexual risk factor} is simply to square the # of previous parteners...humm 242) I would well, be nice to them, but not anything else/further...ouch!
  • #56
Originally posted by Zantra

forgot the link?
No, I attached a jpg, but the forum ref has to post it, I believe. My pictures are posted in the member photo thread, towards the end, in general discussion. One with glasses on & one without.
  • #57
Originally posted by Evo
No, I attached a jpg, but the forum ref has to post it, I believe. My pictures are posted in the member photo thread, towards the end, in general discussion. One with glasses on & one without.

I found them. You are very pretty indeed. I like glasses on women...
  • #58
Originally posted by Bubonic Plague
I have girlfriends from each alphabet: Anna, Betty, Carla, Denise, Elizabeth, Franklyn, Geraldine, Hanna, Ilise, Jessica, Karen, Lily, Monica, Nivea, Oliveriase, Pamela, Quila, Rebecca, Sarah, Vicki, Wendy, Xiu yin, Yenlin, Zelary, but none starting with t and u. I was about to make you my T when you questioned my honesty...oh well...
You're honesty is not in question here, dear. I'm merely trying to get the facts and assist our two lovely ladies in the judging. Becoming your 'T' gf is not an option, as I am very married! Also, being one of 25 (or 26 if you ever find your 'Ursula') is not my idea of a great relationship. Monique, Evo, use caution with THIS one! (I must protect my sweet girls from all of you swarthy y-chromosome carriers!) I AM AN ASSISTANT JUDGE, TOOTS. YOU NEED TO BE SUCKING UP TO ME ! ONE BAD WORD FROM ME TO MY TWO LOVELY PRINCESSES, BUB, AND YER OUT ON YER EAR! (it's good to be QUEEN.):wink:
  • #59
Monique is the resident HOTTIE on PF. I fall into the "well preserved fossil" category.

But, I can still judge.

Descartes, I also like glasses on men.
  • #60
Ok, here’s what we have so far.

Prudens Optimus – Totally cute!

JCSD – adorable, my kind of guy

Adam – devilishly handsome

Bubonic Plague – shape shifting cutie

Descartes – mysterious, shadowy good looks – bonus for cute cat!
  • #61
Originally posted by Evo
Ok, here’s what we have so far.

Prudens Optimus – Totally cute!

JCSD – adorable, my kind of guy

Adam – devilishly handsome

Bubonic Plague – shape shifting cutie

Descartes – mysterious, shadowy good looks – bonus for cute cat!
Excellent synopsis - but when do we start the talent and swimsuit competitions? (Please don't deprive me of seeing some nerds in swimsuits! It would do so much to cheer me up! I've been down in the dumps lately. Do you think they well wear their shoes and socks with their swimsuits? Where will they hide their pocket protectors?) THAT'S when this will get interesting!

Monique! It's up to you! What now?[?]
  • #62
Originally posted by Evo
Ok, here’s what we have so far.

Prudens Optimus – Totally cute!

JCSD – adorable, my kind of guy

Adam – devilishly handsome

Bubonic Plague – shape shifting cutie

Descartes – mysterious, shadowy good looks – bonus for cute cat!

:D Thanks, we are waiting for your pic too!
  • #63
Ok, you asked for it.

Now through the magic of Photoshop, What I after 30yrs and 40 pounds.
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  • #64
Originally posted by Integral
Ok, you asked for it.

Now through the magic of Photoshop, What I after 30yrs and 40 pounds.

Once a hunk, always a hunk Integral. I must say, I am still fanning myself after that first picture.

I must say, we here at PF have more than our fair share of good looks.
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  • #65
Originally posted by Integral
Ok, you asked for it.

Now through the magic of Photoshop, What I after 30yrs and 40 pounds.

lol? that looked pretty original to me.
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  • #66
Originally posted by PrudensOptimus
lol? that looked pretty original to me.

I must admit I am pretty good with photochop*.

Can you do it?

* I can crop with the best of them!
  • #67
Originally posted by Evo
Once a hunk, always a hunk Integral. I must say, I am still fanning myself after that first picture.

I must say, we here at PF have more than our fair share of good looks.

Complements will get you...


Never thought of myself as a "hunk" more like a chunk anymore!
  • #68
Alright... it must be said that i am easily the cutest gal to ever grace pf... at least in my opinion

... and yeah... I'm still conceited as ever...

  • #69
Hummm if I were a female in this forum, and I saw some guy telling of "24 previous(?) partners" (Being scientifically minded and knowing that the way to derive someones "Aids index/quotient" {Sexual risk factor} is simply to square the # of previous parteners...humm 242) I would well, be nice to them, but not anything else/further...ouch!

Yes yes, i know the rules but relax man, this is casual.

You're honesty is not in question here, dear. I'm merely trying to get the facts and assist our two lovely ladies in the judging. Becoming your 'T' gf is not an option, as I am very married! Also, being one of 25 (or 26 if you ever find your 'Ursula') is not my idea of a great relationship. Monique, Evo, use caution with THIS one! (I must protect my sweet girls from all of you swarthy y-chromosome carriers!) I AM AN ASSISTANT JUDGE, TOOTS. YOU NEED TO BE SUCKING UP TO ME ! ONE BAD WORD FROM ME TO MY TWO LOVELY PRINCESSES, BUB, AND YER OUT ON YER EAR! (it's good to be QUEEN.)

Woah! A blatant abuse of power if i ever saw one. Hot-dang Zantra fer transferring power to them...

Oh well...if you must dashing good looks in the second photo was due to me going fer plastic surgery...

The tabloids will be having a field day...
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  • #70
Originally posted by Bubonic Plague
Woah! A blatant abuse of power if i ever saw one.

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