Is the 2-Dimensional Cross Product Equivalent to a 90-Degree Rotation?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a cross product, particularly in higher dimensions. It is explained that in two dimensions, the cross product is a scalar and can be represented by the determinant of a 2x2 matrix formed by the vectors. However, in higher dimensions, the cross product returns a matrix or tensor that is not geometrically generalizable. It is also mentioned that in differential geometry, cross products can be thought of as the Hodge dual or wedge product of two vectors, depending on the context. The conversation also touches on the concept of orthogonal complement and how it relates to the cross product.
  • #1
I'm not even sure such a thing exists :P.

Anyway, if it does, is it correct that it is:
Xc = -Y
Yc = X
(rotation 90 deg counter clockwise)

Couldn't find anything about it on google...
Physics news on
  • #2
Magos said:
I'm not even sure such a thing exists :P.

Anyway, if it does, is it correct that it is:
Xc = -Y
Yc = X
(rotation 90 deg counter clockwise)

Couldn't find anything about it on google...

The two-dimensional equivalent of a cross product is a scalar:

[tex]\hat{x} \times \hat{y} = x_{1}y_{2}-x_{2}y_{1}[/tex]

It's also the determinant of the 2x2 row matrix formed by the vectors. I don't think it's usually used, though. Unlike dot products, cross products aren't geometrically generalizable to n dimensions.
  • #3
Yes,it's a particular case of a more general statement.Since in a 2D euclidian space a 1form is a vector,then the cross-product of these vectors in,of course,the Hodge dual of the wedge product of the two 1forms,which,according to the general theory

[tex] \left[\ast\left(A\wedge B\right)\right]=\epsilon^{ij}A_{i}B_{j}=A_{1}B_{2}-A_{2}B_{1} [/tex]

  • #4
SpaceTiger said:
The two-dimensional equivalent of a cross product is a scalar:

[tex]\hat{x} \times \hat{y} = x_{1}y_{2}-x_{2}y_{1}[/tex]

It's also the determinant of the 2x2 row matrix formed by the vectors. I don't think it's usually used, though. Unlike dot products, cross products aren't geometrically generalizable to n dimensions.

Okay,which part of "differential geometry" didn't u get...?? :rolleyes:

What is a dot product...?

  • #5
dextercioby said:
Okay,which part of "differential geometry" didn't u get...?? :rolleyes:

In four dimensions or more, the "cross product" returns a matrix. Yes, you can come up with some geometrical object to describe this matrix, but you're no longer working with vectors, so the concept isn't the same. This is what I mean by "not geometrically generalizable". My apologies for not being more precise.

What is a dot product...?

I hope you're kidding. If not, check Mathworld.
  • #6
There's no matrix...Consider a 6 dim manifold and compute the Hodge dual of a wedge product of two 1forms (which are actually covectors) and u'll end up with a 4 form...What matrix are u dreaming about...?

I wanted to know whether u know what a scalar product is...


P.S.It bears a name only for 3D euclidean space (in which 1forms=covectors-------->vectors),viz. cross product...
  • #7
dextercioby said:
There's no matrix...Consider a 6 dim manifold and compute the Hodge dual of a wedge product of two 1forms (which are actually covectors) and u'll end up with a 4 form...

Yeah, I'll get right on that. You're right, though, I should have said "tensor", not matrix.
  • #8
there is a rather lengthy discussion of these issues in the thread tom mattson is running on geometric interpretation of diff forms. probably located in the diff geom dept.
  • #9
A 4-form is not a tensor, either, SpaceTiger. I'm afraid dexter has you on this one; he's right.

- Warren
  • #10
It is a (0,4) tensor on the manifold...:wink: "p" forms are (0,p) totally antisymmetric tensors .The em 4potential is a covector/1form,the em tensor (double covariant,antisymmetric tensor) is a 2form,its Hodge dual is a 2form as well,etc

I didn't like that "cross products aren't geometrically generalizable to n dimensions" part.Cross product needn't be generalized,other concepts in diff.geom.need to take particular values in order to find the cross product...

  • #11
Ouch. Dexter, can I borrow your brain for a few weeks? I won't hurt it, I promise.

- Warren
  • #12
isn't that a matter of terminology? i.e. exterior forms are often referred to as "alternating tensors".

i.e. for any module or vector space, its exterior algebra is a quotient of the tensor algebra by the homogeneous ideal generated by all squares of elements of degree one. no?

so in this sense an exterior form is an equivalence class of tensors.

there are skew - symmetric and well as symmetric tensors.

indeed if we think dually of a tensor as a field of multilinear functionals on the tangent spaces, as is usually done in differential geometry, then adding a condition like skew symmetry, merely restricts the class of tensors to a subclass.

in this sense antisymmetric tensors are actually a subfamily of the general tensors, hence they are actual tensors, and not just equivalence classes of them.
  • #13
as duscussed at length elsewhere, given a dot product, each vector subspace of R^n has an orthogonal complement, hence given a k plane in R^n, and a number, we can pass to the orthogonal complement paired with the same number.

this prthogonal dualization process is called cross products or hodge dual, or whatever you want in various contexts.

in oriented three space a plane and a number thought of as an oriented area, passes to a line perpendicular to that plane, and that number thought of as an oriented area, i.e. a vector in that line. that is called "cross product" of any two vectors in the original plane spanning the plane and spanniong a parallelogram with oriented area equal to the given number.

in higher dimensions, the orthogonal complement of a k plane is an (n-k) plane, so the cross product of two vectors would be an (n-2) dimensional object. it is simpler to just think of it as a 2 dimensional object, called the wedge product of the two vectors, i.e. essentially the plane they span, plus the oriented area of the parallelogram they span.

alternatively, one can take n-1 vectors instead of only 2, and say their cross product is the vector determined by the orthocomplement of the n-1 plane they span.
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  • #14
Thanks mathwonk. I never studied differential geometry, but your explanations make the issue a good bit clearer.

FAQ: Is the 2-Dimensional Cross Product Equivalent to a 90-Degree Rotation?

1. What is a 2-dimensional cross product?

The 2-dimensional cross product, also known as vector cross product, is a mathematical operation that takes two 2-dimensional vectors and returns a scalar value. It is denoted by a x b and represents the area of the parallelogram formed by the two vectors.

2. How is a 2-dimensional cross product calculated?

The formula for calculating the 2-dimensional cross product is: a x b = (ax * by) - (ay * bx), where ax and ay are the components of vector a, and bx and by are the components of vector b.

3. What is the significance of the direction in a 2-dimensional cross product?

The direction of the 2-dimensional cross product is perpendicular to the plane formed by the two vectors. It follows the right-hand rule, where if the index finger of the right hand points in the direction of vector a and the middle finger points in the direction of vector b, then the thumb will point in the direction of the cross product.

4. What are some real-world applications of the 2-dimensional cross product?

The 2-dimensional cross product has various applications in physics and engineering, such as calculating torque in mechanical systems, determining the direction of rotation in 2D motion, and finding the magnetic flux in electromagnetic fields.

5. How does the 2-dimensional cross product differ from the 3-dimensional cross product?

The 2-dimensional cross product only works with 2-dimensional vectors and returns a scalar value, while the 3-dimensional cross product works with 3-dimensional vectors and returns a vector. Additionally, the 3-dimensional cross product takes into account the third dimension, whereas the 2-dimensional cross product does not.
