What career options are available with a degree in applied math?

  • Thread starter mobiusdafrost
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In summary, the individual spent most of their college career preparing for grad school in either theoretical physics or pure math. However, after taking upper-divs and a research experience, they have decided that they do not want to pursue pure math or experimental physics. They are now considering careers in finance, engineering, or applied math and are unsure which one is the right fit for them. They have limited background in finance and are not a hands-on person. They are considering engineering, but are hesitant due to their dislike for experiments. They have also heard that at the PhD level, engineers do more theoretical work rather than hands-on. They have taken some applied math courses but found them boring. They are unsure which degree to pursue as they have the same
  • #1
i spent most of college preparing for grad school in either theoretical physics or pure math. after taking many upper-divs (and enjoying them)and an REU, I'm pretty sure that I don't want to do pure math, and not experimental physics either. Also, probably not theoretical physics, but I'm more open to that.

i'm leaning now towards more applicable careers like finance, engineering, or applied math. which one is right for me? i have absolutely no background in finance. I'm not really a hands-on person, don't like experiments, and didnt really like my experimental physics REU, so maybe engineering isn't right for me. on the other hand, i heard some areas like grad level EE can be very theoretical, which sounds like i may like it. the only applied math I've taken are upper-div DEs and PDEs and they were rather boring as well. what the hell should i do now?

also, i have about the same number of units left to get either physics or applied math degree, so which should i get?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
well actually upperdiv DEs and PDEs were alright, i enjoyed them, just not passionate about them

i heard that at the phD level, engineers do a lot of theory and not hands on work, is this true?

also, i only took one programming class, c++, and didnt really like it
  • #3
mobiusdafrost said:
i heard that at the phD level, engineers do a lot of theory and not hands on work, is this true?

Most engineers I know did experimental work in their Ph.D. programs... even one student whose thesis was originally just supposed to be theoretical. Although there are things like signal processing, etc. that might be more computational.

Generally, it is easier to get funding in a physics program when your work is experimental, but students can do theory work... it's just a bit more likely that they'll have to TA, to fund their way through.

I'm not sure how funding goes in an applied math department... but it sounds to me like that might be the route for you... while most of the applied math people I knew/know where/are working on physics problems (biophysics modeling, etc), I'd imagine a fair number are working on financial problems, traffic problems, security processes, etc.

What I'd really suggest doing is an internet search on graduate programs in different types of departments. Looking at the various research around (and what preparation you'd need to be accepted) might might help you narrow down what to do now.
  • #4
hasnt anyone else experienced the same dillemma as me?
  • #5
I would advise you to choose an engineering career such as; electrical or computer engineering and double major with physics or maths if you can. You can also be an engineer and research theoretical sciences, as engineering also provides you much about theoretical sciences alone, opens your way for mastering various sciences, and of course to applied sciences;)
  • #6
well learning about circuits and computers sounds so boring, which is why I'm very hesistant about EE and computer engineering. mechanical/aerospace sounds mroe interesting but I'm concerned they use a lot of fluid mechanics which i didnt enjoy in freshman physics. the physics i enjoyed the most are quantum and stat mech
  • #7
physics girl phd said:
I'm not sure how funding goes in an applied math department... but it sounds to me like that might be the route for you... while most of the applied math people I knew/know where/are working on physics problems (biophysics modeling, etc), I'd imagine a fair number are working on financial problems, traffic problems, security processes, etc.

What I'd really suggest doing is an internet search on graduate programs in different types of departments. Looking at the various research around (and what preparation you'd need to be accepted) might might help you narrow down what to do now.

yeah i noticed some applied math faculty are doing work in physics and statistical mechanics and such which sounds interesting.
  • #8
i think I'm going to do applied math for grad school as it seems to have more options rather than ME or EE in signals, which seems kinda restricted to engineering
  • #9
mobiusdafrost said:
also, i have about the same number of units left to get either physics or applied math degree, so which should i get?

Hum... difficult figuring out what type of job you'll enjoy when you get out of school.

But you seem to enjoy math and the advanced courses related to mathematics. the people that I've known to get math degrees honestly become actuaries for insurance companies.. but the brightest/coolest girl math major I knew got her B.A. in Math and now works for a company named Accenture.. which looks like a fricking sweet company. I'll send you a few links for it..


So, if I were in your position, I'd go ahead and go into applied math and check out that company. The girl working there loves it.
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FAQ: What career options are available with a degree in applied math?

1. What steps should I take to plan my future?

There are several steps you can take to plan your future. First, identify your goals and aspirations. Then, research different career paths and educational opportunities that align with your interests. Next, create a timeline and set achievable short-term and long-term goals. Don't be afraid to seek advice and guidance from mentors or professionals in your chosen field. Finally, stay organized and regularly reassess your plan to make necessary adjustments.

2. How can I determine what career is right for me?

Start by considering your skills, interests, and values. What do you enjoy doing? What are you good at? Think about what motivates you and what kind of work environment you thrive in. You can also take career assessments or seek out internships or job shadowing opportunities to gain experience and explore different industries. Remember, it's okay if your career path evolves over time – stay open to new opportunities and experiences.

3. Should I focus on short-term or long-term goals when planning my future?

It's important to have a balance of both short-term and long-term goals when planning your future. Short-term goals help you stay focused and motivated in the present, while long-term goals provide a bigger picture and guide your overall trajectory. Make sure your short-term goals are specific, achievable, and contribute to your long-term goals.

4. Is it important to have a backup plan when planning my future?

Having a backup plan can provide peace of mind and help you feel more prepared for any unexpected changes or challenges that may arise. However, it's also important to stay flexible and open to new opportunities. Your backup plan should not limit your potential or prevent you from pursuing your dreams.

5. How can networking help with planning my future?

Networking is a valuable tool for planning your future. It allows you to connect with professionals in your field of interest, gain insights and advice, and potentially open up new opportunities. Attend career fairs, join professional organizations, and utilize online platforms like LinkedIn to build your network. Remember to maintain these connections and actively seek out opportunities to network and learn from others.

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