When do you use u-substitution in integration?

  • Thread starter JessicaJ283782
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In summary, you use "u-substitution" in integration when the argument of the more complex function is of the same "family" as the less complex function. It is a simpler technique compared to other methods such as integration by parts and trig substitutions. You can also use it when the change of variable will facilitate the computation for you.
  • #1
When do you use "u-substitution" in integration?

I understand how to use it, but I'm just getting really confused on when you use it? Is there a way you can look at the problem and tell you need substitution vs. other methods? We have a final coming up, and obviously we won't have too much time to think so any suggestions are appreciated! Thank you!
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  • #2
I think a good indicator that you should use it is if you have a function inside the integral and if you know its derivative, you see the derivative as well.

Take for example


You probably know that the derivative of sin(x) is cos(x)dx. So in that particular case its easy to call sin(x) u, then du is just the derivative of u, so then your integral becomes ∫u du, which is much more clean and easy to solve.
  • #3
Substitution is among the simpler techniques that can be used, as compared to integration by parts and trig substitutions. I find that it is good to try out the simple substitutions before going on to the more complicated techniques. Being more complicated, they tend to take more time and offer more opportunities for errors.
  • #4
Generally, the rule of thumb for integrating by substitution is having an integrand such that the argument of the more complex function is of the same "family" as the less complex function. For example, take:
[itex]\int e^{x^2} \ 2x dx[/itex]
In this example, the more complex function is the exponential, thus, we will check to see if the argument of the exponential is the same as the other function. The argument of [itex] e^{x^2}[/itex] is [itex] x^2 [/itex], thus [itex] \frac{d}{dx} x^2 = 2x [/itex], which is a polynomial like the less complex function. On another note, if you have a rational function (a ratio of two polynomials), nine times out of ten, [itex] u [/itex] will be the denominator.
When the argument of the more complex function is not of the same class as the other function, such as
[itex]\int e^{x^2} sin(x) dx[/itex]
you will have to integrate by parts.

I hope this made sense.
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  • #5
You use the "u-substituion" when you think that this change of variable will facilitate the computation for you.


For example: compute the integral ##\int \sqrt{1-x^2}dx##

Well, I know that ##\cos(\theta) = \sqrt{1-\sin(\theta)^2}##, so if I say that ##x = \sin(\theta)## thus

##\int \sqrt{1-x^2}dx = \int \sqrt{1-\sin(\theta)^2} d\sin(\theta) = \int \sqrt{1-\sin(\theta)^2} \frac{d\sin(\theta)}{d\theta}d\theta = \int \cos(\theta) \cos(\theta) d\theta= \int \cos(\theta)^2 d\theta## and this last integral is easy of compute

FAQ: When do you use u-substitution in integration?

1. When do you use u-substitution in integration?

U-substitution is a technique used in integration when the integral involves a function within a function, or when the integral involves a variable raised to a power. It is also used when the integral involves a product of functions. Essentially, u-substitution is used to simplify the integrand and make the integration process easier.

2. How do you know when to use u-substitution?

You can identify the need for u-substitution by looking at the integrand and seeing if it contains a function within a function, a variable raised to a power, or a product of functions. If any of these are present, u-substitution can be applied.

3. What are the steps for using u-substitution in integration?

The steps for using u-substitution are as follows:

  1. Identify the part of the integrand that can be substituted with u.
  2. Choose u and replace that part of the integrand with u.
  3. Take the derivative of u and substitute it for the remaining variables in the integrand.
  4. Simplify the integral using algebraic manipulation.
  5. Integrate the new, simplified integral with respect to u.
  6. Substitute back in the original variable for u in the final answer.

4. Can u-substitution be used for all integrals?

No, u-substitution is not always applicable and there are some integrals that cannot be solved using this technique. It is important to first identify if the integral involves a function within a function, a variable raised to a power, or a product of functions before attempting to use u-substitution.

5. Are there any other techniques for integration besides u-substitution?

Yes, there are several other techniques for integration such as integration by parts, trigonometric substitution, and partial fractions. Each technique is useful for different types of integrals and it is important to understand when to use each one in order to solve integrals effectively.

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