Predicate logic implication and quantifiers

In summary, C is a tautology and will always be true, while D can be false in certain cases. It is important to double check truth tables and use concrete examples to fully understand the implications of these formulas.
  • #1

Homework Statement

C = (Ax)(EY) (p(X) -> p(Y))

D = (EX)(Ay) (p(X) -> p(Y))

Are C and D equivalent?

Homework Equations

Truth table for implication

T T -> T
T F -> F
F T -> T
F F -> T

The Attempt at a Solution

Well I believe C is true is all cases and is a tautology whilst D is not true.

C is true as you can set y = x to make p(Y) true if P(X) is true if x and y belong to the same set.

D is false for example if have p{n | n is prime}, and have x is 3 then p(X) will be true but for all y if x and y belong to N then some p(Y) will be false making the formula overall false.

Is this correct? Has anyone got any tips on whether this is right?
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  • #2

As a fellow scientist, I agree with your analysis of the two formulas. C is indeed a tautology and will always be true, while D can be false in certain cases. Your example using the set of prime numbers is a good demonstration of this.

One tip I would offer is to always double check your truth tables and make sure you have considered all possible cases. Also, it's always helpful to use concrete examples like you did with the prime numbers to better understand the implications of the formulas. Keep up the good work!
  • #3

Yes, your understanding of C and D is correct. C is a tautology because it is always true, while D is not always true because there may exist cases where p(X) is true but p(Y) is false. In other words, C is a stronger statement than D because it covers all possible cases, while D only covers some cases. As for tips, it may be helpful to think of specific examples to better understand the implications and quantifiers in these statements.

FAQ: Predicate logic implication and quantifiers

1. What is the difference between implication and quantifiers in predicate logic?

Implication (→) is a logical connective that expresses a conditional relationship between two statements. It means that if the first statement is true, then the second statement must also be true. On the other hand, quantifiers (∀, ∃) are used to express the quantity or scope of the variables in a statement. Universal quantifier (∀) means "for all" and existential quantifier (∃) means "there exists".

2. How are implication and quantifiers used in predicate logic?

In predicate logic, implication and quantifiers are used to express the relationships between statements and variables. Implication is used to show the logical consequences of a statement, while quantifiers are used to specify the scope of a statement by quantifying the variables involved.

3. What is the difference between universal and existential quantifiers?

Universal quantifier (∀) means "for all" and is used to express that a statement is true for every possible value of the variable. On the other hand, existential quantifier (∃) means "there exists" and is used to express that there is at least one value of the variable for which the statement is true.

4. How do you negate an implication statement in predicate logic?

To negate an implication statement (A → B) in predicate logic, you can use the logical operator ¬ (not) to negate both the antecedent (A) and consequent (B) of the statement. This would result in the negation of the original statement, which is (¬A ∨ B).

5. Can quantifiers be used in conjunction with implication in predicate logic?

Yes, quantifiers can be used in conjunction with implication in predicate logic. For example, a statement with universal quantifier (∀) and implication (→) can be written as "For all x, if P(x) then Q(x)". This means that for every value of x, if P(x) is true, then Q(x) must also be true.

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